Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 823: Epoch-making modified machine

It is foreseeable that when Chen Feng's modified machine appears on the battlefield in the future, with his ability to control multiple weapons at the same time, a single machine can drag many enemies on the opposite side, and use his violent attack power to make his own party even better. There are advantages.

The test lasted until the evening. The three of them focused on recording various data and forgot to eat. Chen Feng, as the human being tested, could consume the most. They didn't realize that they were busy all day long until his stomach was rumbling. But I haven't eaten it yet.

The project leader looked up at the clock on the wall and patted his forehead awkwardly: "Ah! It's already so late! That's all for today's test. Please go to dinner first. I will ask someone to modify the test program. Then the retrofit machine can also start research and development."

"You are also very tired today. Would you like to have dinner with us and then go to work?" Chen Feng felt uncomfortable when he heard that the project leader was rushing to work on his own affairs and tried to invite the project leader Go to dinner together.

The person in charge of the project smiled kindly at Chen Feng and told Chen Feng not to worry about him. He has developed many mechas with their own methods of doing things: "Haha, no, it’s actually not just a modified machine on your side. There are other things to do, you can take care of yourself and leave me alone."

The project leader strode away from the simulation room, and Chen Feng and You Jia immediately went to the cafeteria. They were really hungry, and they would definitely not be able to bear it if they didn't eat something to cushion their stomachs.

When they entered the canteen, Nangong Mengdie, Lin Xian, Zheng Zhirong, and He Yuqi were eating together and discussing. They just had to move their seats and everyone got together to solve the problem of eating together.

Lin Xianxian, who has fully integrated into the field of mecha research and development, saw Chen Feng's first sentence and asked him about the results of his test today: "Chen Feng, what is the result of your test today? Is Sister You Jia's inference correct?"

"Well, You Jia is completely right. I do have the ability to control multiple weapons. I showed it to the fullest during the test. My modified machine decided to develop in this direction." I fixed the direction of my own modified machine development. Chen Feng was very happy at first, so he naturally wanted to share his joy with everyone.

What Chen Feng said was not complete. You Jia added for Chen Feng: "Chen Feng’s modification opportunity is equipped with new floating gun weapons. His own modification machine will not be too strong. At most, it is better than ordinary machines. The output of A is higher, mainly with a large number of powerful offensive abilities to defeat opponents."

Afterwards, You Jia explained in detail what kind of weapon the floating gun is. The audience was amazed. He was able to come up with this brand-new weapon system out of thin air. It can be seen that You Jia has fully considered Chen Feng's modification machine. Such a girlfriend who thinks all about herself is a blessing that how many people can't cultivate in a few lifetimes, so everyone looks at Chen Feng in strange eyes, and there is a little jealousy in it.

Uncomfortable by their eyes, Chen Feng turned away from the topic and asked, "I'm finished with my modified machine, then what about your second-generation mecha? How effective is it after a day of modification today?"

"It must be very good. After the transformation is completed, it will definitely make your eyes shine." Zheng Zhirong followed the transformation team to observe for most of the day. He was very confident in the transformation of the second-generation mecha and said that he would not be inferior to Chen Feng. Too many modified machines.

Chen Feng looked at Zheng Zhirong with disbelief. This guy is not exaggerating to deceive himself: "Is that really the case? It's not that the second-generation mecha can't be changed too much. How much can you do to it? Great reinforcement."

How could Zheng Zhirong bear Chen Feng's questioning? He was not just talking nonsense, and anxiously pulled Nangong Mengdie over to ask her to prove it for himself.

Shaking away from Zheng Zhirong’s pull, Nangong Mengdie proved to Chen Feng that he did not lie: “There are not many things that can be changed, but they are in line with the characteristics of the two of us, and the second-generation mecha itself is also very good. So combat effectiveness will indeed increase a lot."

Being thrown away by Nangong Mengdie did not hinder Zheng Zhirong's good mood, and he took He Yuqi's hand to show his hospitality: "Thanks to our family Yuqi~ I will soon be able to drive to a completely different second-generation mecha~"

"Hehe, Zhirong’s transformation idea was designed by me, and Mengdie’s transformation idea was designed by Lin Xian. I think they are all very good. Chen Feng, you can look forward to it~" He Yuqi was amused by Zheng Zhirong. Her boyfriend was already in a good mood, and now Zheng Zhirong praised her vigorously in front of everyone, which girl would not be moved.

Lin Xian’s smile is full of confidence. After yesterday’s transformation process, he is sure to strengthen the second-generation mecha to the greatest extent in his leisure time: "Don’t worry about the transformation of the second-generation mecha, Chen Feng, you have me and Yu. Qi is here, and the Royal Academy has a strong technical force. I think it won’t take long to get it all done."

"Well, it seems that we will soon be able to join the independent operations team in a unique mecha. I believe our team will make all enemies frightened." Chen Feng is increasingly expecting everyone to return to the battlefield, as they pass by now. With the enhanced mecha configuration, I am afraid that no enemy can compete with them head-on.

Then Chen Feng suddenly thought that there was no news about Nangong Phantom Butterfly’s mecha, and worried about whether she could keep up with everyone's progress: "By the way, we have all upgraded the mecha. What about Sister Phantom Butterfly? Does A need to strengthen it?"

Nangong Mengdie raised her hand in a timely manner to attract everyone's attention, telling them a news that was almost forgotten: "I forgot to tell you that my sister will have a separate modified machine. She is luckier than us and has the full support of the family."

Zheng Zhirong was dumbfounded. No one would have imagined that a young pilot who had just left the school had a modified machine directly: "Is it so awesome? I got a modified machine after graduation. Pan Yuguo doesn't have this kind of treatment, right? "

“Don’t be too surprised. The Nangong family attaches great importance to this independent action team and regards it as a hope for family rejuvenation. Therefore, a lot of resources have been invested. The younger sister’s refitting machine was also built with the help of a more general research institute through family relations. It’s about to talk about the combat effectiveness, which is worse than Chen Feng’s modified machine.” Nangong Mengdie explained the reason to everyone, and asked everyone not to look too high at the modified machine of Nangong Phantom. After all, this modified machine was built. The strength of the Institute is far inferior to the Royal Institute.

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