Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 846 Holographic Projection

"Ha!" Antonio was so proud that it was impossible to give it to him.

I thought that I had been thinking about it for so long and it took less than three days to get it...

As a result, I heard Lin Fan say "Give it to him".

Reluctantly throwing away the hilt of the sword, Antonio looked at Lin Fan with eyes full of sorrow, like a child who was forced by his parents to give away his toys.

"Okay, okay." Lin Fan patted his back and whispered: "Just to see if their powers are useful, I will return them to you later."

Magical weapons require magical powers to be activated. Lan Xing's superpowers originated from the World Tree. Jin Sichen also felt that this planet might also be Nuwa's testing ground. It just so happens that they also inspire supernatural powers...

No matter how it was activated, if their powers also come from the energy body with the same origin as the World Tree, then they will definitely be able to activate Lan Xing's magic weapon...

Antonio understood immediately, but he still groaned, crossed his hands and saw that his beloved lightsaber was being touched by a strange man... he became even more angry.

Lu Yuhao took a short cylinder made of unknown material and looked at it carefully for a long time.

It was heavy to hand, and there were no exquisite patterns on it, except for a small dark gold gem-like thing, which looked like a portable flashlight.

"How to use this?" He rubbed the handle everywhere and pressed several times on the small dark gold gem, but there was no response.

"Tsk..." Antonio liked to see his clueless look. Just as he was about to taunt him, he was interrupted by Lin Fan again.

"Input the superpower into the handle and control the specific operation yourself. Don't point the sword towards yourself."

Antonio felt uncomfortable. He looked at Lin Fan with a flat mouth. Am I no longer your favorite friend? !

ah! wrong!

"Isn't it input to the gem?"

"No, it's just a decoration that marks the element's attributes." Lin Fan replied, "Just input enough activated abilities to any position on the handle."

… Antonio felt really uncomfortable this time.

Lu Yuhao is indeed a smart and hard-working high-level fire type. He succeeded after several attempts.

He looked at the shining golden sword and frowned slightly. "Isn't this the metal element? But what I input is the fire element."

Antonio finally got the chance to speak this time, and explained the beauty of the magic weapon in a choked voice.

Lu Yuhao's eyes were bright: "In other words, no matter what kind of superpower, it can activate magical weapons with different attributes?"

Such a weapon that is not restricted and can increase attack power is simply a gift sent to him from God!

"Yes, the attributes of the weapon can be different from the attributes of the person who inspires it. The power of the weapon has nothing to do with the ability of the person who inspired it. It only requires a small amount of superpower stimulation. But the ability to inspire people will increase the effect of the magic weapon. The stronger the person's superpower The weapons become more powerful." Lin Fan nodded.

"Then..." Lu Yuhao moved his eyes away from the golden lightsaber and looked at the sword that Lin Fan had been holding. "I don't know Miss Lin..."

"Hey! That's it!" Antonio shouted unceremoniously, "Do you really think we are exhibiting for free? Give me my weapon back!"

Lu Yuhao's hand tightened, and he instinctively didn't want to give it back, but he quickly adjusted his mentality, canceled the power input, looked at the handle of the lightsaber after it disappeared, and reluctantly handed it to Antonio.

Antonio took it, wiped it variously childishly, and held it firmly in his hand.

"Does this prove it?" Lin Fan asked.

Lu Yuhao was stunned for a moment, looking at the surprise weapon, and then remembered the previous reason.

"Um..." He thought for a moment, "I have indeed never seen such a weapon before, but it cannot be regarded as a very favorable proof. After all, the superpower has been around for so long. Maybe it is a new weapon developed by some other base. Woolen cloth?"

"Who has developed such a powerful thing that people can carry around with them?" Antonio criticized him.

"..." Lu Yuhao thought about it, and that was true.

If Lincheng developed such a weapon, they were determined not to let unknown people run around with it.

Thinking about where the two of them appeared, they were the only ones in Lincheng who were most likely to produce such weapons...

