Mecha Forger

Chapter 109 Damage

She has asked for help from Song Ci several times.

Don't just pick up one wool, otherwise you will become bald.

It seems that we have to find Principal Lan to find a solution.

Just when Tang Fan was thinking about how to harvest Lan Yuan's wool, the results of Song Ci's investigation were almost coming out.

During this period of time, Song Ci and his people visited the entire wild galaxy, especially near the original R78 planet. Every fragment was fished out.

But the result was very simple: internal strife among the Star Thieves.

The reason is: among the space debris scattered around the planet R78 in the wild galaxy, there are only asteroid fragments, starship fragments and a large number of human skeletons. The only symbol on these objects is the big black skull.

This isn’t internal strife among the Star Thieves, what else could it be?

Many people are dissatisfied with this result.

Even Marshal Song couldn't keep his proud expression after seeing this conclusion and collapsed.

However, Song Yuanshi had no intention of refuting the conclusion given by his son.

The accident investigation report given by Song Ci was handed over intact.

Not long after, they were flying to various parts of the alliance.

The passing geese leave their voices, and the passing people leave their names.

There is nothing that cannot be traced.

Zhang Aiwei used such a bad excuse to buy the Hematite Star closest to the Wild Galaxy. After buying it for more than a year, nothing happened.

As long as you are not blind or stupid, most people can think of something.

At the beginning of the explosion, the Savage Galaxy became the object of great concern to the entire alliance.

Especially the group of people who are sensitive to politics want to keep their eyes on the wild galaxy.

After waiting for so many days, the expeditionary force sent so many people and salvaged, but they gave this result.

Everyone's eyes were straightened.

But both hawks and doves have acquiesced in this conclusion.

Some things can be done but cannot be said.

Finding a reason and letting things go is the best option.

Although the case was closed, Marshal Song Yuanshi Song was not idle.

In addition to giving him a report, Song Ci also included a line of words in black and bold - the expeditionary force was short of a military training base.

As smart as Song Yuanshi, he immediately understood his subtext: The expeditionary force is short of a military training base, and I think the Savage Galaxy is good.

Song Ci usually did not speak to Song Yuanshi, but now that he had spoken, it would be beneficial to the expeditionary army, so Song Yuanshi must do his best.

No, rush to the administrative center early in the morning.

But coincidentally, before entering the house, Marshal Song Yuanshi met an old friend - Willie Smith.

Willie Smith, with his slender figure and elegant face, has long occupied the top spot on the list of league officials' appearance.

However, in Song Yuanshi's eyes, this girl is simply "gold and jade on the outside, but ruined on the inside".

Although Song Ci had been harassed by the black skeletons under the Smiths for a long time, this time in the Savage Galaxy explosion, Song Ci had successfully regained his place. Although Marshal Song did not want to see Willie Smith, he still took the initiative to fight with him. call.

"Mr. Smith, long time no see. How are you doing?"

It was obviously an ordinary greeting, but Willy heard a different flavor and felt the deep malice of Marshal Song Yuanshi.

Willy Smith took a deep breath to control his emotions, and said in a calm tone: "Thanks to Marshal Song, it's possible!"

It won’t be possible to die for a while!

Song Yuanshi looked at Willie Smith's smiling face, and listened to his meaningful words. A feeling of "I feel relieved knowing that you are not doing well" came to her heart, and the smile on her face was bright. A few points.

Willie Smith forced out a reluctant smile and said, "Marshal Song is a rare visitor. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

Song Yuanshi raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: "It's not necessary for the time being. When you are in need, you will definitely not forget Mr. Smith who is willing to help others?"

Song Yuanshi's expression and tone made Willie Smith's heart tremble.

Before he had time to think deeply, Song Yuanshi had already passed him and walked away.

Because of Marshal Song's meaningful words, Willy was restless all day.

When he saw the report that Song Yuanshi had personally drafted on the expansion of the Savage Galaxy into a military training base for the expeditionary force, Willy almost spat out his blood.

This old thief turned out to have this idea.

Zhang Aiwei had been planning for so many years, and she bought the Hematite Star without hesitation, which aroused countless suspicions, but in the end she made Song Yuanshi's wedding dress.

Does this count as tit for tat?

The wild galaxy is also a terra incognita, at least on the surface.

The military training base is a good thing. It can improve the strength of the expeditionary force and improve everyone's safety.

Song Yuanshi wrote the report in person, and went door-to-door to lobby, who could not give him some face?

But not everyone is focused on serving the country and the people. Even the top leaders of the alliance are full of people who are calculating their own gains and losses.

Many people are reluctant to watch Song Yuanshi develop and grow.

The land can be given, but for other things, such as the funds to build a military training base, the alliance's top brass will not allocate a cent.

Not only that, but he also put on a posture of ‘if you want love, don’t pull me down’.

Rome was not built in a day, and a military training base cannot be built in a day or two.

Building a port and military camp is no small matter, especially to accommodate the various types of starships and battleships of the expeditionary force, and to accommodate so many people from the expeditionary force participating in exercises, the scale is naturally not small.

Credit points, manpower, and grain storage... there are too many things to worry about. If the alliance does not provide funds, it is just trying to manipulate Song Yuanshi and wait for Song Yuanshi to bow his head.

But is Song Yuanshi bowing his head so easily?

The Alliance Marshal's bones are much harder than the average person.

It is impossible to bow your head, not in this life!

Don't think that he, a rough old man who only knows how to fight, can't come up with any good ideas, but he is not fighting alone!

If he dares to come, he will be fully prepared.

I want to see the Expeditionary Army or the jokes about Song Yuan's poems, but there is no way!

Song Yuanshi took the stamped application form and went out. Over there, the various departments of the expeditionary force were targeting the top leaders of the alliance, while the sergeants below collectively faced the society. Don't do anything else, just two words: cry for poverty.

Only children who cry get candy.

Although it is a bit embarrassing for Marshal Song to make a crying gesture.

But there is an entire expeditionary force behind Marshal Song!

He can't cry, but he can make the people below cry!

This move is so damaging!

I can’t think of Song Yuan’s poems, and I can’t think of Song lyrics either.

But Tang Fan, who was used to fighting public opinion battles, could figure it out.

There is an old saying that goes, it doesn’t matter whether the cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

In the same way, no matter it was a conspiracy, a destructive move or a clever trick, as long as it could achieve the goal, Song Yuanshi would not mind using it.

Of course, just crying about poverty is not enough.

It's good to get credits, but if you don't have them, you have to find other ways.

For example, we need supplies.

For example, asking for someone.

People sympathize with the weak.

He was only given land but no credits or supplies. As long as this matter was revealed, everyone would side with Song Yuanshi.

As long as the early stage of crying poverty is done properly and public opinion is used well, Song Yuanshi does not mention credit points and materials, but as long as a few special recruitment quotas for the expeditionary force are added, the alliance's top brass will definitely respond.

As for how much it will increase, it depends on Song Yuanshi's ability.

Regardless of the fact that it is just a special recruitment quota for the expeditionary force, for the alliance's senior leaders, apart from a little supply and allowance, it is no effort at all, and it does not break the muscles or bones.

But the influence on Song Yuan's poetry was great.

People are the primary productive force.

The expeditionary force is out of reach for many people.

As long as these expeditionary force special recruitment quotas are used properly, building a military training base will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort.

This move was a beautiful one.

It's enough to make people who know the inside story look down on Tang Fan's little girl.

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