Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1848: Landing

How could Sergey promised that after finally Hongbin appeared by his side, if he missed this opportunity, he would have to be attacked again, even if "Ladigast" is currently unscathed, there is no guarantee that he can always sit back and relax.

The arms that were originally close to the chest stretched out quickly, and Sergei grabbed the right foot of "Candle Light Youying" with lightning speed, and was about to launch a fierce offensive.

"Not good! Too much!" Hongbin was shocked and tried to break free. He didn't notice that the distance from Sergey was too close, which would cause him to be controlled by the opponent, which was very unfavorable for the next battle.

The "Candle Light Youying" in the form of a falcon had sharp sharp blades on both legs and claws. After being caught, Hong Bin tried to use the sharp blade to cut Sergey's wrist, forcing him to let go of his hand to gain freedom.

But Sergey completely ignored Hung Hung Bin’s struggle. He relied on the thick armor of "La Digast" to block the sharp edge. Another fist raised and hammered towards Hung Hung Bin’s waist, giving the Flood a solid. Bin punched.

Hongshuibin rolled out to the other side uncontrollably, and flew back hundreds of meters in the air to stabilize the special plane. At this moment, he was a bit miserable. A small piece of armor on his waist was destroyed, and his right foot was also twisted in a strange posture. So, this was interrupted by Sergey when he was attacking, destroying Hongbin's effective attack weapon.

"Awesome! It's really sloppy!" Hong Hung Bin swallowed the blood in his mouth and praised Sergey in a hoarse voice, because the huge pressure brought by the rolling caused his body to be slightly damaged, and he must admit the opponent's attack. Very powerful.

Sergey didn't feel there was anything to be proud of for Hsu Bin's praise. This was just his normal performance: "If you only have this kind of strength, then I will defeat you completely soon."

"Huh! I didn't notice that you seized the opportunity for a while, don't think that you will be able to succeed later!" Hongshui Bin still has sufficient confidence. Being topped by Sergey did not affect him at all. This damage is still within his acceptance range. within.

Sergei's shot speed is very fast. It seems that "Ladigast" only affects his mobility. During the battle, Sergei can still perform high-frequency attacks. This is what Hongbin must do in subsequent battles. Attention.

Hongbin suffered a loss, but from this he also learned part of Sergey's ability and characteristics, so he no longer approached the opponent easily, mainly attacked with beam cannons, supplemented by high-speed interspersing to launch an offensive, and did not give him another time Hit your own chance.

Under the constant high-speed attacks of Hongbin, the shortcomings of "Ladigast"'s insufficient speed became more and more prominent. Sergey could not keep facing the direction of Hongbin. Whenever he straightened his direction Will charge behind him, forcing him to turn around again, and then Hongbin will soon appear on the other side again, making Sergey confused.

Behind Sergei, Hongbin can not be too scrupulous about the problem of being caught by him, and can give full play to his attack power and cause damage to "Ladigast", although not much damage is caused each time. , But with the accumulation of less and more, Hongbin is sure to trouble Sergey, so that he can find a chance to break through his defense.

Sergey failed to deal enough blows to Flood Bin in the first attack, and thus lost the opportunity to seize Flood Bin again. "La Digast" was like a living target in the air, constantly being hit by Flood Bin. Consumption with various attacks but unable to counterattack.

This is the consequence of rushing into the field that he is not good at. Sergey is too big and puts himself in a very disadvantaged situation. Although the "Ladigast" armor can last for a while, it will always be consumed by flood bins. When there was a breakdown, how could he fight Hong Bin without the armor to survive?

Seeing that the situation was not right, Sergey wanted to control the "Ladigast" to land to the ground to avoid further attacks by Flood Bin's weakness.

But how could Hsu Bin let Sergey escape easily, and the speed of "Candle Illumination Youying" increased again. This special plane in the form of Falcon took Hsu Bin's speed advantage to the extreme. No one in this world may be able to match it.

Under the harassment of Hung Bin, Sergei’s landing process was full of hardships. He regretted that he flew too blindly into the air, giving Hung Bin the opportunity to attack him freely. The armor of "La Digast" was very exhausted. Awesome.

Honghong Bin burst out his strongest offensive power. Originally, at least one special plane could lose most of its combat power with his attack of this level, but the armor of "La Digast" was too strong. Except for the armor is slightly cracked, there is no tendency to lose, and it is still declining.

In order to prevent Sergey from landing, Hongshui Bin could not care about the danger of being attacked by the opponent. Beam cannons, biplanes and eagle beaks took turns to intercept Sergey and cause damage to the greatest extent.

Under the harassment of Hung Bin’s lifeless harassment, Sergey’s landing process was full of difficulties. He was overwhelmed and wanted to land desperately. He suddenly controlled "Ladigast" head down to speed up the landing speed. Flood Bin entangled.

Sergey was eager to get rid of the unfavorable situation, and Hong Bin couldn't let him go. He took advantage of the situation to switch "Candle Light Youying" to an adult type. He used his sword drawing technique without any muddle, and went straight to "La Digast". On his right leg.

The harsh cutting sound reached Chen Feng’s ears, making him unable to help covering his ears. The armor of "Ladigast" was too strong. Even if Hung Hung Bin used the sword drawing technique, it was still difficult to break through its defenses. Slowly deep, so there is a loud noise.

Even Chen Feng, who was watching the battle, felt uncomfortable, and the most central Hongbin and Sergey were naturally even more uncomfortable. Both of them frowned to resist the dizziness in their brains and continued to maintain their respective movements unchanged.

In the end, Sergey was slightly better. Hongbin’s sword finally failed to break through the armor covering the right leg of "Ladigast". It only cut a small piece of it. Sergey landed smoothly and returned to his best. field of.

However, the destructive power caused by Hung Hung Bin on the right leg of "La Digast" was not so easy to eliminate. Sergey was very embarrassed even when he landed, rolling on the ground for several laps without being able to gain a foothold.

This is a good opportunity to take advantage of the pursuit. Hongbin switched "Candle Light Youying" into a cheetah form, and continued to pounce on Sergey on all fours. If he could gain an advantage when the opponent's foothold was not stable, then even It was fighting in the opponent's best field, and Hong Bin was sure to continue to suppress it.

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