Lu Yuhao was shaken, but he felt that the strength of this proof alone was not enough to make him completely believe it...

"Sorry," Lin Fan saw that things were about to reach a deadlock and activated foreign aid without hesitation. "Since what we say is not enough to convince you, let's ask someone who can convince you to tell you."

Lu Yuhao thought they had other partners, so he wanted to say a few words of courtesy and say that Lincheng welcomed them. Who would have thought that when Lin Fan touched his ear with his left hand, light suddenly shot out.

He subconsciously took a few steps back and looked again. There was a middle-aged man with black hair in the room. He was looking at him and smiling with gold-rimmed glasses. The familiar scent of a politician reminded him of his father.

"You guys..." Lu Yuhao was speechless, "How did you get in? Space powers?"

"Hello, Mr. Lu." Cen Fangyuan, wearing the uniform of the vice-captain of the Noah, said hello with a smile. "I am the deputy captain of Lanxing's interstellar exploration spacecraft Noah. What you see is my holographic projection. Noah is currently cruising in low-Earth orbit above your planet."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cen Fangyuan disappeared, replaced by an all-too-familiar aerial view of space. It clearly shows the entire planet from Noah's perspective, with an almost abandoned satellite next to it.

"Our ship passed by Guixing recently. We planned to conduct a friendly exchange visit to Guixing. However, due to the abnormal situation in Guixing, we sent two advance personnel to Guixing to investigate. We apologize for any intrusion." Cen Fangyuan The voiceover continues.

"Where is it..." Lu Yuhao, whose head was already overloaded, subconsciously replied, but remembered that it was not polite and stopped talking.

He walked around to the back of the picture and saw a clear mirror image. He couldn't help but poke it with his hand. The fingers passed through the image without any obstacles...

Before he could react, the picture disappeared and Cen Fangyuan stood in front of him again. "Mr. Lu, I wonder how much you believe in the identity of our aliens now?"

"Is your body a holographic projection?" Lu Yuhao walked slowly around Cen Fangyuan.

"Yes." Cen Fangyuan still maintained a decent smile, "If you still have doubts, you can use any method to verify whether I have an entity."

Lu Yuhao raised his hand without saying a word, and three rockets surged towards Cen Fangyuan.

Before Cen Fangyuan could even blink, the arrow passed through him... There was psychological damage.

It is indeed a shadow! Lu Yuhao's heartbeat accelerated.

Looking at the two living people next to them, Miss Lin has not moved, but Mr. An is always facing her. Even if he attacked first, the two of them didn't react at all...

"Can you believe it now?" Antonio crossed his arms proudly, using the camera on his neck to provide a transmission perspective.

"I admit that weapons and holographic projection are technologies we have not yet reached." Lu Yuhao frowned slightly, "But let me believe that you are aliens... There is no difference between you and us. If it is an alien How can people be so similar?"

Yes, there are some disadvantages in the resemblance.

"Also, if you really saw the mess we have here in space, why do you still stay? What benefits can such a world bring to you? Or do you have the purpose of occupying it?" Lu Yuhao At this point, he suddenly became hardened, as if he was going to fight with all his strength.

"You are overthinking." Cen Fangyuan reassured with a smile, "According to what you said, this planet is like this, what else are we trying to do?"

"If you really want to occupy the planet, wouldn't it be easier to bomb it with heavy firepower when you can't free up space? Why only send two advance personnel to investigate? I just can't bear it and want to do my best to help you. "

Cen Fangyuan's output did not dispel Lu Yuhao's wariness, but he already believed 70% to 80% of the existence of aliens.

"Because of the signal blocking problem of Guixing, we are unable to transmit video signals to Guixing over a large area. Guixing's satellites cannot transmit back space images in time. Otherwise, none of this will be a problem." Cen Fangyuan sighed, "If If you still have doubts, it is better to clear the communication transmission channel and restore the satellite function. By then, everything will be solved. "

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