Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 18 A lifetime of fame is gone!

Sergei was recalled to Earth due to the military intervention of the Heavenly Beings on the Island of Ceylon. He is the most powerful ace pilot currently serving in the Human Revolutionary Alliance, and his investigation and contact with Gundam are inseparable from him.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Lieutenant Colonel, how does it feel in space?" asked the adjutant who led the team to greet Sergei.

"It's better than Earth, the soothing gravity."

"I deeply agree. Please come with me, Lieutenant Colonel. The commander is already waiting for you." After saying that, the adjutant wanted to take the briefcase in his hand, but Sergey stopped him.

"Before that, I want to go to Ceylon first."

"But in this case..."

"I only believe what I see with my own eyes, and the commander will understand."

"Yes! I'll go with you."

Sure enough, after reporting to the superiors, Sergey's arbitrary decision was approved, and the group went directly to Ceylon.

"Gundam...let me see your determination with my own eyes." Sergey thought in his heart.

Sergey is such a person. Instead of understanding from reports from various parties, he believes in what he sees and feels with his own eyes.

He agreed to join the [Celestial Being] Project and become a supervisor and whetstone, not because he was deceived by his righteousness, but because he believed in Yang Hui. In the past, Yang Hui's countless "jokes" had made those who questioned him look bad. He was swollen and had watched his younger brother grow up. He believed that he would never joke about this kind of thing. As an older brother, he should naturally support such a right cause.

But...that's all.

He believed in Yang Hui, and even believed in Huang, who was his future sister-in-law, and Professor Efman and others with whom he had some interactions, but he could not trust anyone else in [Celestial Being], including the Gundam messengers.

He wanted to personally confirm whether the Gundam Messengers were guilty of all kinds of evil, and they had to strengthen their will to reform the world despite being accused by thousands of people. He also wanted to confirm their ability and whether they could bear this heavy burden.

On the other side of the earth, it was a dark night. In a certain high-end club, Wang Liumei was waiting for someone. Now, he is here.

"Soft drinks? The most recommended drink here is the homemade cocktail."

The neat orange-red suit and long orange-red hair are casually draped on the back of the head, giving people a bohemian but rigorous and elegant feeling.

"But I don't like drinking." Wang Liumei replied with a feigned innocence.

"Oh, I'm rude." The man apologized with a breast-stroking gesture.

After the waiter left, Wang Liumei said to the man: "The third mission is about to begin. If you want to watch it, it is recommended to prepare three screens."

"Oh~ I'm really looking forward to that. I will watch it carefully then."

Afterwards, the two chatted with each other for a few more words, and the man left with his entourage.

When leaving, the attendant glanced at Wang Lumei meaningfully, and Wang Lumei returned the same look.

"Miss." Red Dragon came to Wang Lumei's side.

"What a hypocritical person, Red Dragon, does the person next to Mr. Kona have any information?" Wang Liumei put away her hypocritical smile and asked.

I don’t know if it was influenced by Yang Hui, but the false smile that often hung on her face is gradually diminishing. Although she only reveals her girlish nature around Yang Hui, in front of outsiders, she has more of a serious expression. .


"Go check it out. That person feels very dangerous to me." Wang Rumei ordered.


Then, the two of them left. Of course, she also wanted to watch the third mission, and Yang Hui had already set off. As long as it was a mission involving the People's Revolutionary Alliance, he would go as the final guarantee, and Wang Liumei naturally would not Missed Yang Hui's appearance.

"Alessandro Corner...haha, what a pitiful man." In the car, Wang Rumei looked at the night scene outside the window and sneered.

Sergey arrived at the RPR base on the island of Ceylon and began to understand the situation.

But as he expected, he didn't get any valuable information. The Gundam was ravaged throughout the battle, leaving not even a single fragment behind.

"It's really miserable."

"Um...I'm very sorry." The adjutant was embarrassed and apologized subconsciously.

"It's not your fault, I'm just curious, is Gundam really that powerful?"

"Yes, Lieutenant Colonel, the data collected from this armed intervention shows that our Iron Man is completely unable to compete with the opponent. According to the analysis of the Academy of Sciences, a Gundam is enough to rival a large group of Iron Man."

"Is this your opinion?"

"No, this is..."

"Next time you have a chance, use your own eyes to confirm. Blindly trusting data and intelligence will lead to an early death." Sergey taught him a lesson.

"I understand, Lieutenant Colonel."

At this time, the base's alarm sounded again.

"What's wrong?" Sergey asked immediately.

"Lieutenant Colonel, the Gundam has appeared again, and one of them is coming this way."


