Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 847 Let’s clear out the monsters together

Zeng Qingyang fell silent after listening to his son's report.

Of course he believed in his son, but what he said was too unbelievable.

"Due to safety concerns, I won't bring them here directly for the time being," Zeng Yuhao was not surprised by his father's reaction. "As for the weapons, I expressed my desire to borrow them, but the other party was unwilling to give them out of their sight... "

So, the result is that you can't see anything...

Zeng Qingyang nodded: "Then let's clear the satellite transmission path. Clearing it will also be beneficial to ground communications and make it easier to contact other bases."

If you want to maintain communication between the base and the base, you always have to send people to the signal tower between the two places to clear monsters to keep the signal tower working normally.

Therefore, ground communication is blocked most of the time, or is caused by intermittent short-distance transmission because the signal tower is cleared of monsters.

Because of this characteristic, many bases will use local radio stations to transmit signals to the outside world around the clock to facilitate communication within the base. There are also radios that can receive signals at a certain distance outside the base.

The car radio can naturally receive these radio signals. Generally speaking, receiving a radio signal means there is a base nearby. The closer you are to the base, the clearer the signal. To a certain extent, it can be used as a navigation guide for unfamiliar cars. This is also the method Zhang Qiang has used before.

The satellite channel used by the satellite is a giant antenna pot. Because the equipment is special, it is usually located in sparsely populated mountainous highlands.

In the last days, this kind of place usually means a densely populated area with monsters, which is a very dangerous area even for people with super powers.

But if the antenna pots can be restored to work, coupled with the addition of signal towers in specific locations, global communications can be restored, even in harsh areas like the Hermitage.

"Okay, I think so too." Lu Yuhao nodded in agreement, "Even if there are no aliens, restoring satellite access is a great achievement worthy of praise for our Lincheng base, and it's worth a try. I'll go down and take care of it now. Preparation.”

A few days later, Lin Fan was sitting in the empty courtyard of the villa, bathing in the sunshine. After yawning, he saw Lu Yuhao outside the courtyard wall.

Lu Yuhao watched her look at him with tears in her eyes, with a relaxed attitude that was completely free of embarrassment and shyness. It was indeed something that those of them who were used to being nervous in the apocalypse did not have.

"Sister Lin, I found it!" Lan Pingru ran out of the villa with the things in her hands held high. Suddenly she saw a stranger standing outside and was startled: "Who are you?!"

Just as Lu Yuhao was about to speak, another figure rushed out of the room and rolled over like a top.

"President Lu, it's a pleasure to meet you! I, Zhang Qiang, am my sister An Gelin's most agreeable younger brother."

Zhang Qiang rubbed his hands with a chrysanthemum smile on his face.

This is Lincheng Ertoutou! Where had he come in contact with before? Let alone being so close, standing face to face. This wave of boss replacement is so worth it!

Lu Yuhao knew Zhang Qiang and did not comment on his self-positioning.

Antonio finally staggered out of the house.

"Yo! Morning...good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon, Mr. An, Miss Lin." Lu Yuhao responded politely and walked in through the courtyard door Zhang Qiang opened for him.

Seeing that there was no threat, Lan Bingru walked briskly behind Lin Fan and helped braid her hair.

Lin Fan's hair has grown to his armpits, and he habitually pulls a ball on the back of his head every day. When I suddenly saw Lan Bingru's exquisite braiding this morning, my female consciousness suddenly broke out and I also wanted to braid a beautiful braid.

However, my hand was weak and it fell into a ball after trying several times.

So Lan Pingru volunteered to help, and went out to find a gemstone hair tie that she thought was suitable. It was said that it was a good thing produced by some luxury brand before the end of the world. It was stolen into the villa by Zhang Qiang's former boss and she had seen it.

Lan Pingru knew her identity and never cared about those external objects. But for Sister Lin to use, no matter how good the things are, they are all worth it, not to mention those spare and beautiful-looking goods.

Even if I take all the good things from all over the world, Sister Lin is worth it!

Lan Pingru didn't know when she had put on a super filter for Lin Fan, and even Antonio had to take a back seat in her heart.

Lu Yuhao walked up to Antonio, exchanged a few words with him, and followed his gaze to look at Lin Fan in the courtyard.

The girl didn't have her weapon on her, and was unmoved by his arrival. She also turned her back to everyone and let people move on her head, seemingly unsuspecting.

"By the way, correct me." Antonio looked at the warm scene bathed in the sun with enjoyment and regretted not bringing his mobile phone down. "My full name is Antonio Madden. You can call me Mr. Madden, Mr. Antonio, or just Antonio. The title Mr. An is wrong."

Lu Yuhao smiled apologetically: "Sorry, it was my mistake, Mr. Antonio, then Miss Lin Fan..."

"There's no problem with her title..."

"What about me, brother?" Zhang Qiang came over in an awkward manner. "Should I call you Brother Antonio? Or Brother Madden?"

Antonio felt awkward and waved his hand: "Just don't change it."

Zhang Qiang was delighted: Look! I am special in my heart.

He happily handed over the drinks on the tray, and after the two of them took them, he ran towards Lin Fan.

"I came here rashly today to tell you that the team to clear the Satellite Passage has been formed, and all personnel and materials are in place. However, many middle- and high-level superpowers in Lincheng are on missions outside. In terms of combat effectiveness, the team that was hastily formed is... There is still something lacking.”

After a while, Lu Yuhao finally revealed the purpose of his trip. It also details how dangerous the profession can be.

To put it bluntly, I just want these two "aliens" to be together.

Increasing the strength of the team is indeed one of the goals. On the other hand, he also wants to see with his own eyes what the real strength of these two people is.

Since they want to open a communication channel and connect directly with their spaceship, these two people shouldn't stay out of it, right?

Antonio crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, still looking at Lin Fan's back braiding his hair. As he had expected, he didn't even look at Lu Yuhao next to him and said "Oh."

Is it true that the legend that Antonio has a soft spot for Lin Fan and pursues her so hard cannot be true?

Lu Yuhao saw this in his eyes and asked: "The team has been assembled. I wonder if you two..."

"Women are not happy when they dress up. Don't you have such a tradition of gentlemen here?" Antonio looked disgusted with the world.

...really not.

Lu Yuhao blinked. Most women had packed up and were waiting for him.

Fortunately, Lin Fan didn't keep the two of them waiting for long.

No matter how delicate the centipede braid is, it won’t be difficult in Lan Pingru’s skillful hands. She neatly tied the jeweled hairband she found specially at the end of her hair. Zhang Qiang had already held up two mirrors to look at Lin Fan back and forth.

This annoying guy! Lan Bingru secretly cursed unhappily, grabbed a handful and put it behind Lin Fan's head: "Sister Lin, what do you think?"

Lin Fan was still lazy, and she was almost asleep. Knowing that, he was shocked, tilted his head from side to side, and gave a thumbs up to his new hairstyle: "That's great! You should become a hairstylist!"

Lan Bingru smiled shyly: "I originally studied makeup and hair styles."

I see. Lin Fan understood.

Through Zhang Qiang's mirror, she saw the two people standing behind her, and Antonio was waving to her.

"Hey, Beibi'er! President Lu is waiting for us to clear out the monsters together. Can we go?"

Lin Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and stood up, not bothering to pay attention to his desire to perform: "Let's go."

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