Mecha Forger

Chapter 99

Although it was not smooth sailing, Song Ci still waited for three days on Basil Star, watching helplessly as Tang Fan arranged the work and sent George and Qin Yi to the starship on the Capital Star, and then brought the mecha customized by the expeditionary force. "By the way" Tang Fan and his numerous raw materials were sent to Blue Starfish.

There is no way, who let this girl be his money bag and the vanguard of the fight against Zhao's mechas!

Who asked this girl to just take over the group of veterans who are the most difficult to place in the expeditionary force!

Can't afford to offend! Can't afford to offend!

Although he was reluctant, Song Ci still allowed Tang Fan to get a "hitchhike" smoothly.

In fact, Song Ci and Colonel Song's ride was not that easy to catch.

After all, the reason why Colonel Song received the Ziwei Badge was because when he went to the Expeditionary Force for a professional internship, he encountered a wave of star thieves who were not very discerning and brought them to justice.

After all, in the eleven and a half years since graduation, Colonel Song has eliminated a wave of star thieves every six months on average.

After all, more than 60% of the heads of the star thieves in the capital star prison were sent by this Colonel Song.

After all, this Colonel Song has the reputation of being the nemesis of star thieves.

Therefore, when Tang Fan looked out the window at the vast starry sky, the nebula formed by countless intertwined stars, and saw an expanding black dot, he was really not surprised at all. .

After all, it was not normal for Colonel Song, who was escorting so many mechas and raw materials, to encounter star thieves or something like that.

Although Tang Fan was mentally prepared, he was still startled when he saw a slightly shabby dark warship gradually revealed among the slowly expanding dots.

Subconsciously, Tang Fan screamed, "Enemy attack!"

Tang Fan's high-octave voice broke the calm inside the starship. As three other warships emerged from the other three directions, red lights flashed, and the entire starship was reminded of the piercing sirens.

The four battleships were encircling and approaching Song Ci's starship.

At this critical moment, Song Ci did not focus on the energy screen of the starship. He seemed to have no interest in the four red dots flashing on it. Instead, he looked at Tang Fan with interest, "This is the first time I was attacked. You can actually react quickly. The little guy is very good, I am very optimistic about you!"

Tang Fan rolled his eyes silently, "In this case, is it useful for you to be optimistic about me?"

Song Ci raised his eyebrows, "Then what do you think is useful?"

Under such circumstances, Tang Fan was devastated by his useless words.

"Either fight! Or flee! As an alliance general and star thief's nemesis, you have much more experience than I do. You don't need me, a minor, to make up your mind!"

While Song Ci and Tang Fan were chatting, four dark warships had already surrounded Song Ci's starship.

The self-driving starship made a harsh sound, and with violent tremors, the starship stopped steadily in the middle of the four battleships.

The two gossiping people had all the things they should say and shouldn't say stuck in their throats.

Before Song Ci and Tang Fan could stand still, countless colorful beams of light were launched towards the starship they were riding on. The originally brand-new silver-white starship immediately became pitted and looked as dilapidated as those black battleships.

"Warning! Warning! The starship is under energy attack. Do you want to activate the multiple energy shields?..."

A series of emotionless mechanical synthesized sounds sounded in the starship.

Song Ci shouted angrily: "Open multiple energy shields. Scan and locate the location of the node here."

"As you command, Colonel!"

Not long after, the mechanical synthesized sound sounded again.

"According to analysis, the node here is located in the Dibang galaxy in the Tianhe star field, about 64.5429 standard scales from the starting point of Basil Star, and about 49.0127 standard scales from the destination of Blue Sea Star. The nearest docking port is the Ilayme planet docking port, located in the southwest Direction 3.2541 standard scale, estimated to arrive in thirty minutes."

"The Dibang Galaxy in the Tianhe Star Region? Planet Elime?" Song Ci sneered, "That should be from the Field family!"

Atong frowned slightly, clicked on the optical brain a few times, and nodded, "Yes, it's in the name of Emil Field."

Field is a dove.

Regardless of whether he had submitted an application for entry into Hong Kong in advance, if Song Ci drove past regardless of all odds, the only outcome would be to be treated as an intruder and shot to death.

Song Ci sneered and gave a voice command to the console, "Replenish the reserve energy immediately and use the light speed cannon to destroy the two battleships in front and to the east."

Tang Fan didn't understand the starship and said nothing about Song Ci's order.

But when everyone on the starship heard Song Ci's order, they all showed an expression that was true.

The starship once again sounded a mechanical sound that made people's hair stand on end:

"Warning! Using the light speed cannon will consume 80% of the battleship's reserve energy, and the remaining energy will no longer be enough to support the protective shield. There is a danger that the protective shield will be lifted immediately, and the battleship will also fall into a low-energy state, and will soon turn on the energy-saving mode, unable to withstand energy Tide, are you sure you want to do this?”

Tang Fan's body trembled, and he felt bad all over.

This guy is no longer just killing eight hundred enemies and losing a thousand to himself, but is planning to kill everything?

Before Tang Fan had time to say anything, Song Ci had already issued an order again.


It's too late to say anything more.

Tang Fan watched helplessly as the lights on the dashboard flashed and the electronic sound sounded again.

"Yes, Colonel! The energy activation begins!"

"10, 9,...the energy device is completed! Locking is completed! Launch!"

A dazzling white light shot out from the silver-white battleship, instantly swamping the black battleships in front and east at an astonishing speed.

Immediately afterwards, a strong energy flow swept across all directions, and the violent energy instantly rolled up a huge flow of air, sweeping everything around.

The energy storm raged in the starry sky, and the silver-white battleship was unable to escape and trembled violently.

The silver-white starship without protective cover was swaying in the energy storm, with several parts falling off from time to time, and then being carried away by the airflow.

"Warning! The energy tide is too strong and the battleship will not be able to support it and is expected to disintegrate within three minutes!"


Synthetic sounds continued to sound, making people's hearts tighten.

"Everyone get on the mecha and prepare for combat! The combat team protects the logistics team!" Song Ci issued the order while roaring at his optical brain.

The next second, everyone on the starship took action.

Within a minute, everyone took out various mechas and hid inside.

Tang Fan's hands were faster than her brain. Before her brain could turn around, her body had already taken out her "turtle shell" and quickly got in.

Looking at Tang Fan's "turtle shell", everyone on the starship couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Even Song Ci couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he looked at Tang Fan's Tianshu mecha that was molesting Master Liu.

Is the little girl so afraid of death?

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