Mecha Forger

Chapter 636

Rome was not built in a day, and Tang Fan's illness could not be cured in a day either.

Even with the raising of Olivia, a blood cow, and the occasional supply from Song Mufan's children, it took a full three months for Tang Fan's blood content to reach the standard of a normal person.

Tang Fan's physical indicators gradually stabilized as his blood levels increased, but there was still no sign of waking up.

Another month passed, and Blood Ox Olivia woke up, but Tang Fan was still unconscious.

Mr. Li Banxia and Song Tong both felt that an opportunity was needed for Tang Fan to wake up.

As for where this opportunity lies?

The two pharmacists were at a loss.

However, Song Ci, who had returned from a long journey, saw Tang Fan who was obviously looking better in the treatment cabin, and his expression softened a lot.

Seeing that the child Song Mufan was helpful to his condition, he no longer ignored his son.

Although it is impossible to hold Song Aifan in the palm of your hand and dote on her in a short period of time, at least she no longer avoids her like a snake or a scorpion.

Song Ci's change of attitude made Ms. Yao breathe a sigh of relief.

People's hearts are all made of flesh. As long as Song Ci no longer rejects Song Mufan and gets closer to him, the relationship between father and son will eventually ease.

As for Tang Fan?

To live is to hope!


Tang Fan had been lying in bed for fifteen years.

The sun still rises as usual, Tang's mechas and the expeditionary force are still flourishing, Song Ci has already become a general, Song Aifan is about to graduate from the Blue Sea Mecha Academy, and the child Song Mufan is about to enter this school that carries the memories of his parents.

However, Tang Fan was still lying quietly in the treatment cabin, waiting for her opportunity.

Influenced by their parents, siblings Song Aifan and Song Mufan are very different from each other in terms of personality and profession.

Under the pampering of everyone, Song Aifan grew up healthily and successfully became a contagious little sun.

This warm-hearted little sun understood his responsibilities very early, and he majored in command and mecha casting without hesitation.

The little girl is very talented. Not only does she balance the two very well, she also uses her personal charm and leadership skills to form her own team, and led this team to win the first place in the Alliance Military Quality Competition for three consecutive years. name.

Although compared to Song Yuan's poetry and Song Ci's resume, it is still a little thin, but among his peers, it is already very good.

Compared to Song Aifan who shines and shines, the child Song Mufan is much more low-key.

The child Song Mufan is extremely talented, even more qualified than Song Aifan.

But precisely because of this, he understood early on the difference between the people around him and his sister.

Children are very curious.

With his unremitting efforts, Song Mufan, who was only six years old, figured out the reason for this differential treatment.

The burden that Ms. Yao didn't want him to carry was still carried by this precocious child.

From that day on, Song Mufan gave up his favorite mechas and aircraft, and instead followed Mr. Li Banxia and sisters Tao Qingxi and Tao Bixi for a long time, dealing with living things and medicinal materials.

Even when he entered the Blue Ocean Mecha Academy, he did not choose another major and focused on studying his pharmacy.

Song Mufan was pretending to be something, and he followed adults for a long time. He studied pharmacy, which is known for its rigorous study. Although he was only fifteen years old, he had the mature temperament of a young adult.

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