Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 923 Yuehua Star's Capital

Gifts between forces are not like large-scale trade exchanges, which require truckloads of gifts. Usually, they are just a little bit of what they like.

The Noah brought not many gifts this time, but they are rich in variety. They are mainly intended to prepare for the establishment of friendly relations and trade in the future.

So a lot of samples of minerals, food, fabrics, porcelain, works of art, etc. were taken. Only industrial materials and plants were not brought.

Industrial materials are because Yuehua Star is so high-tech, and the current materials of Lanxing are exposed.

As for plants, it is because there is no green on the other planet, and it is not sure whether they like it or not, so they simply avoid it.

Qiu Yi asked people to accept the gifts, and thanked them expressionlessly, so that everyone felt that the gifts were wasted.

But seeing that the eight people behind him were all expressionless... Maybe this is also the characteristic of Yuehua Star?

The experienced Cen Fangyuan was also a little silent at this time. It seems that his methods are a bit ineffective here... The moment he turned his head inadvertently, he gave Jin Sichen a look.

Jin Sichen understood, and naturally adjusted the brown gradient sunglasses he had specially changed today, and slightly retracted his chin. Two people fell down on Yuehuaxing's side with "plop" and "plop".

It worked!

Jin Sichen calmly put his sunglasses back on, and the whole person relaxed.

He was fearless.

Lin Fan didn't know the tactical move between the two of them. Seeing the sudden change on the opposite side, he stretched out his hand and protected Cen Fangyuan behind him with his left hand, and his right hand in the cloak was already holding the hilt of the sword.

Antonio stuck behind Cen Fangyuan and gave Merlinniel a look, and found that he was already standing behind Jin Sichen's arm with a sword.

The three guards behind also surrounded the translator in the middle.

All this happened in an instant. Before Qiu Yi turned his head and saw the reaction of the opposite side, he had a deeper understanding of the visitors of the Noah.

He looked at the two people who fell to the ground slowly. Someone nearby had already squatted down to check, and found nothing wrong, but he just couldn't wake them up.

"Carry them down." Qiu Yi gave the order without hesitation.

The Yuehua people nearby, in groups of two, carried the fallen person down. During this period, no matter who was doing it or watching, their expressions did not change. They were neither nervous nor confused about such an emergency, and they did not show as much expression as the people on the Noah.

"I'm sorry, I frightened you on our first meeting. It was my planet's fault." Qiu Yi immediately apologized, but the tone was light, and it sounded perfunctory.

"It's okay, it's okay." Cen Fangyuan, who knew what was going on, smiled again and stood obediently behind Lin Fan, not moving forward. "Maybe the work is too hard, forgive me, forgive me."

Qiu Yi did not continue the topic, leaving the only two remaining Chinese people to guard the gifts, and turned around, motioning Lin Fan and others to follow him.

Lin Fan took advantage of the gap when he was explaining the matter just now to quickly exchange glances with the people behind him, and easily thought that it was Jin Sichen's masterpiece, and his heart was at peace.

One against nine, the other party was not afraid, what were they afraid of?

As soon as they arrived outside the venue, everyone was attracted by the wheelless suspension car.

Lanxing has a maglev train, but it slides on a fixed track. The car on Yuehuaxing has no bumps on the chassis, no tracks on the ground, and the original position of the tires is the engine that is tilted inward. In principle, it is no different from the Noah.

There are engines driven by this principle on Lanxing, but they are generally used on airplanes and military helicopters. Using them on cars... It's not that it can't be used, but it can't be popularized from a cost perspective.

Moreover, Lanxing's jet engine also involves noise and wind pressure issues. As far as Lin Fan knows, there has been no iterative technology until they left.

Yuehuaxing's suspension technology is stable, noiseless, and can hover at low latitudes... How is it done?

Everyone got on the reception car with the same question.

The space in the motorcade is quite spacious, a bit like the back seat of an extended Bentley. Lin Fan sat alone, and the others sat on both sides.

Seeing this, Qiu Yi sat directly in the co-pilot seat and started the car. Looking again, there was no one in the driver's seat.

This is truly unmanned driving...

Everyone in the car silently fastened their seat belts, curiously and restrainedly looking inside and outside the car.

Inside the car, it was all white, and all the structures were as simple as they could be, but they also ensured comfort. The only relatively complex area was the front driving area, where there were many electronic controls.

Qiu Yi probably didn't expect that the people from the Noah's ship drove a large spaceship, but had never seen this kind of floating car. She didn't mean to introduce it at all, but started talking about the buildings on both sides.

Yes, in a high-tech city, all buildings have simple lines. In addition to buildings, there are still buildings, which can be regarded as a unique landscape.

The buildings in Yuehua Star are very large buildings. Unlike Lanxing, which are one by one, high and low, they are a whole large building, and there is no glass to see inside. The building has a strange shape.

The facades of all buildings are covered with white materials. Therefore, in space, looking at the planet is a piece of white.

In Qiu Yi's introduction, the facades of all buildings are the latest light energy absorbing materials, which can convert light energy into other energy for use inside the building.

The hover car could go up or down, like a small cable car in an amusement park, and took them through various buildings.

Everyone looked at the large buildings of various shapes, and their curiosity to find out more about them became stronger.

Qiu Yi walked around slowly according to his process, and finally parked the car on the high platform of a building.

"Hey, this car is quite convenient." Antonio got off the car, walked to the edge of the platform, looked at the distance of about 100 meters from the ground and smiled, "You can go high or low if you want, no need for elevator, go straight to the door, come in first!"

He said in P language, except for the people on Noah, Qiu Yi didn't understand. But he didn't delve into it, and continued to turn around and lead the way.

Lin Fan glanced at Antonio, and Antonio immediately zipped up his mouth.

Entering the room, the elevator went down.

I thought Qiu Yi was going to take them somewhere, but it turned out to be the Yuehua Star Museum...

It used various high-tech means to show the development history of Yuehua Star, which was just a timely popular science for the people on Noah who knew nothing.

It seems that the evolution history of all civilizations is similar. Lin Fan saw the shadow of Lanxing from it several times.

After entering the era of technological explosion, the technology of Yuehua Star developed rapidly, advancing all the way, and soon connected with the interstellar, and used its own advantages to develop into a mature trade chain with weapons manufacturing as the main industry.

Looking at the various types of high-energy cannons, particle cannons, and energy nuclear explosion towers displayed in the museum...

No wonder they didn't pay much attention to their identities. They thought they were here to purchase weapons...

No wonder there are so many gun barrels on the thin star ring. Maybe all the buildings on Yuehua Star are hiding all kinds of weapons...

Cen Fangyuan's heart was beating like a drum, and he suddenly wanted to buy, buy, buy. But thinking about the current situation of Noah, it seemed that there was no need, and he quickly calmed down.

Qiu Yi introduced them to the end without waiting for them to say a word.

When Cen Fangyuan showed him the situation of several weapons on Noah, he understood. The weapons on Yuehua Star were not as advanced as those on the other party's ship. It seems that this deal cannot be made, but the other party's weapons...

Qiu Yi proposed to see the weapons of Noah, and paid for it. But how could Cen Fangyuan agree, and he started to fool him with routines again.

Lin Fan couldn't tell whether it was successful or not from his face that never changed. He led everyone out of the museum, and the elevator continued to go down and enter the inner layer of the building.

Endless assembly lines, thousands of robotic arms moving in unison, spacious spaces and advanced equipment were presented to everyone on the Noah.

What a technological star!

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