Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1230: Almost perfect modified machine

To put it bluntly, the plan proposed by You Jia is to integrate all the top technologies and then play to the extreme. Without the support of these technologies, then she would be a clever woman who can't cook without rice. Wanting to achieve such a result is idiotic.

The creative staff complimented each other, and in the end, You Jia came forward to inspect Chen Feng's feelings in the test just now, and wanted to know if he felt that he was not satisfied enough, or what was wrong.

Chen Feng answered no. In the simulation system, he felt that his modified machine had come to an unprecedented stage, almost reaching its peak in all aspects, and even the thinnest strength problem before had been greatly improved. If there are any shortcomings, it is to abandon heavy armor to ensure the flexibility of the mecha, resulting in the defense capability only at the midstream level.

There are gains and losses. You can't require a mecha to have all the methods, while having strong power, fast speed, invincible attack and solid defense, even the special planes of three "God of War" Neither can reach this level.

Therefore, Chen Feng is very satisfied. At this time, he will not deny the fact that there are no opponents in the modified machine, because it is indeed the case. Let me ask the world's modified machine, who can choose such extravagantly among many technologies. Picking and picking and weeding out unsuitable or counterproductive ones.

Since Chen Feng, as the driver, was very satisfied, You Jia asked Chen Feng to continue the next stage of testing. The simple statistics have been completed. Next, we will test the performance of the battle. I hope this modified machine is not a fist. , Can still exert combat effectiveness in various combat environments.

Chen Feng stayed in the test room all day and never came out. The brand-new driving experience made him reluctant to end the test, constantly defeating simulated enemies one after another, and it took less and less time to win. The modified machine experience is getting deeper and deeper. .

In order to obtain more effective data, You Jia also watched without a break. The small notebook in his hand was densely written with many words. Obviously, both of them had put all their energy into it.

Teacher He has many years of R&D experience, and he knows the truth that haste is not enough. Seeing the continuous test of these two young people dripping water, he intervened and interrupted them: "You can't test anymore, you should rest. Rest, eat and eat, let your body adjust, otherwise I will not let you continue to use the test room."

Chen Feng stuck out his tongue and left the simulation cabin for the test. After studying under Teacher He for several years, he knew that Mr. He would not be merciful when he said such things with a straight face. He stopped the test obediently, and then he felt himself. The head is a little dizzy, and the legs are a little soft.

Helping Chen Feng out of the testing room, he saw You Jia rubbing his temples standing at the door of the testing room. The two smiled bitterly at each other. Chen Feng said, "You were also driven out by Teacher He? Are you feeling okay?"

"I paid too much attention to recording your test data. I haven't taken a break during this period, and my head hurts a little." You Jia was still rubbing her temples, and too much thinking made her thinking become a little slow. Fortunately, Teacher He stopped in time. Otherwise, there will be negative effects.

The two people leaned close together, understood each other's physical condition, and walked towards the door together as they spoke, because they both felt hungry and wanted to find something to eat to fill their stomachs.

Walking to the entrance of the research building, Chen Feng found that it was completely dark outside. It turned out that they had been testing in the research building for a whole day without knowing it: "Did we test for so long today? It was actually dark outside. ."

"You two have been testing in the morning until now. The people in the research room have not noticed after a few waves. The old man called you to stop only when you were in the wrong state." Montalelli followed the two and explained to them. What happened today.

"Haha, I'm so excited to finally get my modified machine back into the battle, and improve it so much." Chen Feng scratched the back of his head embarrassedly, repeatedly saying that he didn't mean it.

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, there was a sound of "gumming" from his stomach, making Montalelli laugh and laugh: "No matter how you like to drive a mecha, don't forget that you haven't eaten. Look, your own body is there. Protested."

Speaking of this, You Jia became worried, where else could they go to eat: "So we are going out to find a place to eat, but now it's so dark outside, I guess the stores are basically closed."

"Teacher He has already ordered takeout for you, just wait here." Montalelli called the two back and took them to the room where they rested. He kept shaking his head on the way: "The present Young man, I don’t care much about my body. If I had tried as hard as you before, I would have died long ago."

How can Chen Feng and You Jia dare to refute it? It is true that they are wrong today. The continuous test without rest all day has also caused other people in the research building to work overtime with them. This kind of thing can't happen again, otherwise Even if Teacher He doesn't say anything, other people who are forced to work overtime will surely thwart their backbones in secret.

Teacher He arranged for the staff in the research room and the testing room to get off work quickly, and then walked slowly to the rest room and criticized the performance of the two young people again: "I thought you would know how to score, knowing to stop at the appropriate time. As a result, you disappointed me too much. If you want to get more results in the field of mecha, you must not consume your body like this!"

"We understand! We won't do it again in the future, thank you, Teacher He!" Chen Feng and You Jiayi apologized to Teacher He from one side to the other. They have been deeply aware of their mistakes and will surely avoid them in their future lives. The same thing happened again.

"Well, if you can really remember it, it wouldn't be futile that I got angry today." Teacher He nodded lightly, accepting the confession of Chen Feng and You Jia. Teacher He values ​​these two young people very much and does not want to Seeing that they have not achieved better results, they withdrew from the performance stage because of physical reasons. This is a mistake that many people have made before.

Teacher He is for their good. Both Chen Feng and You Jia understand this and humbly expressed their acceptance. After Teacher He finished speaking, he did not blame them any more, but let the people behind them walk in: "You put the takeaway in Come on."

It turned out that Teacher He ordered the takeaway. Seeing Chen Feng and You Jia working so hard, he ordered a few takeaways so that the two young people could replenish their abilities so as not to cause any damage to their bodies.

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