Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1297: Almost exposed

And Zheng Zhirong is not so lucky. His synchronization rate is now the lowest among all people, so the speed of the modified machine will be slower than others. It is not so easy to avoid the trees in front of you, and it seems that it is too late to enter the cave. .

The patrolling mechas were getting closer and closer, and Zheng Zhirong would be exposed if he didn't enter the cave again. In a hurry, he couldn't take care of the trees on the road. He dashed all the way and got into the cave before being found.

Zheng Zhirong's rush and the trees on the road shook violently, and the patrol mecha immediately noticed the movement here, and they gathered around to check what happened.

Zheng Zhirong squatted at the entrance of the cave, breathing heavily. He knew that his actions were too reckless and would easily expose everyone. After seeing the patrol mecha approaching nearby, he swallowed his saliva and made a difficult decision: "I think I will most likely be exposed. Once they discover that the organic armor is sneaking in, I will rush out to attract their attention, and you will continue to hide in the cave and never come out."

"How can you do it? If you go out alone, you will be besieged. How can you leave alive here alone and helpless? I don't agree with you." Chen Feng immediately refused. If Zheng Zhirong is allowed to go out alone to attract the enemy, then It was like watching him go to death!

"Otherwise, what else can I do!" Zheng Zhirong yelled to Chen Feng in a crushing voice. He felt that he was willing to make sacrifices for everyone to successfully complete the task: "I should be responsible for handling my mistakes. If they are discovered Now that we all have to die, why not go out and lead them away, so at least you still have a chance to escape."

When the two were in a stalemate, Nangong Huandie came forward to help Chen Feng stop Zheng Zhirong. She didn't want anyone in the team to be missing: "No, I won't let my team members sacrifice in vain, Zhirong brother, you can't do it yourself. Action, this is my order!"

"Don't worry about it, the mecha of the Saint Gama Empire may not be able to find here. This cave was secretly dug when we used mecha troops to storm the island, and it was deliberately concealed outside, so it is not so easy to find." Pan Yuguo It also asked the two to stop arguing. He was still more confident in the concealment of the cave, and wanted to see what happened later.

Chen Feng confirmed the guess in his mind that this cave was not naturally formed, and the internal space was so large that it still seemed very spacious to accommodate eight of his own mechas. It seems that the Southeast Military Region had spent a lot of money to excavate this hiding spot. Don't think much, just hope that their efforts on this are effective.

Ye Qi didn't say anything. He pulled Hung Hsung Bin together to block the entrance of the cave, so that Zheng Zhirong could not get out even if he wanted to go out. Zheng Zhirong saw that everyone wanted to keep themselves so much. He was moved and regretted very much. , For fear of harming everyone because of yourself: "Ah, you will regret it..."

The patrolling mecha team flew to the top of the forest, and carefully checked the violently shaking trees, trying to figure out what caused it.

Among them, three mechas landed on the ground and looked around. The shaking of the trees could not come out of thin air. They were looking for enemies lurking in the surrounding area.

After looking for a circle, no enemy was found, and the ground was very flat, without any mecha footprints left, which made them more and more confused about the situation. What makes the trees sway like this?

Before Chen Feng and the others entered the forest, Pan Yuguo specifically reminded them to control the power under their feet and not to leave traces of passing in the forest. Everyone followed his reminders, and it really worked at the critical moment. Exposing their trajectory, confuses the patrol mecha who came to investigate.

The patrol mecha held the swaying tree, and then checked whether there were any scratches on the tree. If there is any damage on the tree, then the mecha must have passed.

Zheng Zhirong held his breath, his heart raised his throat. He was not sure if he had harmed those trees when he accelerated. If the patrol mecha checked it out, then he would be broke!

With breath-holding, watching the patrol mecha check on the trunk, it seemed that nothing was found. Zheng Zhirong's tight body relaxed a little. It seems that the sky is on his side, and there is nothing left on the tree. Useful traces.

Failed to check out more things, the patrolling mecha teams all landed in the forest. Their captain arranged the mechas to search outwards in different directions, and then checked again for clues that no enemy passed by in the forest.

This island is the key to victory for the Saint Gama Empire: the plasma gravity compression cannon, so the patrol captain must treat any incidents that may be suspicious and must ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The patrol mecha kept searching in the forest, and even the mecha touched the cave where Chen Feng and the others were hiding. Everyone looked at him nervously, for fear that he would notice the strangeness of the cave. As a result, the mecha looked for a long time. I didn't find the entrance of the cave. I just wondered why the trees here are so dense and dense, it's a bit unlike the natural growth.

Unable to find out the location of the cave, this mecha chose to look for traces in other areas, and did not report its findings to the captain. Maybe it was because it felt unnecessary to entangle the growth of plants, which allowed Chen Feng and the others to escape. A catastrophe.

After checking the forest carefully, the patrolling mechas did not find anything effective. At this time, a gust of wind blew the trees in the forest and the trees in the forest were swaying and rustling.

The captain of the patrol team suddenly asked the pilot next to him, "Did it blow when we came here?"

"Uh, it seems to be. Our island is not often windy." The pilot thought for a while, vaguely remembering that there seemed to be several strong winds during their flight, for the lonely island on the sea. In other words, countless winds and waves have to be blown every day, and they have long been used to it.

After getting the affirmative answer, the captain boldly assumed that they were overly nervous: "Since this is the case, then I guess that the shaking of the trees just now is probably caused by the strong wind, which may not prove that there are enemies here."

"Yes, yes, yes! There is no enemy here, it's just a strong wind." The team members nodded in response. After searching in the forest for a long time, they didn't find it. They didn't want to waste time here anymore, so they went back early to change. Polite patrol is the business.

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