Mecha Forger

Chapter 499 Ulikummi

In the building that Tang Fan managed to secretly photograph, a man with white hair, but still tall and straight, with metallic luster on his limbs, stared at the screen in front of him, his face as heavy as water.

Remotely controlling the Skeleton Star Thief Group, he has dealt with this boy named Song countless times, and he knows that this boy is not an easy person.

But he didn't expect that he was already so powerful - half of the fort was destroyed before he even got to Song Ci.

Ulikmumi pursed his lips into a straight line and made a difficult decision: "Activate the backup turret!"

Burke Solomon took two steps back, then smiled and whispered: "The activation code for the backup fort is in Zhao Qian's hand..."

And Zhao Qian was thrown on the diamond star by him.

The short-distance teleportation array on Diamond Star has been destroyed, and it is impossible for them to break through Song Ci's blockade and find Zhao Qian.

Even if they were found, there was no telling whether Zhao Qian, who had been abandoned, would tell them the activation code for the backup turret.

Ulikummi glared hard at Burke Solomon, who had failed to achieve anything but failed in many ways, and activated a backup plan.

"What about the beast-shaped mecha?"

Burke Solomon raised his head in surprise, "Mechas need people to control them..."

Ulikummi raised his eyebrows, "So what? Aren't you a human?"

Burke Solomon was so frightened by Ulikummi that he could not speak. Feeling the seriousness in Ulikummi's eyes, a feeling of fear enveloped Burke Solomon's body.

He jumped up and ran towards the door.

But as soon as his hand reached the door handle, the cold needle tip pierced his skin.

He turned back sharply and watched helplessly as Ulikummi slowly injected a syringe of genetic medicine into his body.

Burke Solomon's eyes were scarlet, and his forehead and neck were swollen with veins. His stiff hands tried to pull Ulikummi's hand, but he couldn't stop his movement at all.

His whole body began to become stiff and numb as if it was petrified, and saliva fell from the corners of his mouth. His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

After all the liquid was injected, no matter how unwilling he was, Burke Solomon could only let his body and brain be completely controlled by the drug.

His meridians kept undulating, as if countless insects were running rampant in his body. Some black substances gradually separated from his body, gradually sticking together and wrapping his body.

His body gradually curved and gradually overlapped with the bodies Song Ci saw inside the beast-shaped mecha.

The reactions recorded in Burke Solomon's optical brain all happened to him.

It was only at this time that Burke Solomon finally understood the despair of those experimental subjects.

Burke Solomon couldn't help but let out a desperate roar.

However, what echoed in his ears was a beast-like roar.

He...has become a complete monster just like those experimental subjects.

Tears of regret slid down his face, whose facial features could no longer be seen, and fell to the ground, splashing a little dust.

Ulikummi stretched out his finger, caught one of the drops, twisted it, and sneered: "Jim always said: The progress of science always requires some people to make sacrifices.

Every time you hear it, you nod.

Since you agree with him so much, you should have been mentally prepared.

Contribute your own strength to science, to Jim, and to eternal life. "

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