Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 822: Perfect test

Regardless of what Chen Feng said, he believes in the current data. From the feedback in the simulation cabin, Chen Feng's body has not returned to the physical state before the test. He should not be allowed to perform the test again in a short time. .

Therefore, the person in charge of the project did not ask Chen Feng to restart the test immediately, and strictly required him to lie down and rest first: "It's okay if you understand, don't rush to continue the test now, wait until your body data is completely normal."

Chen Feng had to lie down in the cockpit to rest according to his orders, and finally waited until the various values ​​returned to normal levels. He immediately adjusted the cockpit to riding mode so that he could hit the energy better in the next test.

Chen Feng wanted to test so actively, the project leader would stop him any more, reminding him to pay attention to safety and let Chen Feng reconnect to the simulation test program.

This time Chen Feng did not try to control the activation of the fifth floating cannon, but was consolidating the control of the other four floating cannons. The project leader called out many moving targets for Chen Feng to attack. Chen Feng went from unfamiliar to familiar. He quickly mastered the skills of controlling four floating cannons to attack at the same time, and successfully eliminated all moving targets. The efficiency was so fast that the project leader and You Jia who were on the sidelines were amazed.

You Jia roughly estimated the attack power Chen Feng could achieve, and concluded that it would be difficult for the three mechas to work together to achieve such an effect: "In this way, if the floating gun is purely used, Chen Feng's long-range attack The destructive power is very strong, and one person may be worth three mechas."

"In view of Chen Feng's huge threat to the control of floating guns, I think a monitoring system can be installed on the floating guns, so that more sophisticated strikes can be carried out at a longer distance, but the requirements for Chen Feng's control power may be higher. Some, what do you think?" The project leader thought of the transformation that can maximize the power of the floating gun. He wanted to maximize the attack power of the floating gun so that Chen Feng could observe the enemy's movements only by relying on the floating gun.

The project leader made up for the shortcomings in You Jia’s plan. You Jia felt that she had not come to the Royal Academy in vain, but she cares more about whether Chen Feng can manage four different perspectives at the same time: "The floating gun equipment monitoring system can be more A good understanding of the changes in the battle situation will naturally lead to better combat effectiveness. I have no opinion. Chen Feng, do you think you can do it?"

Chen Feng is even more uncomfortable. As long as there is any suggestion to improve his combat effectiveness, he is now unrejected: "How can I know if I don't try, I also think it's good and best to test it as soon as possible."

"Okay, I will ask the people in the program department to modify the test program tonight, don't let me down~" The project leader is more and more looking forward to Chen Feng, if it can be carried out according to their design ideas. , Chen Feng's modified machine will definitely be an epoch-making mecha, and people all over the world will be crazy about it when it appears on the battlefield.

"Now that the maximum number of weapons that Chen Feng can control has been tested, let's test how many floating guns Chen Feng can control when dual-wielding weapons." Installing a monitoring system on the floating guns is the next thing, and You Jia continues to follow A new round of testing was originally planned for Chen Feng.

According to You Jia's instructions, Chen Feng first gathered all the floating cannons floating beside him back to the back of the mecha, then held a beam sword in each hand, and then began to control the floating cannon to start.

You Jia asked Chen Feng not to stop using the beam saber in his hands when controlling the floating gun. The purpose was to ensure the validity of the test, because if Chen Feng held the weapon in his hands and did not move, it was not like not holding the weapon. Different.

Sure enough, when Chen Feng tried to activate the third floating cannon to fly into the sky, he once again felt the powerful backlash, and he quickly stopped: "No, I can only control two floating cannons now, think about Controlling the new floating cannon will cause a nervous breakdown."

"Understood, it seems that the number of weapons you can control at the same time is shared, no matter what weapon you can only control at most four at the same time." You Jia gave a precise test conclusion, just in case She asked Chen Feng to test one more step: "Chen Feng, try to control the beam saber with one hand, and then see how many floating guns can be controlled?"

"Okay." According to You Jia's instructions, Chen Feng gave up a beam sword, while waving the beam sword to attack the moving target in front of him, he activated another floating cannon to fly into the sky, turning into three floating cannons to cooperate with him at the same time. Attack the target.

Chen Feng tried again and determined that he could no longer control the fourth floating cannon. This made You Jia finally make the final judgment, leaving today's test results in the test log: "After testing, Chen Feng can control at the same time. Four weapons, these four weapons are irrespective of their types, as long as they are controlled, they count as one.

Afterwards, You Jia asked Chen Feng to fight against the simulated enemy, and found that in close combat, the dual swords and the dual floating guns can easily attack from the enemy's unprepared angle; in the mid-range combat, the dual guns combined with the dual floating guns The enemy can't resist the amazing rate of fire. Long-distance combat cannot be simulated. Because the floating gun is not equipped with a monitoring system for the time being, Chen Feng can't accurately judge the enemy's state from afar, and can't make an effective attack.

Even so, the results of this test have satisfied Chen Feng and the others enough. With the help of the floating gun, the mecha of the same level as him in the simulation program has almost no strength to fight back. Chen Feng’s current martial arts are already difficult to resist. Also beware of the light beams shot from tricky angles from time to time, being crushed by Chen Feng from beginning to end. Victory is entirely reasonable.

Later, the project leader had to increase the number of mechas that fought Chen Feng, and used the human sea tactics to wipe out his advantage, but even then Chen Feng could still find opportunities to counterattack. The more he fought, the more skilled he could control. The weapons constantly switched types, and he could always find the best angle to attack the mecha that besieged him, and one person killed three mechas of the same level.

The person in charge of the project couldn’t help applauding. Chen Feng’s performance in the simulation test program was very good. After installing the monitoring system on the floating gun, I believe that Chen Feng will perform more perfectly, and he can be more violent. When he launches an attack, the number of mechas he can fight may be even more.

Chen Feng alone can fight multiple mechas, and You Jia and the project leader can foresee his horror.

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