Mecha Forger

Chapter 332 Talk

At that moment, Mr. Li Banxia concluded that Professor Tao Bixi knew something 100%!

About Tao Qingxi, about Field, about Anna Smith, about...

But it’s one thing to know, but it’s another thing not to say it out loud!

Mr. Li Banxia thought about the silent and tearful father and daughter of the Tang family, and Song Ci's unexpected decision. After pondering for a moment, he finally sent Tao Qingxi's test results to Professor Tao Bixi.

To be entrusted by others is to be loyal to others.

I just don’t know if Professor Tao Bixi can withstand such stimulation...

Tao Qingxi and Tao Bixi are from the same mother and have a deep relationship. Logically speaking, they should have a deep understanding of Tao Qingxi's situation.

But in fact, doctors do not heal themselves, and people do not heal themselves.

Precisely because of their deep feelings, Tao Bixi did not dare to face Tao Qingxi, let alone inquire about any news about Tao Qingxi.

I suddenly received this news, it was accurate news from Mr. Li Banxia

Tao Bixi's vision went dark and she fainted.

After waking up, Professor Tao Bixi threw everything in his mind to Fang Yi and immediately reached the capital star.

The first stop is Pound Field's home.

Pound Field saw Tao Bixi's power once more than thirty years ago, and never dared or forgot it.

Seeing Tao Bixi coming to kill him, Pang De hurriedly ran home without even asking for leave.

But even so, it's still a step too late.

Everyone who worked for the Field family, without exception, lay on the ground.

In the living room of the Field family, except for the chair where Tao Bixi sat, there was nothing left for Pound.

Violent dismantling and the like are not suitable for a gentle man like Professor Tao.

We, Professor Tao, all use pharmaceuticals directly.

What paralysis potion, decomposition potion...

Take one and it will satisfy all your imagination immediately.

This is the most powerful thing about pharmacists!

This is also what scares Pound the most!

"You're here!"

Pound's voice was a little trembling.

Tao Bixi didn't say a word, she just threw the physical examination report that Mr. Li Banxia gave her with a cold face in Pang De's face.

"It's like this, can I still not come?"

It wasn't until the test sheet fell to the ground that Pang De picked it up with a blank look on his face.

The name in the front and the conclusion in the back tell Pound clearly and clearly:

His wife, Ms. Tao Qingxi, suffered a rapid decline in physical fitness and entered the interstellar age, a period of decline that everyone was afraid of.

In other words, Tao Bixi's lifespan will never exceed ten years.

Pound Field was shocked by the news. He looked at Tao Bixi blankly and sat down on the ground.

No wonder Tao Bixi, the evil star, would come to stir up trouble. It turns out that's what it is...

"Is there no other way?"

Pound's voice was very soft, a little waggish.

Tao Bixi looked at Pang De like this, and her heart became more and more uncomfortable.

"Why is such a good person like Qingxi blind enough to fall in love with you?"

Tao Bixi's words were like a sharp sword, piercing deeply into Pang De's heart.

Pang De, who had been slumped on the ground, suddenly laughed.

"Yes! How could such an excellent Tao Qingxi fall in love with me?

But no matter how much you look down on it, why didn’t you give me a child? "

come! Hurt each other!

Professor Tao Bixi's eyes immediately changed when she looked at Pound.

"So, what did you do to Qingxi?"

Pang De looked at Tao Bixi fiercely and sneered, "Guess!

You are so smart and capable, you can definitely guess it!"

Tao Bixi looked at the crazy-looking Pound and frowned, "Don't worry, I will definitely know."

After saying that, without even giving Pound a look, he stood up and walked out of the door.

Pang De looked at Tao Bixi's retreating back, held the test sheet tightly, and cried bitterly.

After leaving Pound Field's home, Tao Bixi went straight to the Affiliated Hospital of the First Union College.

Because Mr. Li Banxia is still waiting for her there!

Tao Bixi knows what it means to be a seventh-level pharmacist.

It represents authority, honor, affirmation, as well as faction, conspiracy...

For the sake of Tao Qingxi's health, Tao Bixi can hide her ears and pretend that she doesn't know the fact that "because they specialize in different fields, she and Li Banxia don't have much intersection."

But when Mr. Li Banxia clearly told her that Tao Qingxi's days were numbered, Tao Bixi sobered up.

She felt that she had the right and obligation to find out Li Banxia's purpose.

Even before she opened the door of Tao Qingxi's treatment room, she had to do some mental construction for a long time.

But when she opened the door, she was stunned...

I don’t know when, there was an extra set of tables and chairs in the treatment room.

Mr. Li Banxia was sitting at the table, comparing several physical examination data.

Seeing Tao Bixi come in, Mr. Li Banxia waved to her and took her to discuss with interest.

Tao Bixi stared at the three physical examination data with a trace of surprise in her eyes.

"Where do you always get these physical examination data?"

Mr. Li Banxia was "confused" when asked, and honestly told Tao Bixi the origin of these data.

When the two strange and familiar names Tang Meng and Zhang Aiwei came out of Mr. Li Banxia's mouth, Tao Bixi slowly closed her eyes.

Some fragments of the past suddenly connected together.

Some of Tao Bixi's guesses were confirmed at this moment.

At the same time, some of the beliefs in her heart began to slowly collapse.

"So, is that so?"

Mr. Li Banxia asked with a pure face: "What is this like?

Did Professor Tao discover anything?

Can you share it with me?

I promise, God knows and the earth knows, you know and I know, and no third person will know. "

Tao Bixi looked at the old naughty senior in front of her with a wry smile, "My teacher has a total of four assistants.

One is lying here, the other has gone to heaven, and the only ones left are senior sister Anna Smith and me.

Every experiment I conducted was recorded by the Union Military Academy.

As for my senior sister...

If seniors are interested, you can check it out.

Maybe you can find more interesting things. "

Mr. Li Banxia touched his chin and asked innocently with a curious attitude like a child: "You mean, she is infertile?

Or is it about her conducting experiments on human bodies?

Or, how about using genes from mutated organisms to modify the human body? "

Tao Bixi looked at him in disbelief, "You..."

Mr. Li Banxia patted her shoulder and said with a smile: "I think we need to have a good talk!"

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