Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 878 His Regret

Sacrifice yourself to a tree?

An example of jumping into the sea of ​​fire and sacrificing the sword with one's body suddenly appeared in Lin Fan's mind, and it was unpleasant to think about it.

How much love is this? Only then can the living flesh and blood be melted into the trees, take root in the Tiandu Star, and protect them from perishing again and again...

The tree face, which was clearly ugly just now, seemed not so ugly anymore. Every wrinkle turned into a wound carved on his body by Tian Du Xing, and he has been enduring it silently and still protecting...

Under the pressure of life, everyone learns very quickly. Although the number of zombies is huge, as long as they can have a winning rate, human resilience still keeps them confident.

Until one day, the Son of God was also infected. The scales tip again.

The thousands of years of life of the Sons of God are not in vain, their abilities are far beyond the reach of ordinary people. Even against immune zombies, the lethality of the sword is still considerable.

Similarly, when they turn into zombies, their lethality to humans becomes even more terrifying.

There was chaos among the gods, and humans and zombies fought together. Everyone is trying their best to fight for a future.

Watching his friends disappear one by one, Laoshu could only silently guard the World Tree and continue to stimulate spiritual energy.

He couldn't help anyone, and there was nothing he could do to help anyone.

The zombies seem to be endless, and they can never be killed, and they always appear out.

A large number of supernatural struggles have affected the vegetation, and everything as far as the eye can see is barren.

Zombies are not picky eaters, but people need to eat. When supplies are low, even the strongest person will retreat.

Despair spread in silence. Finally, someone couldn't stand the protracted ending and detonated the nuclear reactor.

"What?" Antonio felt that he heard wrongly. "If we can't beat each other, we will die together?! This is also..."

The old tree didn't respond to him and continued to narrate in a low voice.

The huge explosion took away everything, and seemed to send a signal to other desperate people. Some people followed suit, and the Sons of God had no time to stop it. The World Tree only had time to protect the survivors, and the continental plates shattered into pieces in the explosion.

The zombies disappeared, and humans still won, but the land of Tiandu Star was all in pieces, with all kinds of strong radiation.

The barrier of the World Tree gave priority to protecting humans, and did not take into account the always strong Son of God.

The Sons of God escaped zombies and explosions, but they could not escape the damage of radiation.

When Laoshu was the only god son left on Tiandu Star, he asked himself in a daze, what was all this for? What did all this get in exchange?

He wanted to escape, escape from this planet that was full of pain and buried all his companions.

But what about the humans who still survive within the barrier?

Let them fend for themselves! They were going to die anyway...

The old tree struggled for a long time, but still chose to stay.

He controlled the World Tree, pulled all the broken large plates together, and tied them into a complete continent. Then he began to evolve radiation damage until the beginning of another new world...

"Can the World Tree evolve radiation?!" The Tiandu Star people were excited. "Then we can be saved?!"

Lin Fan heard their happiness through the earphones but felt sad.

The World Tree in front of me has no tree shape at all, and the color is wrong. It should be caused by purification and pollution.

The Tiandu Star people listened to the history of the planet throughout the whole process, saying nothing about the sacrifices of World Tree and the Son of God, but at this moment they jumped out and cheered.

Why do others have to bear the consequences of their mistakes every time?

The old tree seemed to have heard what they said, but he did not feel sad and continued to talk calmly.

The damage caused by radiation pollution is very difficult to eliminate, and the adsorption of the World Tree, which has been damaged by several explosions to its roots, is difficult to sustain. But if you want to give up... the tree guardian did not hesitate for too long and merged with the World Tree using his own abilities.

He's not leaving anyway, so what difference does it make where he is?

At the beginning of a new world, everything seemed to be reincarnated, but this time, it was only him.

He hid underground, drawing energy from the core of the earth, watching the small flowers and grass he brought in unintentionally take root and bloom, and once again lamented the strength of life, waiting for human beings to grow little by little, and watching them repeat the process one after another.

"Wait a minute," Antonio suddenly remembered, "we have seen in the literature that there was once a legend about a sacred tree and a god. Is that you? Haven't you been staying underground since the beginning of the New World? Look at you like this It doesn’t seem to be easy to move.”

The old tree said it was him.

Because they want to learn from the lessons of the previous life, let the descendants of these survivors who have absorbed a lot of spiritual power pay attention to their supernatural talents and avoid encountering powerful enemies who are unable to survive.

The result... He chuckled, as if he was laughing at himself.

He manipulated the tip of the World Tree to drill out of the earth, maintaining the form of a small piece of normal sacred tree. He also used spiritual power to transform and continue to play the role of a guide.

