Mecha Forger

Chapter 100 Do not recognize each other when meeting each other

The stronger Tianshu is, the more it attracts hatred.

So even if the remaining two battleships were swaying in the energy storm, all the firepower still came towards Tang Fan.

Fortunately, the group of star thieves did not use a powerful weapon such as the light speed cannon, or in other words, they did not have the stupidity of Song Ci to kill eight hundred enemies and lose a thousand to himself.

Thanks to Tang Fan's joint training with Gao Shaogu and Song Ci, the mecha operation has made great progress.

She turned the power to the maximum, tried her best, and replaced three energy boxes in a row before she was able to gain some distance and withstand the first wave of attacks.

Tang Fan couldn't help but uttered a curse word and shouted: "Is there any mistake? Why is all the firepower focused on me?"

Seeing that everything was going smoothly, the little girl who had no plans left behind could hardly hold back. Even though she was in danger, Song Ci couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Little girl, do you know that there is a saying in the mecha world: Standard mechas can stay, but Tianshu must die?"

Only then did Tang Fan understand where he had gone wrong?

"Tang Gang, you fooled me again!"

Tang Fan's bloody and angry words failed to make anyone laugh, but instead attracted a lot of scrutiny.

The beep beep in the internal group of the Expeditionary Force kept ringing.

"That girl is talking about Tangshan Iron and Steel?"

"That Tang Gang? I don't know that one, right?"

"What's the relationship between the little girl and Tang Gang? She can't be his daughter!"

"No wonder the colonel looks at him differently, he turns out to be from Tangshan Iron and Steel!"

Song Ci narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "Let's change into mechas!"

Tang Fan looked at Tianshu, which was running out of energy and flashing red light. He gritted his teeth and reluctantly gave up the treasure he had bought with half his life savings.

Stepping on the flying board, barely standing in mid-air, he quickly changed himself into a standard mecha.

The standard mecha was so crispy that Tang Fan felt no sense of security at all. He looked at Song Ci with almost tears in his eyes and begged: "Instructor Song, please, can you think of a way?"

Although Song Ci couldn't see her expression, he could tell from the anxious voice of the little girl that she was really panicked.

When the matter reached this point, Song Ci didn't hide it and said directly, "Loel Weir, I know you are nearby.

Get out of here right now.

The old rule is, the starship belongs to you, and the people belong to me! "

Before Tang Fan could recover, a lazy voice came over.

"You should have told me earlier! Why go to all this trouble and waste a starship!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Tang Fan couldn't help but tremble.

When the familiar blood-red starship with a beautiful thorny rose flag lifted its invisibility and was revealed in front of Tang Fan, the little girl couldn't help but squint her eyes.

The Lowell Weir in Song Ci's mouth turned out to be her old acquaintance, the Rose Duke who drove the starship to transport students.

No wonder, on the starship, everyone was so silent when they saw Duke Rose.

Emotions, this girl is still engaged in this kind of "black and white" business?

As for the gold content of the crape myrtle medal in Song Ci, Tang Fan felt that he still needed to evaluate it carefully.

Song Ci curled his lips when he saw the blood-red starship.

“It’s okay, I’ll just fish it out later and assemble a boat!

By converting three ships into one, the performance should be improved! "

Able and willful!

wrong! This does not mean that the starship belongs to Duke Rose and the people belong to him.

Then did he bombard the battleships directly ahead and to the east intentionally or on purpose?

Because the Duke of Rose didn't show up in time,

Such revenge!

So did Song Ci mean that she was being targeted? Or is it intentional?

Tang Fan felt that he needed to use the worst possible thinking to speculate on Song Ci.

After all, Song Ci’s level of evil has reached the top ten stars!

As for Tang Gang who cheated her, it was possible that he really didn't do it on purpose.

After all, the circle Tang Gang drew for her was the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy.

In that place, although everyone despised Tianshu, it was not to the point where Tianshu must die.

After Tang Fan figured out this section, his eyes looked at Song Ci a little differently.

Duke Rose seemed to be aware of this problem, his expression changed slightly, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of mechas immediately flew out of the blood-red starship and flew towards the two beautiful battleships.

As soon as Tang Fan and others loaded the mechas and raw materials from the starship onto their own mechas, the warship shattered and scattered in all directions.

Just as he stabilized his body, the battle on the two battleships behind him had already begun.

Suddenly, lights of various colors flashed, and it was not difficult to see how intense the battle was.

Before Tang Fan could get nervous, he saw that Song Ci had already led his men, guarded the logistics personnel, and began to salvage the construction parts.

Among the energy rays of various colors, there were bunches of white energy aimed at the energy storm.

After this energy was ejected, it quickly contracted into a net, and several mechas used full power to throw the parts caught in the net onto the asteroids aside.

After a while, those parts that were about to remain in the starry sky forever and become space junk were all salvaged.

While they were fighting under heavy artillery fire, they were cleaning the battlefield in full swing. This scene seemed inconsistent, but except for Tang Fan, everyone on Song Ci's side moved skillfully and looked calm, as if they were used to it.

Occasionally, one or two fish that slipped through the net would show up, only to be destroyed by the furious Song Ci and other combatants.

It was only then that Tang Fan noticed that Song Ci was also driving a black-level mecha.

It seems that Song Ci’s Ziwei Medal is not entirely dependent on his relationship with Duke Qiangwei!

Tang Fan squinted his eyes and focused on the net where the expeditionary force salvaged parts.

After all, he is a professional, and he knows everything about many things. But after a little observation and careful consideration, Tang Fan understood it.

Tang Fan finally figured it out, and when he looked up, he realized that the battle was coming to an end.

Those black-level mechas flew back no matter how they went there.

Tang Fan, who was obsessed with studying the fishing nets, did not notice that one of the mechas paused slightly as it passed by him.

Although Tang Fan didn't take it to heart, this scene could not be hidden from the eyes of those who were interested.

For example, Song Ci.

For example, Duke of Rose Lowell Weir.

Song Ci is about seeing things through but not telling them, but Duke Rose is not so kind.

He was not familiar with Tang Fan, but he was very familiar with the mecha pilot who finally returned to the starship.

He patted the mecha pilot on the shoulder and joked: "I can't bear to part with you, so I just met once! The scene of father and daughter recognizing each other, holding each other's arms and crying, how touching!"

Yes! The mecha pilot who showed off his flaws was none other than Tang Fan's missing father, Tang Gang.

Tang Gang slapped away the hand that was placed on his shoulder by Loel Weir and said angrily: "Who are we and what are we doing? You are not wrong.

This is not acknowledgment of father and daughter, it is just causing trouble for my baby.

You are just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. "

Some things cannot be said.

Raoel will never admit his little idea of ​​just watching the fun!

After all, although my fighting power is not weak, it is still a bit inferior compared to the man in front of me!

I heard that this girl is a daughter slave?

Loel rolled his eyes and quickly changed the topic.

"When I took this child from Sangzizixing to Blue Starfish, I even tasted the fish meat cooked by the little girl.

That taste is really good!

The reason why you can safely send her wherever you want is because of her skills! "

As soon as he mentioned his daughter, Tang Gang's attention was immediately diverted, and he was successfully led astray by Rao Er.

"Not entirely.

My favorite thing besides me is mecha casting.

Lao Lan's place is really a good place to learn mecha casting.

I just didn’t expect that everything that should go and shouldn’t go has gone, and everything that should and shouldn’t stay has been left behind..."

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