Me, The Station Reporter

Chapter 93: Big Customers

On the morning of the next day, Elijah officially announced that it would unite the richest people in the country to jointly invest a total of 5 billion meters of gold to establish a relatively comprehensive light industry and introduce production lines for various light industrial products.

Moreover, Elijah officials have announced strong support for the development of various industries, such as paper industry, agricultural machinery industry, daily products industry, food processing industry, sugar and salt industry, clothing and leather manufacturing industry, household appliance industry, lighting industry Appliance industry……………………

In general, Elijah officials will strongly support all physical manufacturing related to food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Later, Elijah officials also announced a message that in order to protect the development of Elijah's light industry, import taxes will be increased on any imported commercial products.

As soon as such news appeared, although all parties were a little shocked, they did not take it seriously.

The main reason is that Elijah's market is too small, with only more than 9 million people in total. Countries cannot afford to go to war for such a small market.

If it were replaced by a large market with hundreds of millions of people, the major economic powers would definitely explode.

On the other side, in the cabinet meeting room of Asan Kingdom, a brief discussion meeting was being held.

On the main seat, President Alamd of the three countries of Afghanistan was wearing a black and white gown and a pair of glasses between his nose.

He looked at the cabinet members sitting on the left and right of 530 and said loudly: "Everyone, according to various sources, Huanyu Industries is indeed a powerful military industry group, and when purchasing weapons and equipment from Huanyu Industries, there will be almost no additional Do we need to contact Jiang Cheng for other conditions?"

"Your Excellency, the development of our country's defense industry is very backward. Almost most of the advanced weapons and equipment rely on imports. However, we paid a high amount of money and got weapons and equipment that have been eliminated by other countries. In the past, we had no way. , we can only hold our noses to admit it, but now, we have a better choice." On the right, Kulig, the Minister of Defense of the three countries, could not help but speak.

When Kulig talked about the weapons and equipment sold by various countries to Asan Kingdom, anger suddenly appeared on his face.

Internationally, the National Defense Forces of the Asan Kingdom are looked down upon by all walks of life and are also known as the funny army.

Why is this?

The main reason is that every once in a while, a series of negative information will be released in the Asan Kingdom: fighter planes crashed, tanks exploded, rocket launches failed, warships sank, (cdcd) submarines hit rocks, etc.

The National Defense Forces have continuously released negative information, which has made the senior officials of Asanguo feel ashamed and has also become the target of ridicule from all parties.

In fact, the National Defense Forces of the Asan Kingdom are not so miserable.

Last year, some media published rankings of the military strength of various countries. The media made a ranking based on 50 factors including each country's population, number of troops, level of weapons and equipment, transportation and logistics, reserve resources, industrial capacity, and economic aggregate.

In this ranking, Asan Kingdom ranks fourth, second only to the United League, North Bears, and Dragon Kingdom.

Although this ranking is a bit watery, in any case, the Asan Kingdom is not a weak country, and it can finally be ranked among the top ten in the world.

You must know that Asan is the second most populous country in Blue Star, with a population of more than one billion. Its economic aggregate ranks sixth in the world, and its GDP last year was as high as 2.6 trillion yuan.

Although the industrial development of Asan is relatively backward, relying on many factors such as its huge population, vast territory, and rich natural resources, it is known as the country most likely to catch up with the three poles of the world.

Unfortunately, due to backward industrial development, most of the advanced weapons and equipment in the three countries, such as tanks, fighter planes, warships, ships and other heavy weapons, rely on imports.

In short, the weapons and equipment equipped by Ah Sanguo are extremely inconsistent, and there are models of various brands, referred to as Wanguo brand.

There is no way, if you can't make it yourself, and the ones you make are not up to standard, then you can only buy from others.

At this time, the finance minister of the three countries said: "In recent years, our country's economy has developed rapidly. Last year's total GDP reached 2.6 trillion yuan. The Ministry of Finance has also squeezed out a large part of the funds to invest in national defense development. .

Such words are undoubtedly a stabilizing needle. They are telling everyone present, don't panic, we still have money left.

Immediately afterwards, Defense Minister Kulig said: "Everyone, the reason why our country's navy, land and air forces have frequent accidents is entirely because the weapons and equipment we purchase are refurbished second-hand obsolete goods.

"Hateful guys such as the American League, the Eagles, the Northern Bears, and the Gaul, they refurbish their decommissioned weapons and equipment and sell them to us, or sell them to us at high prices. It's like their consciences have been eaten by dogs.

"These decommissioned weapons and equipment have been in service for a long time, and various parts and components have been severely worn. We have been equipped with such weapons and equipment [can it prevent accidents?"

"What Minister Kulig said is correct." Foreign Education Minister Ah San cleared his throat and said: "Some time ago, at the Black State Alliance Conference, I met President Elijah Reed, and I asked him about it. , he told me clearly that the weapons and equipment sold by Jiang Cheng are all brand new, of excellent quality, and can be called the best of the best."

"Just imagine, you spend the same money, or even more money, but you buy second-hand obsolete goods. This kind of thing can never be allowed to happen again in the future."

After hearing this, President Alamd of the three countries nodded slowly. He looked at the cabinet members on the left and right and said: "It has been half a year since the last arms procurement. Since the Ministry of Finance can still come up with money, then we really need to Got in touch with Jiang Cheng."

"Your Excellency, I don't think it's appropriate..." Suddenly, there was an objection. The speaker was the Minister of Industry of Asan Kingdom. He frowned and said: "If we cooperate with Jiang Cheng, we may even issue military products to Huanyu Industry. Order, what will Midland United and Western countries think of us?"

As the second most populous country, Asan Kingdom's imaginary enemy is the Dragon Kingdom. Therefore, Asan Kingdom has always followed the footsteps of the Western world.

The Western countries led by the Midland United also attach great importance to the Asan Kingdom and have been wooing them in order to prevent the Asan Kingdom from falling to the North Bear or Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, the annual military purchases of the three countries are not a small amount. If this order is taken by others, how can the United Arab Emirates and Western countries be happy!

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