But...but once again, once again, as if technology was his nemesis, he failed again and hid underground again, no longer worrying about them.

"But you are still protecting them, aren't you?" Lin Fan felt that Laoshu was a hard-spoken and soft-hearted parent who said he didn't care, but never let go.

Otherwise, why is he always connected to the mainland? Isn't it that he has been purifying the radiation in the air and sea?

The old tree was silent for a long time, then laughed sadly.

Yes, why can't he let go? If he could let it go...

There is no way, thousands of years of love, even if human beings repeat the same mistakes again and again, he still remembers the words he promised to Nuwa...

I will protect this tree and this planet with my life, and love everything here!

It's obvious that he doesn't feel in love anymore...but he is still protecting...

It was obvious that the pain was excruciating, but he still kept pulling the pain on himself...

Lin Fan's heart was filled with panic, and a wave of pain came over her. Although his ugly face had no expression, she felt that he was crying.

She took a few steps forward and reached out to touch it, as if holding the old tree's face: "Sorry, I think this might make you feel better."

Pure energy came out of her hands, making Laoshu moan in comfort. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt this kind of relaxation and warmth in his mother's womb.

The soft green light enveloped him, and the purple and blue gradually receded. His old face seemed to be younger, and the excess skin gradually retracted upwards, gradually revealing a human face.

I still can't tell what he looked like before, but I can see his eyes, nose and mouth.

His eyes were shining with starlight, and he raised his lips and smiled at Lin Fan: "Thank you, girl, but there is no need to waste it, I will die soon."

With the support of new energy, his speech became coherent, and his voice no longer sounded like sandpaper.

Lin Fan's nose felt sour: "But at least you will be comfortable now, right? I want to do something for you, even if it can only make you feel a little comfortable. Death is very difficult for Yggdrasil, don't think that I can't Know."

The old tree's face became very gentle, with a loving smile: "I know, you have a very beautiful tree there, and there is a tree keeper named Nv Chou. She is very happy, and I am very envious."

Lin Fan's tears had already slipped out of his eyes and he continued to pump out energy: "Yes, she is very fierce. She yells and kills people when she sees them. She is not as gentle as you at all. I also envy the Tiandu people. It's a shame that they don't cherish."

The old tree's laughter echoed throughout the cave. He had not been so happy for a long time.

"But my life will eventually end. You have also seen the situation outside. Pollution seeps into the surface of the earth through seawater and into the air, almost everywhere." He said it very easily, as if he was not talking about his own life and death, "I have now The only energy they have is to purify pollution and release spiritual power. You can't have both. If they only choose one, what do you think they will choose?"

"Of course it's purification! Eliminate our urgent need!" Some bastard shouted in the earphones.

The old tree also heard it and laughed.

"I don't care what they choose, I hope you can think more about yourself." Lin Fan shed tears one by one, "They don't cherish your protection, and they don't even know that their own safety is based on the land you have been tied to." They don't even know you exist..."

"Yes..." the old tree sighed, "I turned the tree body into stone, fixed the entire continent, and trapped myself... But I was too tired, again and again... always like this... I think , relieved..."

Lin Fan sniffed.

"Don't cry, you cry and it makes me feel bad." The old tree said, "I don't have hands, so I can't help you wipe away your tears."

Lin Fan started sobbing.

"Whether it's life or death, it's my choice. This purification may cost everything, but it may not be able to clean them completely, but at least let them have a way to survive." The old tree had already thought about it and said with a smile, "I You don't have to worry about these damn things anymore. It's just... I have a regret. I thought I would regret it for the rest of my life, but I didn't expect you to come."

"Can I help?" Lin Fan asked.

"The apocalypse destroys people's hearts. I always wonder, if those people hadn't been allowed to detonate the reactor, would the results of the previous life have been different? The land would not be broken, my partners would not die, and the World Tree would not need to be purified and harmed, and so would I. It won’t be like this.”

"In exchange, I can give you the spaceship, I just hope you can let me see the different possibilities."

"What do you think?" Lin Fan ignored the spacecraft and simply wanted to help him.

The last wish of a dying person is still so pitiful. If it can be fulfilled by a selfless person, why not?

"Sorry, I'm rude." The purple-blue light on the old tree suddenly expanded, covering the stars.

"Lin!" Antonio quickly grabbed Xingchen's big wings and pulled them in together.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them remained motionless in that position.

"Lin Fan?! Antonio?!" Cen Fangyuan realized something was wrong and immediately called frantically, but unfortunately there was no response.

On the contrary, Yggdrasil's satisfied smile was transmitted directly to the big screen through the camera, and he spoke calmly to the people aboard the Noah.

"Don't worry, I just invite their consciousness to be a guest in my world for a while."

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