Mecha Star Wars

Chapter 924 Want to buy

Before anyone could express any more emotions, the elevator suddenly left the elevator shaft and moved forward horizontally.

A closer look revealed that the horizontal and vertical frames above the production line were not keels, and the elevator they had always thought was actually a maglev rail car, but it originally moved vertically, which they took for granted.

After breaking away from the closed environment of the longitudinal passage, the fully transparent carriage is fully exposed. Even the bottom of the carriage is made of transparent glass. You can see the mechanical structure and tracks below at a glance, with no blind spots in all directions.

The rail car is about ten meters above the ground, which is neither too high nor too low. But the transparent bottom is like a glass plank road, which makes people feel insecure.

The translator's face paled for a moment, but she quickly adjusted her mood and forced herself not to look at her feet. Qi Mai supported her lower back and arms without leaving a trace, and after a while, she finally recovered.

Cen Fangyuan's smile also froze for a moment, and he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Qiu Yi, looking around pretending to be natural.

Qiu Yi slowly introduced the professional production line at his feet, which was specially designed to produce weapons and equipment for warships.

Lin Fan took a closer look and saw that it was the model they had seen in the museum before. It is not as advanced as Noah, but the number of so many robotic arms and assembly lines is astonishing, and it is also something that people dare not underestimate.

Because they are all large-scale equipment, the robotic arms are very long, and the spacing between the flow equipment is very large. In the neat and uniform space, only a few Huaxing people could be seen.

They stood quietly below. I don’t know whether it was because the rail car made no sound and did not attract their attention, or because they didn’t care at all about who was coming up and didn’t even raise their heads.

If someone hadn't taken two steps, Lin Fan would have doubted whether they were sculptures.

A production line is several kilometers long, with more than a dozen lines running at the same time...

When the rail car left this area, Lin Fan looked back and saw that the entrance to the "elevator shaft" they came down from was already as big as a sesame seed.

"What's wrong?" Jin Sichen followed her gaze and saw nothing special.

"It's okay," Lin Fan shook his head slightly, turned back, and whispered back to him, "We all said we wouldn't buy or sell, and yet he brought us to visit the production line...why?"

"Show strength? Apply pressure?" Antonio came up and whispered.

"..." Jin Sichen looked at the bald man in front of him who was restrained by Cen Fangyuan, "It's hard to say, but I feel that there is something wrong with their emotions."

"What's the problem?" After Antonio asked, he also reacted, "Too calm?"

He turned back to find Melinir. This guy is cold, but once you get to know him, you can feel his emotional changes. He has an aloof and cold personality.

As for Yuehua Xingren... I don't know if it's because he's new to it or if it's because of his inherent concepts, but he always feels something is weird.

"It's a matter of personality that a person is cold. All people are like this..." Jin Sichen paused for a moment, and seeing that Qiu Yi seemed to notice their whispers, he quickly stopped talking, "Now is not the time, let's talk later."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiu Yi turned around and asked with an awkwardly cold expression: "Does the guest need anything?"

"No." Lin Fan replied with a colder expression than his, "We are praising Guixing for its developed industry."

"Thank you." Qiu Yi thanked her coldly.

It could be seen that he was just saying this politely, but so was Lin Fan, and everyone was fine.

"The forward production area is our planet's new personal equipment production line. The equipment models have not yet been listed in the museum." Qiu Yi still introduced dutifully, "Although you don't need large ship weapons for the time being, but personal equipment, maybe you have to purchase it." need."

As the rail car enters the new area, the production line of small personal thermal weapons is slowly unfolding in front of everyone.

Qiu Yi probably really wanted to make a deal with the Noah, and introduced the laser guns, shock wave bombs, wave superconducting shields and other equipment being assembled below one by one.

Cen Fangyuan was moved.

The thermal weapons currently worn by the crew of the Noah were modified from the Gro's guns. Furthermore, it is to use Gro's materials to recast Lan Xing's thermal weapon.