"Lieutenant Colonel, what should we do now..." the adjutant asked Sergey. The rank of the highest commander of this base is only major, which is one level lower than Sergey. Coupled with Sergey's prestige in the People's Revolutionary Alliance, subconsciously, Just respect Sergey's orders.

"Well...order the base personnel to start retreating. Using the existing military strength to deal with it will bring nothing but losses."



"What other instructions do you have?"

"Are there any spare Iron Men?"

"Yes, yes..."

"Well, leave one Iron Man behind and we can retreat."

At the beginning of the third mission, Neil drove the Force Angel to South Africa to intervene in the civil war that broke out over mineral extraction rights.

But it is not so much a force intervention as it is bullying of kindergarten children. The enemies facing the force angels are not even MSs, just a group of mining mobile engineers equipped with heavy machine guns.

Neil was driving the Force Angel and stood there bored. He didn't even use the GN sniper rifle. He only used the GN pistol to fire continuously without even deliberately aiming. He easily scared them into abandoning their armor and fled. .

"Haha~ It's really unpleasant. This kind of job of bullying the weak, well~ Lyle's side is similar. I still envy Setsuna, who directly raided the People's Revolutionary Alliance's garrison base." Neil looked at the escaping mobile engineers. complained.

Cherubian went to Taribia in South America, which is the only DP planting base in the world. In order to directly cut off the source of the conflict, this area must be completely destroyed.

"It's really a simple job." Just like Neil, Lyle also felt bored. If Neil didn't like bullying the weak, then Lyle just had itchy hands.

Starting from the first mission, it was already the third mission. It was the second mission to warm up the body. It was over before the addiction was over. I cursed the MS of Gelian for being too bad. But this mission It's even simpler, just fly the external warehouse with incendiary bombs from above and drop the bombs on the fields. There are not even mobile engineers.

"It's better to complete the mission and go back as soon as possible. According to Miss Huang's forecast, there will soon be no time to relax like this, just suits my liking."

Finally, there is the capable angel, who is responsible for continuing to eliminate the People's Revolutionary Alliance's garrison base on Ceylon Island. But what puzzled him was that before he arrived, all the opponents had already evacuated, and only a high-mobility iron man stood at the original position. Waiting for him, except for the E carbon fiber war blade in his hand.

"There are no firearms, only blades...are you trying to test me?" Setsuna frowned slightly, but still landed in front of the highly mobile Iron Man.

As if in a duel, Iron Man waited for the Angel to take a stance before rushing towards the Angel.

But almost as soon as they lost their bodies, the GN sword cut off the hand holding the war blade.

But what surprised Setsuna was that Iron Man did not give up the fight just because he lost his arm and his only weapon. Instead, he took advantage of the opportunity when the angel turned around and grabbed the head of the angel with his remaining left hand.

Although the opponent's decisiveness surprised Setsuna, after being trained by Yang Hui, he was no longer the same as in the original work. He pulled the joystick back slightly and lifted it up again.


The angel leaned back slightly, just in time to avoid Iron Man's grasp. The GN sword in his left hand popped out, and with the rapid dance of his right hand, he directly cut Iron Man into a stick.

"Don't... touch me." Setsuna muttered to himself, and after confirming that there were no other enemies in the garrison base, he left directly.

"Lieutenant Colonel!"

After the Archangel left, the enemy who had retreated returned to rescue Sergei.

But when they arrived, they were embarrassed by what they saw.

Sergey sat on the iron man with only his body remaining, smoking a cigarette that he had never touched since getting married, looking at the sky, and his decadent temperament filled the whole picture.

"5.87 seconds."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

"It only took 5.87 seconds, big break, my eternal fame..."


After hearing this, everyone either stood aside obediently or started to clean up the tragedy. No one dared to go up and disturb Sergey.

And Sergey was not as decadent as they imagined. He just kept replaying the actions of the talented angel just now in his mind, especially the action of dodging the blow he was determined to win.

"The smallest movement to avoid the enemy's attack is you, brat."

As Sergey expected, Setsuna's operation was indeed learned from Yang Hui, and Yang Hui, as the initiator, was admiring Sergey's "world famous paintings" at high altitude.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, brother, you have this day too. Even if you lose to me, you still lose to my apprentice. If you steal the chicken, you will lose the rice. Hehe, I can laugh at you as much as I want from now on."

But appreciation is appreciation. Just shoot this kind of scene and keep it. This is not a place to stay for a long time. His mission is just to ensure that Angel can provide certain support when he encounters trouble to ensure that the mission is completed. It is over now. It was time to go back, and after going back this time, he had to recharge his batteries, because he would be the only protagonist in the next mission.

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