Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 1849: stop

"Candle Light Youying" waved its claws in mid-air, and was about to fall toward the cockpit where Sergey was, but "Ladigast" suddenly stopped and rolled, revealing a covered fist.

It turns out that Sergey deliberately lured Hongbin to go deeper, and the impact on his right leg was not enough to make him completely lose his balance. He only did so deliberately to attract Hongbin to approach, and immediately launched the long-planned plan after Hongbin approached. attack.

Hong Hung Bin was frightened in a cold sweat. At this moment, his whole body strength was concentrated on the forward thrust. It is impossible to retreat to avoid the attack. He bit his head and used his front paws to meet Sergey’s fist and put the front paw on All the sharp claws are retracted, this is to avoid being damaged in the impact and spreading to other parts.

Sergey unceremoniously hit the front paws of Hong Bin, and the smile on his face suddenly disappeared in the next moment, because he did not feel the thunderous pleasure, his fist seemed to hit the cotton, soft and weak. local.

After Hongbin recovered the sharp claws on his front paws, he used Murong Fan's technique of teaching four or two strokes to make his two front paws soft and weak, so that Sergey was not given a chance to take advantage of the situation, and he successfully defeated Schel while protecting himself. Cover attack.

Sergey did not believe in evil, and withdrew his hand and continued to attack the waist of "Candle Light Youying". The wound he had left was still very conspicuous, so he took that place as the main target of attack. Once he was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

Hongbin had already found out that he had been deceived by Sergey, so after resolving the attack, he immediately jumped to the right and brushed shoulders with Sergey's fist. Sergey's fist hit the ground and surrounded a large area of ​​land. It sank in response, as if being smashed by a huge hammer.

Just relying on fists can create such a huge momentum. If he is beaten up, Hongbin estimates that his "Candle Light Youying" will probably break directly, so he must pay more attention to the opponent's actions later to protect himself from being hit. .

Sergei missed a hit, he used the anti-shock force from his fist to continue chasing Hung Hung Bin, and when he returned to the ground, he could use the various surroundings around him to provide "La Digast" with the impetus , No longer need to feel that there is less borrowing conditions like in the air, so that the ability can not be guaranteed.

Facing the outbreak of Sergey, Hongbin encountered the biggest crisis so far. He told himself that he must calmly deal with it. If he persisted in the front, he must not lose the chain here, otherwise all efforts will be abandoned.

Brahman Yapeng took two steps forward with great interest. He wanted to see how Hongbin responded to Sergei's counterattack. This not only provided a lot of reference for him, but also allowed him to decide what to do when he went back. Make recommendations.

Sergey's attack was extremely fierce, and it also contained the resentment that was previously suppressed by Hongbin. Sergei seemed to forget that this battle was only a tentative match, and he used all his skills to defeat Hongbin's oath. Unstoppable momentum.

Hongbin struggling to support, "Candle Light Youying" constantly switched in various forms to respond to Sergei's attacks. Now he has almost no power to fight back, and only defense consumes most of his energy.

Sergey's tenacity moved Sergey. When he was in the country, no pilot could achieve this level. This is not because Hongbin is already the **** of war, but he will not sue the enemy mentally. Admit defeat.

It’s no wonder that the Qur'an God Republic will hand over the fragrant Zhu Guo to Hung Hung Bin. Sergey has truly realized the difference in Hung Hung Bin. What this young God of War lacks is only time. As long as he is given some time to grow up, To be sure, you will have the strength to beat yourself.

Sergey had already exerted his abilities and characteristics to the extreme, but Hong Bin was like a lone boat in the storm. He just stayed there without giving up. Sergey couldn't find a breakthrough and never ended the battle.

"Ladigast" was full of aggressiveness, but failed to hit the flood bin again firmly. All the attacks that hit the flood bin, Sergey failed to use his full strength, and the flood bin was slippery. Avoid all the most dangerous attacks.

As the fighting time increased, Hongbin gradually adapted to Sergei's offensive. His own strength was not bad, and "Candle Light Youying" was a very changeable mecha. He could always find opportunities if he had the heart. .

It is impossible for Hongbin to be satisfied with only defending Sergei’s offensive, so he began to seek a counterattack. He seized all the flaws that Sergey occasionally exposed when attacking, and used various forms of "Candle Light Youying" to launch assaults. Sergey brought a lot of influence, and sometimes hit the "Ladigast" fuselage.

The trauma on the two special fuselages continues to increase. "Ladigast" is slightly better than "Candlelight Youying" with its strong armor. However, the performance of Hongbin is getting better and better, and it will not be in a short time. Defeated.

At this time, Commander Ma came forward and interrupted the battle between the two: "I think pilot Sergey should have enough knowledge of Shui Bin's strength. If the fight continues, it will only increase unnecessary casualties. It is better to end here. Right."

Sergey was very enjoyable. He wanted to fight Hong Bin for a while, but Commander Ma made a lot of sense. Both of them were tired at the moment, and their special planes were not in the best condition. It is uncertain when it will cause a major blow to the other party. At present, there is no need for the two sides to fight to that extent. Ending now is the best choice.

"Okay, it's up to Commander Ma, let's stop here!" Sergey took the initiative to abandon the offensive and controlled "La Digast" to leave Hongbin, indicating that he had no intention of fighting again.

Panting heavily and did not step forward and reluctantly continue to attack, he didn't need to entangle him in the face of the opponent, because on the whole Sergey would be stronger, and the unfavorable side was himself.

Sergei returned to Chen Feng and said to Commander Ma in the cockpit of the "World Breaking": "Congratulations, the Republic of the Quran God has another star of hope. In time, he may not be better than the "War God". 'difference."

"Thank you for your compliment. There are still many aspects to work hard to catch up with the'War God' Shuibin. At present, he can't afford such a high evaluation." Commander Ma helped Shuibin lower the expectations of the other party. It's too early.

"Shui Bin's ability to control the'Candle Light Youying' variant and movement warfare is quite outstanding. Today we have deeply seen that he will never fall easily in the Qur'an God Republic." Brahman Yapeng affirmed Hsu Bin's ability. .

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