Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 32: Burst the audience!

Mu Fan is No. 697, and there are a hundred people behind, but it is obvious that the Academy Observers and military personnel don’t think there will be stronger students. Those who are under 20 years old and have level 18 can be found in the examination room on the entire planet of Amethyst. One is luck, not to mention that this person has appeared now.

   Now people are lacking in interest, and they don’t even pay much attention to the next ten people.

   Zhang Yuanren looked at the direction of the examiner area with a smile on his face. He believed that the people over there would see his strength, and he cleverly dealt with the compliments of a group of people with various purposes.

  As the eldest son of Zhang's family, he was able to deal with this kind of thing. This time he came here to take this test not only because of the arrangement in the family, but also his own ideas.

   Since he has such strength, why hide it? Humph, that's the behavior of the weak.

   Three generations of the Zhang family are heroes!

   "Since you have the strength, why hide it?"

   Mu Fan raised the corner of his mouth, and fought desperately in Planet Loga, passing by death many times, isn't it just for such a chance.

   Now... the opportunity is here.

The corner of his eye scanned the surroundings. At this moment, there was really no one paying attention here. Except for the conscientious military personnel, the second lieutenant was no longer affected by the test after Mu Fan and his party entered the field, and stared like a wolf instead. This group of people.

  Qualified soldiers, don't let others influence your emotions.

   The second lieutenant stood upright in the field, shouting.

   "The strength test begins."

   The group raised their arms solemnly and began to accumulate energy, except for Mu Fan.

   Yes, except for Mu Fan.

   Mu Fan stood in front of this well-made 2A-class strength tester, looking at the familiar shape, feeling the breath of attention, and feeling excited.

One month ago, I still couldn’t eat enough. One month ago, I needed to continue to make money. I didn’t know the black one month ago. I never thought that the world outside of Planet Loga was like this one month ago. wonderful!

   I thought of the black that changed my destiny, of my back against the wall every night looking up at the starry sky, of the countless star thief I killed with my own hands, of the dreamlike blood and black that came across the galaxy.

   I think of the seven years I have been alone!

   Now, I finally stand on the stage of this dream, finally waiting for this day!

   Mu Fan was excited, his fists creaked.

  Who knows the hard work I have put in to stand here, who knows my unforgettable dream over the years!

   17-year-old Mu Fan stood quietly in the arena, tears in his eyes.

   "Examinees over there, what are you doing! Hurry up and test." An invigilating observer noticed the situation here and sternly reminded them that they were not interested in wasting time on useless people.

   Mu Fan stood there with red eye circles, his head slightly to the side, watching the examiner over there.

   What kind of look is that! The young man's eyes were like a wolf, his thin and tight lips, hot tears slipped from Mu Fan's eyes at this moment, and he looked straight at the famous examiner, the observer of Bonnard Union College.

   "If you don't take the test, go down!" This observer saw Mu Fan's expression. There are so many people like this, and he does everything for his performance.

   Other examinees outside the field also noticed the back of No. 697 standing there with his fists clenched, but they couldn't see Mu Fan's expression, they only looked at the stubborn figure of the boy who was motionless.

  The people off the court felt a little funny.

   is a bit funny, what is this place, the survival of the fittest, if not, go out, just like the person who was forcibly taken away before.

   Other observers also looked at this kid, and the ensign noticed the situation here and was ready to walk over.

   Mu Fan stared at the observer and suddenly grinned, with a cheerful smile on his face. The tears rolled down from the corner of his eyes and stopped streaming.

   Then suddenly his smile disappeared, and Mu Fan rolled back on the ground with his right foot, stopped, and bowed his knee with his left leg. The left hand took a false aim, the right hand slowly pulled back, and the whole person maintained a front posture of a horse-stride punch.

   Lieutenant stopped his pace, as long as the normal examination is fine.

   Hum, crazy. The observer of Bonnard College pouted boringly, causing the surrounding observers to laugh.


   Lieutenant's eyes narrowed.

   Suddenly he felt his hair explode!

   What did he see! The muscles of the boy's right arm started to squirm strangely, and the blue veins attached to the arm were twisted back and forth by the constantly changing and swelling muscles.

   Mu Fan was only wearing an ordinary T-shirt at the moment, and the strange change in the exposed half of his arm was clearly seen by the nearest ensign. What kind of muscle strength it is that can produce such an obvious change!

  His momentum is still improving!

what happened?

   This time, the martial arts masters standing in the adjacent area opened their eyes almost at the same time, and they looked at this place in unison. A burning flame suddenly appeared in their mental perception, bright and dazzling.

  The burning flames of fighting spirit!

  Which martial arts master inspired the flame of fighting spirit?

   The results of the other nine people have come out.





   There is still one person missing, number 697.

  Why doesn't he punch yet?

   No one knew that Mu Fan's vision was already blood red at this moment.

A thick blood covering the field of vision, now Mu Fan’s eyes only have the target in front of him. The cells in his body are violently releasing the huge energy that has been hidden for a long time. Mu Fan can clearly feel that his muscle fibers are expanding, tearing, and healing, and then Continue to expand and tear...

   Then a familiar huge force began to manifest in the deepest part of the body.

   Now that Mu Fan's right arm has been slowly pulled to the end, the left palm covered with veins suddenly began to shake, and then became an irregular tremor.

   drink! ! ! what!

   Mu Fan finally couldn't suppress the lava-like heat in his body, and hit it straight out with a fist with a shadow.

  The group of martial arts masters finally locked their eagle-like eyes on the boy wearing the T-shirt, and then they saw the disappearing!

   Half a second after the shadow fell heavily on the target platform of the strength tester, a deafening muffled noise spread throughout the audience.

   Observer Bonnard who was smiling suddenly resembled a rooster pinched around his neck, and another observer holding a water glass smashed the cup in his hand without knowing it.

  Dingchuan Academy The assistant teacher hiding by the side also opened his mouth wide.

  What did he see? Rubbing his eyes, he was right.


   The whole audience also exploded, and the palm of the ensign was sweaty.

   He clearly saw that the target platform of the strength tester more than half a meter thick was dented in, and the most frightening thing was the value displayed on the screen.


   Break through the power of level 20!

   Break through the power of level 20! ! ! Very close to the power of 21! !

   Zhang Yuanren, with a calm smile outside the field, stuck, and ten martial arts masters looked at the kid who was standing with his head bowed and his shoulders shaking with his monster eyes.

   Everyone present looked at the screen with incredible eyes, and instantly focused their fiery eyes on the thin figure.


   The shoulders were shaking, Mu Fan panted heavily, suddenly raised his head and clenched his fists.

   "Ah!" A long suppressed roar burst out of his throat.

you guys……

Did you see it?


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Xin Dian Shang" for the reward of 588 coins!

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