The number of weapons is equivalent to the Noah's head ration, which is enough, but it is definitely not abundant. After all, there are so many troops left behind in Lanxing, it is impossible to bring them all to the Noah.

It should be said that this batch of weapons is already the highest quality and highest firepower weapon that Lanxing can produce. But there is no such thing as too much firepower.

Now I happened to find one for sale, with so many types, and as a manufacturer, I didn't make a profit on the price difference... Ahem... In short, Cen Fangyuan's mind was racing, and he was already thinking about what materials the other party might be interested in, and how to bargain.

Not to mention Cen Fangyuan, all the men at the rear were staring at the advanced weapons below and couldn't move their eyes away.

Even the translator couldn't help but glance down, her head felt dizzy, and she quickly raised her head again.

Lin Fan wasn't very interested in these things. He stopped looking at them after a few glances and began to look at the workshop... oh no, other details in the area.

Cen Fangyuan concealed it very well, but his conversation with Qiu Yi still made the other party aware of his thoughts. After leaving this area, he quickly skipped several assembly areas and stopped at the weapon testing area, allowing Cen Fangyuan and the others to actually get their hands on it and feel it. , the actual effects of these weapons.

Automatic aiming, no recoil, powerful...

Lin Fan tried them one by one. Even though she was not keen on weapons, she still thought these things were good. Compared with the single weapon type of the Noah, these weapons were obviously suitable for a wider range of situations.

When she turned around, she saw Antonio grabbing Cen Fangyuan's sleeve, like a child who saw a toy he wanted in the mall, with "want" written all over his face.

Qiu Yi stood aside, as if she didn't see it and said nothing. Send batches of weapons to them for trial at the right time.

The three guards seemed to be in heaven. They liked this one and that one. No matter what the result was, they were very excited to use them.

The translator was no longer afraid after landing. Although she was curious about the weapons, she stood near Qiu Yi and waited diligently.

After Cen Fangyuan was happy, he began to worry again. This is good, that is good. Looking at the people on his side, even Jin Sichen didn't stop after he got started. Only Lin Fan was the calmest.

But good things have a price.

There is no currency in the interstellar space, only barter transactions. Things that Lanxing people think are expensive may be worthless on Yuehuaxing. The treasures that Yuehua Star needs may not be available on Noah at all...

Cen Fangyuan thought about it for a long time. After trying everything one by one, he expressed his purchase needs to Qiu Yi.

Who knew that Qiu Yi did not take up the topic and directly entered the transaction process, but put it aside for the time being. It was already dinner time. After he took everyone to eat, he went to his residence to rest. The transaction will be discussed when he goes to work tomorrow.

...So the people of Yuehua Star don't work overtime?

The people of Noah followed Qiu Yi into a place similar to a cafeteria with envy and doubt.

The surroundings were smooth and high-tech. If it weren't for the various round and square tables and chairs in the middle, they would have thought this was a research institute meeting room.

Qiu Yi asked them if they liked round tables or square tables, took them to sit down, and reported the flavors of the meals provided, and asked everyone's needs. After noting it down, she left leisurely.

"Hey, what do you think," Antonio asked Lin Fan expectantly, "what delicious food will Yuehua Star have?"

"I don't know." Lin Fan arched his shoulders. I have been wearing this cape for a day, when can I take it off?

"I advise you not to expect too much." Jin Sichen looked at Antonio with a smile, "Generally speaking, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment."

"Tsk!" Antonio didn't want to listen to him, "You are a psychologist, can't you be sunny and positive?"

Jin Sichen didn't argue with him.

Antonio rarely beat Jin Sichen, and he was very proud.

However, this pride came to an abrupt end after the meal came.

"Please don't be polite, enjoy it." Qiao Yi also sat with them, took the lead in scooping a spoonful and put it into her mouth, chewing slowly.

Everyone looked at the food on the plate, not knowing whether they should start.

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