Mecha Forger

Chapter 635

However, Tang Fan and Olivia have special physiques, and blood tests for all members of the expeditionary force are of little use.

The medicine that improves hematopoietic function still has the slightest effect on Olivia, but when it comes to Tang Fan, whose blood content is lower, it can't cause any waves at all.

Song Tong tried almost every other method he could think of.

Just when Song Tong was helpless and once again set his sights on Olivia, Ms. Yao, who had only been away from the Wild Star Territory for a few days, returned with her newly born Song Mufan.

The first time she saw Song Tong, Ms. Yao said nothing, but silently handed over a blood test report.

The blood test report, which was different from 99.999% of the people in the alliance, successfully attracted Song Tong's attention.

When Song Tong looked at the ignorant little Song Mufan in the nutrition cabin, the excitement and excitement in his heart suddenly faded away completely.

"Mom, the child... is still young!"

Ms. Yao glanced at Song Mufan, who was still sleeping, and said with a wry smile: "It is because he is still young that he cannot miss his mother and bear the sins that he should not bear.

It is his fate to be a good match.

If he doesn't match, it's his fate. "

Ms. Yao's meaningful words made Song Tong couldn't help but shudder.

She took a deep look at Song Mufan, closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and sent the blood test report to Mr. Li Banxia.

After receiving the report, Mr. Li Banxia quickly sent a video call request, but after learning the situation, he fell silent.

When both pharmacists were undecided, Ms. Yao stood up decisively... and posed the question to the child's father and grandfather.

The Song family father and son, who were decisive in killing, had a rare hesitation.

After discussing for a long time, we finally came up with a plan:

At the same time, Olivia and Song Mufan were given drugs to improve their hematopoietic function, and the corresponding blood was regularly extracted and injected into Tang Fan's body.

Of course, as an adult, Olivia can take more appropriately when necessary.

At the same time, a comprehensive blood test campaign was launched for everyone listed in Jim Field's records and their descendants.

We strive to discover this type of blood created with artificial factors as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on children Olivia and Song Mufan.

The blood of the people in Tianzhuo Star Territory looked wrong at first glance, so they were excluded directly.

Those who underwent blood testing were all the people who were fished out from the sinful place under the custody of the expeditionary force, as well as Tang Fan and Song Ci's beloved daughter, the child Song Aifan.

However, whether it is luck or misfortune, three-year-old Song Aifan's blood is the same as her father's, which is extremely normal.

On the contrary, there are several genetically modified human bloods, which are similar to those of children Tang Fan, Olivia, and Song Mufan.

Since the blood test results are similar, maybe, maybe, maybe it can be used after some purification and filtration?

Of course, it is not used on Tang Fan, who has been pampered and grown up, but on Olivia.

In the hands of these pharmacists, classmate Olivia was completely reduced to a blood cow providing blood for Tang Fan.

It's still voluntary labor, the kind that doesn't get paid, and it doesn't even have the qualifications to hum like the little boy Song Mufan.

This may be the legendary "stealing the chicken but losing the rice"!

Who asked her to attack Tang's mecha first?

You've hit a brick wall!

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