Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 33: I will test

   (Congratulations to the new rudder master "Poetry and Painting, Ren Xiaowei")

   The observers in the examiner area have stood up excitedly, level 20, no, this is quasi 21! ! !

   quickly check the information, the examiner area was quiet and scary for a while, and everyone was looking up the personal information of candidate No. 697.

   "No. 697, Mu Fan, from...Planet Loga?"

   "What planet is that."

   Everyone was a little bit stunned for a while, indicating that they had never heard of this planet.

  , the assistant teacher of Dingchuan Academy hiding next to him said weakly: "I know."

   A group of people turned their heads to stare at him and wiped away their sweat. The assistant teacher was glad that his astronomy scores were pretty good, and quickly explained to this group of people who are all higher than him.

   When they heard that Planet Loga is located in the most fringe area of ​​the Federation, the economy and technology are extremely backward, and the conditions are quite difficult, the group of people are silent.

   Then... a bunch of people's faces were flushed, and they almost stood up.

   The scared assistant teacher shrank his neck and hurriedly hid.

   "We want this student from Aurora Academy!"

   "This is the talent the Federation needs, and we at Bonnard College absolutely treat him favorably."

   "Joke, but you were the only one who targeted the child just now." This time the observer of the Pulang Military Academy finally raised his eyebrows and said sarcastically.

   The face of the observer at Bonnard College first turned purple, then red again, but a group of people saw the face-changing skill.

   "I don't believe that he doesn't need the appreciation of the speaker!"

   "Hey, it's a pity that you can't represent the Lord Speaker." Suddenly, his rough voice interrupted him directly, and the observer of Bonnard College looked back angrily.

   Then his neck shrank, he saw Ruan Xiongfeng, a veteran soldier!

   At this moment, the big bald head was scratching his head and watching Jiao walk over with interest, and asked where the kid was just as he walked.

   "Ruan Xiongfeng, aren't you not coming out? Why can't you sit still!" The people from the four major colleges saw the old gangster coming out, and they immediately unanimously asked the audience.

"I can't breathe when I come out, and then I just heard that a kid has broken through level 20?" Ruan Xiongfeng grinned and touched his stubble chin, pretending to be thoughtful: "This is barely enough for this instructor. Yes, the Army needs such excellent cannon fodder!"

  Cannon you uncle! This is also called cannon fodder, and the remaining ones are directly called hostages. Didn't you see the faces of the soldiers who heard your words stiff? The shameless old soldier.

   A group of people in the academy really looked at the unreasonable instructor Ruan Da angrily, but the big bald face was full of uncomfortable hitting me, making them helpless.

   Can't beat, beat me!

   He was able to destroy everyone present.

   Why is this a level 25 martial arts master!

   Seeing a group of people speechless in anger, Ruan Xiongfeng smiled triumphantly, and then asked the teaching assistant where the kid was.

   "Over there, the boy in position 7." The assistant looked at his boss with admiration. It was a thing to lose. The group of people turned off when they met the boss.


   Mu Fan, who had just finished roaring happily, didn't know what happened in the examiner area. He only knew that through the reactions of people around him, he succeeded.

   The second lieutenant looked at Mu Fan with an inexplicable look in his eyes. This is the elite, and this is worthy of the army officer's reserve special move! !

   Myself... I'm afraid this kid would have been punched through just now.

   At the top of level 19, he thought he could crush these people, hehe.

   As expected, the new generation replaced the old.

   Mu Fan certainly didn't know that the decisive officer had just had so many thoughts.

   "Let's take an endurance test." The officer still shouted with due diligence, and the test still needs to go on.

   But when Mu Fan stood in front of the martial arts master in the dreaded eyes of the crowd, a scene that no one expected happened.

   The middle-aged man in a black fighting suit actually bowed at the moment when Mu Fan was standing, a standard colleague bowed, actually using the meeting etiquette among martial arts masters.

   An uproar at the scene!

   The middle-aged man raised his hand to signal a timeout, and then said loudly to the ensign over there: "Ensign Nick, I'm sorry, I don't think I am qualified to test the master in front of me."

Grandmaster! This middle-aged man actually called Mu Fan a master! ?

   Everyone present suddenly grasped the details of this language keenly.

  Who can make martial arts masters call them masters...there are only their fellow men, could it be that they saw the clue through the punch of the boy just now! ?

  The middle-aged man in black clothes was full of admiration at this moment. If he hadn't noticed the strange details of the young man's force, I am afraid he would only think that this is a young man with natural power. Seeing the four unbridled recruiting and recruiting moves, as well as the outrageously accurate steps that came by.

   Let him say that this is just a teenager with a natural and supernatural power, and he doesn't believe it anymore.

   To treat masters of the same level, we must give due respect.

   The second lieutenant is in trouble, but this is the first time he has encountered this situation. In this situation, does he coerce these martial arts masters? I'm afraid it's a joke, but pass it directly? There is no such precedent.

   Or do it by yourself, anyway, I am not so particular about it.

   Just as the second lieutenant was about to make a decision out loud, as if someone had seen his embarrassment, a lazy and vile and vigorous male voice sounded:

   "Lieutenant Nick, let me test that it doesn't violate the regulations, right?"

   Old gangster?

  Old soldier ruffian!

   Other people in the examiner area looked at the humanoid tyrannosaurus beside them in a daze. What are you going to do? What if you miss him and maimed him! No, absolutely not!

   A group of observers shook their heads like a rattle, but soon they were disappointed.

   "It turned out to be Captain Ruan! It will be okay for you to test." Nick looked up and saw that the familiar bald head was not the legendary Captain Ruan Xiongfeng who retired to the academy circulating in the army! This is my idol. He has never been able to say anything before, but now he takes the initiative to speak.

   Lieutenant's heart fell to the ground, and Ruan Xiongfeng took the initiative to take the matter, which was the best result.

   Sure enough, **** is still hot, and the ensign admires his idol very much!

   "Hey, that's okay, I'll go on." Ruan Xiongfeng, wearing a tight-fitting college teacher uniform, touched his big bald head and appeared in front of everyone cheerfully.

   The candidates are dumbfounded, they don't know who this person is in front of them.

   "Oh, right, first prove my Ruan Xiongfeng said suddenly, and then with a hooligan smile, he hit the strength tester next to him with a fist.

   Mu Fan and the martial arts masters narrowed their eyes.

   They clearly saw that at the moment when Ruan Xiongfeng's fist was thrown out, the space around the fist seemed to be squeezed, showing inconspicuous ripples.


   The huge echo resounded throughout the audience.

   The 2A class strength tester was shaking.


   Break through the existence of level 24 power!

   "Well, that's it without any effort, but it should be enough." Ruan Xiongfeng said cheerfully to everyone.

   The silent crowd who was shocked by this random punch nodded stupidly.

   I saw a wild mech today...

   "Boy over there, how many levels do you want to test, level 20?" The bald-headed uncle Shi Shiran came up and asked casually.


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" 1888+588 coins for reward! Congratulations to the new rudder master!

  Thanks to book friends for "professional viewing free" 200 coins, "Dawn Wind Shadow" 110 coins for rewards! Thanks to book friends "Quick", "leoland88", "Drifting Drops of Ghost" and "Flying Crossing a" 100 coins for rewards!

  Thanks to book friends "Lonely Momo" for 20 coins, "Soviet Armored Infantry", "Moonnight", "Soviet Armored Infantry", "C Qi Da", and "Book Friends 140203220144722" for 10 coins for rewards!

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