Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1298: Who to let?

The captain drove the mech to take off and continued to patrol according to the original route: "Then continue patrolling, go!"

Seeing the patrol mechas leaving the forest one by one, Chen Feng was sure that they were finally completely safe: "Haha, I am still worried that they will not give up, but they actually found such a reason for themselves. It really laughed me to death. ."

"People are inert. They can't search endlessly. It's good to be able to search for a long time without gain." Ye Qi felt that the patrol mecha was excusable, who would face it. Putting a lot of energy into things that may not exist, just a little bit of a look and meaning is almost the same.

Thinking that the cave can avoid close searches, it can be used to hide again in the future, so Ye Qi reminded everyone: "But the concealment of this cave is really good. It may still be useful in the future. Our actions can't take it. Expose, everyone will take it to heart."

"I see, this cave is still a certain distance away from the plasma gravity compression gun. We have to get closer and better attack a wave before we can judge how to destroy it." Chen Feng poked his head out and looked out and found the plasma The location of the gravity compression gun is on the other side of the island, and it cannot be seen clearly in the cave.

Pan Yuguo pointed to the depths of the cave and signaled that everyone could go through it: "There is a passage in the cave that can lead to the area near the plasma gravity compression gun. Let's move it carefully."

Chen Feng turned his head and looked inside. It turned out that there was still a vast space inside the cave. They were just paying attention to whether the patrol mech would find themselves, and had no intention of discovering that there was another cave in the cave.

Zheng Zhirong's eyes were as big as a copper bell, and he shouted in disbelief: "You actually even pierced the tunnel in the cave. This is too powerful!"

It is not easy to dig out a cave without the defense mecha of the Saint Gama Empire. Unexpectedly, the Southeast Military Region can excavate another tunnel in the cave that leads directly to the plasma gravity compression gun. The difficulty of it makes people think about it. Feel big head.

Pan Yuguo’s voice revealed a trace of grief and indignation. This is the life-giving colleagues who used their lives to create this path to their goals: "At that time, we had three pilots driving mechas and working here in turn for three days. After almost exhausted, in order not to expose the cave, they fought generously to death. They are warriors worthy of everyone's respect!"

"We will remember them forever!" Ye Qi clenched his right fist and raised it to his chest, knelt down on one knee toward the depths of the cave, paying his highest respect to the dead hero.

Others around him have followed suit. There are many such unsung heroes on the battlefield. They laid the key to victory in the entire battle, but they are rarely known by the world for various reasons. They are the ones who deserve to be recorded in history. living.

After paying homage to the pilot who penetrated the tunnel, Pan Yuguo led the team to the depths of the cave. In order not to cause any movement, the road excavation was simple, and there was no light source to shine in, so Chen Feng and the others turned on the lights on the mecha. , Move forward cautiously.

After walking for about ten minutes, Pan Yuguo stopped, and everyone behind him also stopped. Chen Feng asked, "Have we reached the target location?"

"Well, we have already arrived. We can face the plasma gravity compression cannon when we get out of this cave!" Pan Yuguo said, pointing to a large piece of rubble in front of him. These rubble blocks the exit of the cave, precisely because of this. From the outside, this is no different from other mountain walls, and will not attract the attention of the patrol mecha.

Hong Hung Bin was eager to try, and wanted to be the first to rush out to attack the plasma gravity compression gun: "Finally, I can see the weapon that amazes the world. You guys will help me hold the line behind and let me challenge it first!"

"I don't think it is appropriate to do this!" Before the others could speak, Pan Yuguo objected: "First of all, you are not familiar with the combat effectiveness of the Saint Gama Empire mech; second, you have never faced a plasma gravity compression gun. With such a weapon, accidents will happen if you don’t pay attention. I don’t want to see your life lost. It’s safer to leave it to me for the attack."

Chen Feng heard that there was something in Pan Yu's national dialect, as if to tell everyone not to move out: "According to what you mean, do you want to attack alone?"

Pan Yuguo nodded affirmatively. This is what he meant: "Yes, as long as I attack alone is enough. You stay in the cave and watch it carefully and see if you can find out what loopholes you can exploit."

"It's too dangerous. Two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how powerful you are, you can't resist so many patrolling mechas by yourself. If you are not careful, you will be destroyed by planes. You don't want your life?" Chen Feng stopped. Pan Yuguo didn't let him leave the cave in front of him. They were here to investigate the situation, not to fight the Saint Gama Empire.

"Please let me go." Pan Yuguo looked at Chen Feng directly. He has his own reasons: "Don't worry, with my ability and this'madman', as long as there is no special plane stationed here, they want to besiege me. It’s almost impossible. I’m just letting you witness the sturdiness of the plasma gravity compression gun. The most important thing is that you don’t need to expose it. Otherwise, once the Saint Gama Empire strengthens its defenses, you don’t even want to destroy it."

Ye Qi silently walked to Chen Feng's side and told him to give way to leave the cave: "Chen Feng, get out of it."

Chen Feng was silent, and he was also persuaded by Pan Yuguo. Taking into account, Chen Feng and others are not suitable for appearing on the island. Only Pan Yuguo attacked alone would not cause suspicion, and they really needed information about the plasma gravity compression gun. The exact information will be related to the success of their follow-up actions.

As Chen Feng left the entrance of the cave, Pan Yuguo drove the "madman" to the edge of the gravel. He looked back at the seven who were worried about him, with a confident smile on his face: "Watch my performance at ease, I still have Many things are not done, and I will not die here!"

Pan Yuguo’s self-confidence gave everyone a lot of comfort, and he quietly sent him out of the cave. Pan Yuguo carefully removed the gravel at the entrance of the cave. After seeing that there was no enemy aircraft outside, he slid out, and Chen Feng immediately rushed up. The cave left by Pan Yuguo's departure was filled with gravel, so as not to be discovered by the enemy.

Then Chen Feng leaned against the entrance of the cave, looking through the cracks in the middle of the gravel, and his eyes moved following Pan Yuguo's actions.

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