Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 877 Damage Immunity

Humans destroy the world themselves?

How can it be so similar to their current situation?

Everyone on Tiandu Star looked at each other, and they all felt guilty.

The people on the Noah all muttered in their hearts: Is this planet cursed? Why does it destroy the world again and again?

After the development of science and technology, while enjoying it, people can't help but realize their own gap. After all, people with top IQs are still a minority, and most people are mediocre. Even after being replaced by machines, they can't even keep their jobs.

In order to improve the overall quality of mankind, the group of people at the top of the tower are tinkering with genetic improvement. They want to achieve a leap in the overall quality of mankind by strengthening the dominant sequence in the gene and weakening or excluding the inferior and mediocre genes.

"Gene?" Antonio felt bad when he heard the word, "This thing is not DIY assembly, it can't be disassembled and replaced. Their ability is far from the level of being able to dismantle and modify genes, right?"

Speaking of genetic experiments, that's what Nuwa is playing with. Even the octopus who can expand the brain world can't easily fiddle with this thing.

The development of Tiandu Star in the second generation is about the same as that of Lan Star. It has not even reached the first-level civilization. It is impossible to succeed no matter how you think about it.

"Yeah..." Lao Shu sighed, "They... overestimated..."

The rapid development of high technology gives people an illusion, an illusion of omnipotence.

Coupled with the prevalence of AI, the inflated self-confidence, with the accurate assistance, has led to the destruction of the originally promising social form.

"Didn't the Son of God come out to stop it?" Lin Fan was surprised. "At that time, it seems that there were still many Sons of God, right?"

Lao Shu sighed.

The division of the Son of God began at that time.

Some people support humans. Even if they know it is not feasible, they let the children try more. If they hit a wall, they will know to turn back. Why stop it? Time will correct everything.

Another part of people oppose. Knowing that the result is impossible, why waste time. Knowing that the child has gone astray, not pulling him back in time, but encouraging him to sink into the mud, even if they realize their mistakes and return to the right path, the time and energy in between are not a waste?

Neither side can convince the other. But the wind of opposition has reached the ears of humans.

At that time, humans had a close relationship with the Son of God. They knew of their existence, respected and revered them, and never missed the worship of them during festivals and celebrations.

So when they knew that the Son of God was arguing about this matter, they sent someone to express that the plan was shelved and asked everyone to stop arguing.

"In the end, they deceived you?" Antonio could almost imagine the subsequent development. "In fact, it is not over. When you know it, it is too late?"

"Yes and no." The old tree sighed.

Human desires are always difficult to fill. The genetic plan was shelved on the surface, but there are always people who are unwilling to give up.

Obviously everything points to the light, why must it be stopped?

The instruments, equipment, and venues are all ready, and these people continue to study quietly.

"The authorities must know," Lin Fan guessed, "Such a large-scale experiment, as well as the venue and equipment requirements, cannot really be carried out quietly."

The authorities certainly knew. Although they made a promise to the Son of God, they did not stop their men from keeping silent.

Anyway, the worst that can happen is that the experiment fails. If it succeeds, it will prove their ability to the Son of God.

Yes, with the development of science and technology, the Son of God no longer exerts his strength frequently. Humans who have not seen "miracles" for a long time can live very conveniently with the help of high-tech products.

The development of science and technology has greatly weakened human belief in the Son of God.

They still respect and care, but they are not so obedient.

Everyone underestimates the horror of experimental failure. They think that failure is just unsuccessful, and they never thought of the more terrible consequences.

When the news of zombies eating people broke out, the whole city had been destroyed.

Those paranoid people with lofty ideals sacrificed themselves first.

They lost their reason, fed on flesh and blood, bit any living thing they saw, and their hands turned into sharp claws with terrible strength.

The living things whose epidermis they pierced were inevitably assimilated in a short time.

Then, just like a plague, one person infected another, and one city spread to another.

This deadly threat spread rapidly through various means with birds and beasts.

By the time the sons of God who lived in seclusion in the high temple knew about it, one third of the people had already turned into zombies.

"Isn't the World Tree able to monitor the dynamics of the planet in real time?" Cen Fangyuan wondered, "Why did it find out so late?"

"Yes, it can." Jin Sichen explained to him, "But no one would keep an eye on it all the time, right? The amount of data on a planet is incalculable. The ugly woman had just woken up and knew very little about Lanxing, so she learned about the situation in this way. Except for the fight later and very few cases, no one would be patient to watch these things. It's like watching ants moving, which is not very interesting."

"And the sons of God on Tiandu Star are obviously more closely tied to humans and trust them very much. In this case, it is even more impossible to monitor in real time. Do you put a camera in your child's bedroom and keep watching it?"

The sons of God intervened urgently and curbed the process of zombieization, but they could not completely eliminate it. And because the first group to fall were all highly educated researchers, they might have had the advantage of high IQ and excellent genes, and their zombies actually evolved wisdom.

It's not the wisdom that can compete with humans and think flexibly. It's the instinct to face danger.

Because researchers are all together, it is impossible to decipher this genetic sequence and find an antidote.

The Tiandu Star people's own God Son genes are partially immune to the God Son's abilities, even if they turn into zombies. After all, the God Son genes are the focus of optimization...

The situation at that time was even more severe than today's Tiandu Planet. Zombies turned into waves and surged, and humans had no time to build adequate defenses.

In the end, I still relied on the ability of World Tree to circle several defense bases, and after hurriedly building infrastructure, I finally stabilized the situation.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

Although the Son of God's ability is effective, it is immune to a certain extent. Ordinary people are overly dependent on technology. Although they have supernatural talents, very few people develop supernatural powers. It is not easy to attack zombies in a short time.

The World Tree can only increase the amount of spiritual power released and undermine the growth. But unfortunately, zombies can also absorb spiritual power and become stronger.

Fortunately, they only absorb passively, unlike humans who have the subjectivity and systematic approach, and the speed is slower, so humans still have a glimmer of vitality.

"Then why not let World Tree take action and kill all those zombies?" Antonio was curious, "Isn't the purification function of World Tree capable of killing these things on a large scale?"

Laoshu answered that it was still a question of genetic immunity.

The ancestors of this generation of Tiandu Star people relied on the World Tree and the Son of God to survive, and they carried the genes of both in their bodies. Despite thousands of years of iteration, this powerful gene has not disappeared, but has just been ignored by modern people.

The World Tree is an energy tree that provides protection for the planet. Its power is greatly reduced in destroying those with the same origin. Moreover, previous environmental purifications have greatly weakened the energy of the tree. Not to mention that it also provides spiritual power for the Son of God and humans. support. Between left and right, you can only choose one.

"I see, killing monsters is not as cost-effective as charging up energy to improve overall quality." Antonio nodded, "Speaking of which, where is the World Tree? We have been looking for it for so long and still have no clue."

"Ahem..." Old Shu coughed a few times, "That's me."

This answer was not unexpected, but he added another sentence.

"I sacrificed my body to the tree... and it has already... merged into one body..."

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