Mecha Forger

Chapter 108 Gossip

The father and daughter giggled for a long time, and a tacit understanding emerged spontaneously.

"Dad! You may not know yet, but there is a girl named Olivia Smith in our school's mecha design major. She looks a bit like me, but she is not easy to deal with. We have crossed paths several times."

Although the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy is not bad, its strength lies in mecha and starship driving. The mecha design can only be said to be acceptable.

When it comes to the strongest mecha design in the alliance, it must be the first academy in the alliance that is adjacent to the Zhang family.

What's more, Willy's sister Anna Smith is the head of the Pharmacy Department of Alliance First College.

Willie Smith and Zhang Iwei actually sacrificed the near for the distant, they must have something in mind.

Tang Gang narrowed his eyes, "What did that scum think?"

Tang Fan spread his hands and said, "I'm not him. I can't answer you this kind of question!"

Tang Gang rubbed his temples, "I took it too much for granted.

I always feel that if I put you under the nose of Principal Lan, I will be able to sit back and relax.

It seems that I have to find time to communicate with Principal Lan. "

In the second half of the sentence, Tang Fan actually heard a hint of gnashing of teeth.

However, it is unclear whether the target is Lan Yuan or the Smiths.

From Tang Fan's understanding of him, the possibility of targeting the latter is even greater.

Tang Fan smiled and shook his head, "I'm afraid Principal Lan can't give you any answer to this question.

However, this fox tail will be exposed sooner or later.

I am not at all anxious about what Mr. and Mrs. Smith have planned.

I'm worried about something else. "

Tang Gang paused his hand, "Why are you anxious?"

Tang Fan's eyebrows were curved, and he said jokingly with a gossipy face: "I am not your biological daughter. When are you going to tell us Zhao Jingshu, Teacher Zhao?"

Tang Gang's face suddenly changed color.

“You only like to gossip when you are older.

How could you, a kid like you, learn such bad habits? "

Tang Fan said sincerely: "There is no way!

Teacher Zhao Jingshu comes from a family background, and her whole family is dedicated to teaching and educating people. They have taken root in the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy for more than a hundred years, and the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy has long become their territory.

As soon as he entered the school, he was targeted by instructor Gao Shaogu.

After more than a year, is it easy for me?

If you don't tell me clearly, give me an explanation, and take off your scumbag hat, the victim will still be me! "

Faced with Tang Fan's protest, Tang Gang didn't take it to heart at all.

His daughter has never been a submissive person.

Gao Shaogu was born and raised in the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy. He was three years ahead of him. Tang Gang knew his temper much better than Tang Fan.

Although he valued Zhao Jingshu more, he would not target Tang Fan without any reason.

However, based on what Tang Fan did in the entrance exam, coupled with her surname and face, Gao Shaogu hated her so much that it was not impossible to be a little harsher.

"Don't think that I don't know what you did if I wasn't there. Did you have fun in the entrance exam?

Since you had fun at the time, you have to bear the consequences afterwards.

When I figure things out here, I will naturally make it clear to Jingshu.

Before explaining clearly, please feel aggrieved! "

Tang Fan glanced at Tang Gang meaningfully, "You should tell Jingshu clearly earlier!"

Tang Gang felt a little uncomfortable when he heard the accented word "Jingshu".

He made a fist with his right hand, coughed lowly, put his hands behind his back, and ran away.

Looking at Tang Gang's fleeing figure, Tang Fan's face was filled with smiles.

Tang Fan had just seen off Tang Gang, but Song Ci was welcomed.

Although the two of them only murmured a few words, the people on the starship looked at Tang Fan with something wrong.

Tang Fan couldn't care about this.

She is busy!

Things like blowing up the Black Skeleton's lair have been accomplished, so what else can't be accomplished?

If you have time to think about the looks in these people's eyes, it would be better to think about how to develop and strengthen the Tang family and bring down the Zhang family.

First, she had to hand over the batch.

Secondly, she had to design a few more mechas.

As an emerging company that has only opened up the market with innovation, it cannot be like Zhao's Mecha, which has not introduced new products for more than two years!

The brand of Tang's Mecha has been built on Guwu Mecha, but it cannot rely on Guwu Mecha for a lifetime.

However, for the next batch of mechas, she plans to buy accessories and let customers assemble them themselves.

After all, her time is valuable, and it would be a waste to be stuck in assembling mechas all the time.

Tang Fan had been holding the copyright for the outstanding works of the mecha design competition for more than half a year. Now he felt that the time was right, so he immediately took the drawings without ceremony and started a live broadcast.

The title of the live broadcast is, how to improve your design drawings.

As soon as this topic came up, many people were unconvinced and raised eyebrows at Tang Fan.

But when they walked into Tang Fan's live broadcast room, they listened to Tang Fan modifying the design drawing little by little to make the design more operable and concrete.

Looking at the design drawings, transformed into real mechas under Tang Fan's changes, all the dissatisfaction disappeared.

Because of this, many brothers and sisters who are studying mecha design specially sent their works and authorization letters to Tang Fan, just asking Tang Fan to realize their works.

Tang Fan didn't expect this magical turn of events, but he happily accepted it.

After all, no one can have too much of a good thing.

Even if most of the designs are immature, other people's design concepts and directions will still give Tang Fan a lot of inspiration.

Of course, Tang Fan is also a principled person. Not all the drawings sent to her will be modified and explained one by one.

Our classmate Tang Fantang doesn't like ordinary goods with no ideas and no special features.

Of course, Tang Fan wouldn't do anything like throwing it away.

She only added a few comments and returned the letter.

In this way, Tang Fan released hundreds of mecha design drawings one after another, allowing them to materialize into fuselages.

What Tang Fan didn't expect was that even though it was just a fuselage, there were still many mecha design professionals and even some collectors who were looking for novelty and novelty, queuing up in the live broadcast room to buy it.

Classmate Tang Fan, who is all about money, will not refuse this kind of windfall.

Don't be too happy about making money by selling the body of a white-level standard mecha.

This can be considered as indirectly achieving oneself when helping others?

Tang Fan absorbed the strengths of hundreds of schools of thought and could naturally make up for his own shortcomings.

The second set of purple-level peak mecha inspired by the twelve constellations finally took shape before Song Ci sent him back.

After revisions, deletions and additions, Tang Fan finally perfected his design when school started. From Aquarius to Capricorn, he made twelve live broadcasts in a hurry.

When Tang Fan was live broadcasting Guwu Mecha, he was just a student who relied on scandals to attract traffic.

By the time the twelve zodiac mechas were broadcast live, she was already a manager who could take charge of her own role.

Naturally, it attracted more viewers and its influence further expanded.

Not to mention anything else, in just twelve days, the results of tens of millions of orders were able to blind the eyes of the entire alliance.

This is the result of Tang Fan's repeated emphasis that he only sells mecha parts and not complete machines, and that the twelve constellations of mechas can be divided into zeros and cannot be accumulated.

This data is basically close to the league's total sales of purple-level mechas in the previous year.

In other words, Tang Fan single-handedly took over all purple-level mechas in the league this year.

William sent a protest to Tang Fan for the first time.

Time is tight, the tasks are heavy, and the few people in the factory simply cannot support it.

Either they recruit new people to expand production, or they reduce orders. Otherwise, they can only choose to go on strike collectively.

Seeing William's protest, Tang Fan frowned.

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