Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 922 First Contact

The plane landed at an airport-like place. There was no red carpet like Tiandu Star, and we didn't even see a single waiter. It was as if alien visitors were a common thing on Yuehua Star.

All guidance and berthing are done by ground drones. As soon as the spacecraft stopped, the automatic connection channel was waiting at the hatch door - they even knew where the hatch door was open.

"It seems that they have come into contact with a lot of foreign spacecraft." Cen Fangyuan stood by the hanging window and kept staring, frowning slightly, "The technology may be much more advanced than we expected."

"I was just talking about how this planet seems to be defenseless. Let strangers come in after just asking a few questions. It turns out that they have seen too much. It's not surprising..." Antonio crossed his arms and complained, turning around to see the person sitting next door. Melinir also held his sword in this posture and quickly put his hand down.

"Advanced technology has its benefits. We can observe in more places." Lin Fan put on his gloves and stood up to check his clothes. "It's just that during the contact just now, the other party's attitude didn't seem friendly..."

"It can't be called unfriendly," Jin Sichen helped her put on her cloak and carefully arranged it. "It can only be said that he was not enthusiastic. But that was just the first person we came into contact with, so we can't generalize."

"Yes," Cen Fangyuan also stretched his clothes, "allowing us to enter directly, at least it means that they welcome outsiders, at least they accept them. Relax."

This was Lin Fan's first official meeting with aliens. Although he didn't show it on his face, he was still somewhat nervous in his heart. I don’t know what situation I will face, and I don’t know if I won’t be able to cope with it.

Unlike Tiandu Xing who first went inside and got used to it before contacting the Lu family, this was a completely unfamiliar meeting from all angles.

Compared with foreign affairs veterans like Cen Fangyuan, Jin Sichen, a master of psychology who has insight into people's hearts, Antonio, who is heartless and outgoing, and the humanoid statue Merlinil, Lin Fan is particularly uneasy in his heart, always worried that he can't do it. What kind of disputes will it cause...

Both shoulders were patted gently, not hard, by Jin Sichen's hand. He easily sensed Lin Fan's uneasiness and said with a smile: "Don't worry, just act like a captain and let Vice Cen come in if you need anything."

"Yes." Cen Fangyuan turned around with a smile, "I will take care of these chores. Lin Jian, just be responsible and be good."

"And me!" Antonio raised his chest not to be outdone.

Melinir also stood up quietly.

The three frigate crew members headed by Qi Mai and the translator also stood up and came to their aid.

The little uncertainty in Lin Fan's heart was suddenly filled with emotion, and his whole body became firm from the inside out.

Yes, she forgot again, she is not alone...

Leaving the pilot on the spacecraft to provide support, a group of nine people walked into the connection channel one by one.

Lin Fan walked in the front alone with a cold and arrogant expression. His long boots made no sound when he stepped on the floor, but the hem of his cloak fluttered slightly as he walked, occasionally revealing the belt and swords around his waist, which was impressive.

Cen Fangyuan, who was smiling all the time while holding a small tablet in his hand, followed closely behind the red-haired Antonio, who was walking like a tiger and smiling freely.

Behind them are Jin Sichen, whose skin is even whiter and her lips are red, made more white by the red uniform, and Melinir, who is holding a sword in both hands. The two of them, one with a smile and the other with a frosty face, stood in a row, the contrast was particularly sharp.

Behind them, there are four people from Qi Mai. They are all holding a lot of gifts in their hands. They use the gift boxes to cover their surroundings and look around carefully.

The transparent passage is very similar to an airplane passage, with a fully enclosed telescopic structure. After passing the retractable part, the carpet under their feet turned into conveyor tracks. The group of people stood on it and let the tracks carry them forward steadily.

At the end of the track, I finally saw a figure.

No more, no less, exactly nine people, all with the same bald heads, large foreheads, big eyes, and thin lips.

Originally, Lin Fan thought that the Yuehua people they talked to before looked like that, but now looking at it, it may be that the entire Yuehua people look like this.

As the distance gets closer, more details become visible to everyone.

The people from Yuehua Star are similar in height and body shape, and their fair skin seems to be the same color number.

Their bodies are delicate and strong.

Slenderness means that the overall frame is small and the body is slender. But the trunk and limbs don't have the obvious joints and muscle lines like the Lanxing people, and they look like columns filled with cotton.

If it weren't for the sharp-knuckled hands exposed under the cuffs, Antonio would have suspected that they were large plush dolls with heads on them...

Their hands are long and their legs are long, from their fingertips to the middle of their thighs. Their torso and leg length are proportional to those of Lan Xing. They are existences that even top models would envy. But it is because of the strange internal structure that everyone on the Noah feels weird no matter how they look at it.

Their white uniforms have gray patterns that resemble brocade or embroidery, protruding from the surface of the fabric. The feet are surprisingly small, only two-thirds of the length of the face. They are also wearing round-toed platform black leather shoes. They are so cute...

More like a doll...

When looking from a distance, Cen Fangyuan and others could not clearly see the details of their faces. They only felt that several people looked the same, and the word "human cloning" could not help but come to mind.

In Lanxing, cloning technology has matured, and if it were not bound by morality, it would probably be more widely known.

According to Yuehuaxing's technological level, cloning should be a piece of cake...

Are all their planets full of clones?

Such doubts were dispelled until I saw that everyone has different bones and looks.

Just don’t clone people! As long as it's not about cloning people...

But it was so strange and harmonious, and it also had an inexplicable conflicting beauty, which shocked the senses of the Lanxing people for a while.

Even Jin Sichen, who grew up in the Special Affairs Office and was well-informed, had a blank mind for a while, and Merlinniel blinked several times.

Antonio was already thinking about what kind of structure was under the clothes of the Yuehua people, and the other party took the lead in speaking.

"Dear guests." He clenched his right fist and placed it on his chest, his face still expressionless, "Welcome to Yuehua Star, I am the specialist responsible for receiving you, Qiu Yi. I will accompany you on your next trip to Yuehua Star."

At this time, Lin Fan and others had already got off the track, and were less than two meters away from the other party. She hesitated for a moment and nodded directly, whether she was imitating the other party's salute or something else.

Cen Fangyuan hurriedly stepped forward, nodded with Lin Fan, and greeted the other party with a smile.

Others followed suit and nodded in greeting.

Cen Fangyuan was used to doing diplomacy, but he didn't expect to encounter the first Waterloo of his business career here.

No matter how polite, implicit, obscure, and complimented he was, Qiu Yi still replied with a blank expression, and even the words he replied were concise to only subject, predicate, and object.

After a few rounds, Cen Fangyuan felt that this was not working, and his attitude would be suppressed invisibly, so he also threw away the previous routine and spoke directly to the core, but the smile on his face remained.

In this way, it was still unknown what Qiu Yi would do, but Lin Fan and others were relieved.

No one wanted to listen to that kind of meaningless repetitive talk. In the past, it was out of habit and social needs, but now it seemed that Yuehuaxing had suddenly broken the shackles and opened a new social door.

So interstellar communication can be so simple and clear?

Cen Fangyuan was touched, and after explaining the business in a few words, he asked the people behind him to present gifts.

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