Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1231: Mecha Strikes

The four of them enjoyed the food beautifully in the rest room. Chen Feng never said anything about the refitting machine. This was a rare leisure time and could not be spoiled by any work-related matters. Just open your mouth and eat.

After eating all of them, Mr. He nodded his head in satisfaction. What he wanted was such an effect, teaching two young people what to do when and what to do, which can help them better plan their work and life in the future. .

"Okay, now that you are finished, everyone will go back, and continue to test tomorrow. Chen Feng's modified machine has undergone tremendous changes. The test will not be completed in a day or two. Take your time." Teacher He asked everyone Leaving the research building, and once again mentioned the test work in a hurry.

Chen Feng took You Jia’s hand to bid farewell to the two elders. The hard work of the day was very tiring. After eating, sleepiness kept rising. It was time to go back to sleep: "Understood, then we go back, Teacher He, Director Montalelli, goodbye!"

Montalelli waved goodbye to the two young people, and turned to face Teacher He: "Unexpectedly, you will be so strict today, don't you usually treat people like a kind? I am a little surprised at you."

Teacher He didn’t want to be angry, but for the future of Chen Feng and You Jia, he had to be this villain: “You can’t let them develop bad habits. If you want to keep climbing the peak in the mecha field, they must learn. How to take care of your own body, such a job of forgetting to sleep and eat is too trifling."

"You are right, if they continue to mess around like today, I will stop them." Montalelli said that he would help Mr. He take care of the young people. If Mr. He was not the first to attack, she would also Stand up and stop.

In the next few days, the research building was extremely busy, and the testing of Chen Feng's modified machine was proceeding quickly. During the period, You Jia was still making fine adjustments to help the modified machine adjust to the state most suitable for Chen Feng's driving habits.

Finally, the simulation test work was completed, and Chen Feng’s real machine driving stage was about to come. Chen Feng heavily embraced You Jia: “Thank you for doing so much for me. I believe that my modified machine will be great on the battlefield. Shine!"

"There is still a certain difference between the actual driving and the simulation test. You have to be careful and don't be reckless." You Jia carefully instructed Chen Feng. The real driving of a mecha is completely different, and nothing can be careless.

When Chen Fenggang wanted to respond to You Jia, he heard a screaming siren suddenly sounded in the school, covering all the sounds.

"Something went wrong! You hide in the research building, I will drive the mecha out to have a look!" Chen Feng reacted instantly, Langya Mecha Academy will sound the alarm, indicating that the school is in a huge crisis, and he is considered a member of the school. , How can you shrink at this time.

"No, your modified machine is still being tested, and I can't let you drive it out." How could You Jia let Chen Feng drive out the modified machine like this? No one can say for mechas that have not been fully tested. What will happen, if something goes wrong during the battle, it would be bad.

Chen Feng insisted on going out. Fearing the tail is not his style. "The school will sound the alarm, it must be a very bad situation, I must attack. Besides, my modified machine was originally designed to be used for combat, but now I just do something. The extra transformation will not lose the original ability, you have to have confidence in your own technology."

Teacher He also persuaded You Jia. He wanted to see what effect the new modification opportunity had in Chen Feng's hands: "Let Chen Feng go, he is a pilot, and there is no more suitable candidate than him. ."

You Jia saw that she couldn't stop Chen Feng, so she gave Chen Feng a light blow on the shoulder: "You must be careful!"

"Don't worry, there is a modified machine you helped me remodel, I'm not afraid of anyone!" Chen Feng kissed You Jia presumptuously, and quickly ran outside the research building. He was going to board his modified machine for a long absence. battle.

Although the two have been married for some time, the act of intimacy in front of outsiders made You Jia blush, stomped and turned around and ran into the research room to watch the details of Chen Feng's battle through the surveillance video on the screen.

Chen Feng skillfully entered the cockpit and completed the whole process of fixing the body and starting the mecha within half a minute. He was gearing up to go: "The familiarity hasn't declined, let me see why the alarm sounds! "

The modified aircraft took off from the ground to the sky, and Chen Feng flew towards the periphery of Langya Mecha Academy amid the deafening sirens.

During the flight, Chen Feng noticed that the outer wall of the Langya Mecha Academy was changing with the sound of the alarm. The Langya Mecha Academy was built after imitating a military fortress. As a school use, let students rest assured in class.

As a result, the entire school is designed to be in a state of change, and corresponding changes can occur on the external walls and internal structure, which can better resist attacks from the outside.

Now in front of Chen Feng, the outer wall of Langya Mecha Academy’s school is constantly rising to provide solid protection for the interior of the school. At the same time, there is a layer of beam shield slowly unfolding. Chen Feng has seen this beam shield and can use it. To resist an attack of a certain scale, it seems that the threat of the enemy that triggered the alarm is not small, otherwise it would not cause such a big commotion.

Chen Feng was unwilling to let You Jia be threatened by an attack, and the enemies he wanted to commit should be dealt with directly outside the school, and they should not be allowed to cause harm to the school.

After making such a decision, Chen Feng immediately contacted Wang Congwei, who was urgently mobilizing the defense system in the principal’s office: "Vice principal Wang, this is Chen Feng. I am now ready to confront the enemy. Please let me pass through the defensive shield."

"The enemy is the mecha of the Creation Organization. There are three units in total. Are you sure?" It is not time for nonsense. Wang Congwei told Chen Feng the details and asked Chen Feng for his views.

If Chen Feng’s answer is negative, then Wang Congwei will not risk opening the defensive shield. He has to consider all the teachers and students in the school as well as Chen Feng’s safety. The school’s defense system is not three mechas. You can break through casually.

Hearing that it was the mecha of the Creation Organization, Chen Feng wanted to attack even more: "The Creation Organization does not have too powerful pilots. Even if these three mechas are their strongest combat effectiveness, they should still be worse than mine. Some, I am confident!"

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