Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 876 The Cause of World Destruction

The voice was intermittent, as if he would die immediately, but it shocked the two of them.

Especially Antonio, who was doing the dunk with great interest, jumped back a few steps and almost missed stepping on Xingchen's feet.

"Where is it? Where is it?"

Nine times out of ten, it was the voice of the tree keeper, but what about Keren?

The two searched around and saw no one. It can't be... this pillar is talking, right?

Antonio, whose horizons were opened by the special event, accepted the pillar's ability to speak well and leaned over to take a closer look, but this time he was determined not to take action.

Lin Fan pulled him to prevent him from getting too close: "Excuse me, are you the guardian of the World Tree?"

After waiting for a while, just when both of them began to wonder if it was their own thoughts, the old voice appeared again.

"it's me……"

"This way..."

The cave is a closed spherical structure with rumbling echoes. This is said in vain.

The two of them had to search pillar by pillar, and finally saw an ugly face on the back of a broken-looking pillar, with its eyes and mouth covered by excess skin.

It was really ugly, and the color was so purple that it looked like it was poisoned... The two mechas that finally found their target didn't want to take another step forward.

Is this the World Tree becoming a spirit? Or is the tree keeper of Tiandu Star just a tree man?

But no matter what, finding the tree keeper means finding the world tree, although this scene is not what they thought.

In their imagination, the world tree that can support the entire continent should be extremely strong, with the atmosphere on top, and roots in the core of the earth... Ahem, that's a bit too much, but at least it is better than Lanxing. The world tree should be spectacular, right?

The branches they cut out from the gaps at the joints were very thick, so I always felt that the trunk of the tree must be very huge.

But actually seeing it... I can't say it's not thick. It's as thick as the stars and Apollo hugging each other, but... it's similar to the stone pillars next to it that seem to be supported by a large palace... In short, it's too different from their imagination. Far.

Not special at all, not at all... in line with their impression of the World Tree.

However, such a thin tree trunk is in line with the intensity of the spiritual energy emanating from the air of Tiandu Star.

But Lin Fan recalled the first time he saw the World Tree in Lanxing, when it was just a sapling... So did they still take it for granted?

Big or small trees, even color and shape are not a problem. What matters is how the continents of this planet look like this.

Before they could ask questions, an old voice sounded for the third time. This time, he said thank you.

This tree man is as weathered as his appearance, as if he will die at any time, and it will take him a long time to say a few words. Lin Fan and the two waited for a long time before they figured out what was going on.

It turns out that Tiandu Xing’s start was similar to Lan Xing’s.

It is also a planet that has just produced intelligent creatures and has countless rich products. Nuwa left behind the World Tree and the sons of God who were mixed with many genes, and the treekeepers were naturally one of them.

At the beginning, everything was fine, and there was a clear hierarchy between gods and humans. The Son of God loves people, people worship gods, and tribal civilization emerges.

But a sudden natural disaster interrupted this prosperity. The high heat and smoke brought by the volcanic eruption destroyed the tribes that were not developed at that time.

The Sons of God were also caught off guard and tried their best to save many people, but for the entire society, ecological destruction was a fatal blow.

Facing the continuously erupting volcano, many sons of gods used their magical powers to block it, risking their lives. Since then, volcanoes have ceased to exist on Tiandu Planet.

After the volcano collapsed, the Golden Wheel traveled far away, and Tiandu Star did not have enough heat sources, so it entered the Ice Age naked.

It is difficult for human beings, who are already scarce, to survive with nothing. The Sons of God tried their best to save only a little spark.

This is the first time Tiandu Star has been destroyed. The World Tree, which had just grown but was not yet strong, had little effect this time.

"The first time? Is this the second time the world has been destroyed?" Everyone who had never known this history was shocked.

If it weren't for the existence of the World Tree, who would know the history of a planet and all the things it has experienced in tens of thousands or even hundreds of millions of years...

"No, this world...the third time..."

The old tree man's understatement was like a bomb, making everyone dizzy.

The third apocalypse? ! So what happened the second time?

Lin Fan and Apollo looked at each other and thought that the broken and rejoined continent must be the result of the second apocalypse.

Human development is not easy.

The people hiding in the caves and nourished by the energy of the World Tree finally survived the cold winter and began another round of rebirth.

This time, the remaining Sons of God were more cautious.

The God of Doom doesn't always come. This time, the World Tree successfully grew up.

Human society also updates and iterates according to normal processes, and everything is fine until the end of the world.

When Laoshu said this, his tone became lighter, as if recalling that happy time made him feel happy both physically and mentally.

"If everything is fine, then why did it destroy the world again?" Lin Fan asked him with a frown.

It is impossible to think about an apocalypse that can turn the continental plates into pieces like duckweeds.

"Is it another natural disaster?" Antonio asked.

"No..." Old Shu's voice deepened, "It was a man-made disaster."

The last apocalypse also happened in an era similar to the current Tiandu Star, when technology would have been more advanced, at least 50 years of progress.

But it was because science was too advanced that humans over-reliant on science, which backfired.

"Isn't scientific progress bad?" Lin Fan asked.

They are searching the universe for better science and technology.

"Good... bad... is the human heart." The old tree said intermittently.

Because they felt sorry for the first apocalypse, the sons of God were particularly sympathetic to humans in this life.

No matter what they did, they supported them unconditionally, and even if they made mistakes, they were unconditionally tolerant.

They were their own children, so what did it matter if they made some mistakes? Anyway, they were there.

It didn't matter if trees were cut down excessively, and it didn't matter if pollution was discharged into rivers, lakes, and seas. Anyway, the world tree could purify it.

How difficult is it for children to get to this point? What's wrong with making a few small mistakes? Just teach them slowly, they are still children.

Sure enough, humans soon realized the environmental problems themselves, quickly corrected their destructive tendencies, proposed environmental protection concepts, and implemented them very well.

Look, isn't it all good?

Except for the world tree, which suffered a lot under such indulgence, no one was hurt.

Although the tree keeper felt sorry for the world tree, he also cared about humans and was pleased with their transformation.

Later, with the development of technology, society developed towards a more efficient development. People became indifferent to each other, and everyone seemed to have built a high wall for themselves with electronic technology.

When almost all human labor can be replaced by high technology, meals can be cooked by robots, floors can be swept by robots, houses can be built by robots, programs can be written by robots, and even entertainment, movies, novels, and music are all automatically edited by machines...

"Will AI have consciousness and rebel? AI fights humans, the second world, and is destroyed!" Antonio blurted out.

The old tree reacted for a while before answering: "It didn't... humans... caused it..."

I almost couldn't turn off the computer last night.

First, it didn't respond when I turned it on in the morning. This has happened many times, and it was solved by forced restart.

When I was about to go to bed at night, I turned off the computer, but after a while I found that it was still on. I already suspected that my mind was wrong and it was not turned off. But all the software had been turned off, leaving an empty desktop.

So I clicked the shutdown button in the lower left corner response, click, click, no response.

Restarting didn't work either, hibernation worked, but it was useless.

Finally, the scheduled automatic shutdown command collected hundreds of years ago helped.

I found the command from the corners and set it to automatically shut down after 10 seconds, and it finally worked.

I seemed to witness this notebook gradually falling into disrepair with my own eyes, and I felt uncomfortable.

I am a person who values ​​feelings very much, and I will also have feelings for things that I have used for a long time. I always collect a bunch of old things that others think are "broken".

I still want her to accompany me for a long, long time. Come on, notebook.

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