Mecha Forger

Chapter 333

Tao Bixi looked at Mr. Li Banxia and narrowed her eyes, "Why should I believe you?"

If my teacher, my senior sister, my brother-in-law... can't believe it. Why should I trust you, a colleague with whom I have no connection?

Mr. Li Banxia calmly took out several pieces of physical measurement data from his space button and showed them in front of Tao Bixi.

Tao Bixi looked at the familiar names on her head, especially the name at the beginning that she had read for more than thirty years... her attitude had to soften.

She raised her back molar and said with difficulty: "How do you want to talk about it?"

Mr. Li Banxia clicked his tongue and said lightly: "I think Tianxiang Lake Park is good, and Xijiao Cemetery is also okay..."

Mr. Li Banxia named several places in succession. They were all good places that were clean, spacious and unobstructed, and would definitely not be watched, eavesdropped or discovered.

Tao Bixi took a deep look at him, abandoned unreliable places like cemeteries, and finally chose Tianxiang Lake Park...

Tianxiang Lake Park is undoubtedly beautiful in autumn, with blue sky and white clouds, fragrant golden osmanthus, and chrysanthemums everywhere...

But no matter how beautiful the scenery was, it couldn't make Mr. Li Banxia and Professor Tao Bixi stop and admire it.

Their attention was all on what each other... had to offer.

It is rude to come and go without reciprocating.

Since Mr. Li Banxia has shown absolute sincerity, Professor Tao Bixi has also shown his sincerity appropriately.

The materials and data that she had been following Professor Field for all those years were handed over to Mr. Li Banxia by Tao Bixi.

At the same time, Mr. Li Banxia also handed over the physical measurement data of Tang Fan, Peng Kaiyuan and Olaf Field to Tao Bixi.

The two people took the information provided by the other party and read it word for word.

Things that are meaningless in the eyes of others have a different meaning in their hands.

Mr. Li Banxia confirmed that the Field family had begun research on mutant organisms more than thirty years ago and applied them to the human body.

And Professor Tao Bixi also confirmed: Tao Qingxi was pregnant and gave birth to a child, fell into a coma, and entered a period of premature decline... all of this was a conspiracy.

It is not yet known whether this conspiracy is related to the Field family.

But Anna Smith, the senior sister, must be involved.

Mr. Li Banxia pondered for a moment and took out another piece of physical measurement data from his space button.

"Although it's not something important, I think it should be of some help to you."

Tao Bixi raised her eyebrows and took the portion.

When she saw the words Xu Yangyang, Tao Bixi couldn't help but squint her eyes.

Others may not know this Miss Xu Yangyang, but she is... familiar with this name.

Born in the same hospital as my nephew, he was also "motherless" right after he was born...

Too many coincidences forced Tao Bixi to pay attention to this talented girl who became a fifth-level pharmacist in her early thirties.

The talented girl next to my senior sister!

"Senior, what do you mean by giving this to me?"

Mr. Li Banxia touched his chin and said with a smile: "You will understand after reading it!"

Tao Bixi raised her eyebrows and was noncommittal.

She looked through it slowly, but the more she read, the more frightened she became.

Finally, she couldn't help but took out the physical measurement data with Tang Fan's name on it and placed it next to this information.

If you don’t compare, you don’t know. If you compare, you will be shocked.

Tao Bixi looked at the two extremely similar data and raised her molars.

"If I remember correctly, there is no blood relationship between the two of them!"

Although Tao Bixi didn't say it clearly, how could Mr. Li Banxia not understand?

After all, he had similar questions.

"I dare not say too much, but within ten generations, I can still guarantee it."

Professor Tao Bixi laughed when he heard this.

"It's interesting!"

After finishing speaking, Tao Bixi seemed to have thought of something. She took a deep look at Mr. Li Banxia and asked, "Have you told Xu Yangyang about this?"

Mr. Li Banxia chuckled, "What do you think?"

Tao Bixi clicked her tongue, "No wonder you are so generous, co-authors sell more than one product!"

Mr. Li Banxia was not annoyed even after being criticized, and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter how many times it is sold, as long as it is useful.

Is not it? "

"That's true!" Tao Bixi paused after finishing speaking, "I have one last question that I would like to ask my senior."

Mr. Li Banxia made a gesture of invitation and said with a smile: "But there's no harm in talking!"

Tao Bixi spoke rudely, "Senior should know how deep the water is, but why did you still wade in without hesitation?"

Mr. Li Banxia looked at the two simple words at the top and said quietly, "The gold master has a destiny, so I don't dare to disobey it!"

Tao Bixi raised her eyebrows and reserved her own opinion on Mr. Li Banxia's answer.

Although she was not satisfied with Mr. Li Banxia's answer, Professor Tao Bixi did not mind joining hands with him to set some obstacles for her dear senior sister, Anna Smith, and collect some interest.

Therefore, after Mr. Li Banxia and Professor Tao Bixi indirectly confirmed the authenticity of each other's information, they quickly started "resource sharing" again.

This time, Mr. Li Banxia took out the three pages of information provided by Xu Yangyang and the research information on sheath beetles.

What Tao Bixi provided were some "interesting" research projects and data that she intentionally or unintentionally "shared" from Anna Smith when they were still working under Professor Field.

After the two people walked around Tianxiang Lake again, their expressions became much heavier.

Especially Professor Tao Bixi, when looking at the information numbered 006 and signed by Tang Fan, the same thoughts as Xu Yangyang flashed through his mind.

Since there is 006, there must be 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005.

Maybe one day, one of them will be named Olaf Field?

After all, Anna Smith even dared to use her own brother's seed for experiments. What kind of master, senior brother, junior could this girl care?

Others may not be able to understand the string of numbers 945077, but Professor Tao Bixi is different.

She took the information from Mr. Li Banxia's hand, flipped through it, pointed to a set of data, and said calmly: "If I remember correctly, this should be the experimental data numbered 945077.

Perhaps this will be of some help to you and your sponsor. "

Mr. Li Banxia narrowed his eyes and nodded, "Then on behalf of me and my sponsor, I would like to thank Professor Tao Bixi for his guidance."

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