Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 19 Spending money

The third mission ended successfully, and it was only at this time that the three major countries really began to pay attention to the threat of Gundam.

Sergey was called over by the commander as soon as he returned to the headquarters.

"How is it? You have experienced the Gundam yourself." The commander asked Sergey.

"It's very strong. No mobile suit can match it at this stage." Sergey answered truthfully.

"Not even [trapped]?" the commander asked.

"[Entrapment]? Isn't it still during the experiment?" Sergey was stunned for a moment and asked. He knew that the first test machine of "Entrapment" had been offline, but there was no news after that. Mass production and the deployment of ordinary troops are still far away. Sergey thought there was something wrong with the experiment, but he didn't expect the commander to bring it up now.

"The experimental period has ended. The old men from the Academy of Sciences said that there are still a few flaws, but the data collected so far is enough for mass production. The production line is now working overtime to manufacture. It should be ready for installation in the next operation, but the quantity Don't have any expectations," the commander said to Sergey.

"Is it really okay to tell me this kind of secret?" Sergey asked. Although he was self-aware and had a high prestige in the military, he was only a lieutenant colonel and should not be qualified to know this level of information. News?

"That's all I have to say, congratulations, you are now a colonel."

"Huh?" Sergey was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to have made any achievements recently, right? Instead, he broke an Iron Man and was easily defeated by Gundam. It would be great if he wasn't punished. Why did he get promoted?

The commander handed Sergei a confidential document and explained: "The above requested the formation of a special agent unit dedicated to the investigation of Gundam, named [Dingwu], directly under the command of the headquarters, and you are the commander of this unit "Although you damaged an Iron Man, your superiors fully affirmed your performance and unanimously stated that no one is qualified to lead this unit except you," the commander said with a smile.

"Really?" Sergey glanced through the file and accepted the order.

"Well, the superiors attach great importance to this unit. The first batch of [Trap] produced will be given to you for use. You can choose the candidates at will. You have only one mission, to capture the Gundam before UNION and AEU."

"As commanded."

"But there's someone I want you to take care of, come in."

The door behind the commander opened, and a silver-haired girl wearing a green military uniform walked in.

"Child?" Sergey frowned.

"Report, I am Super Soldier No. 1 sent by the Superman Organization and the Technology Research Institute, Second Lieutenant Soma Piris." The girl introduced herself.

"Superman mechanism!" Sergey's face turned ugly after hearing this, "Commander, is that plan..."

"It seems that it has been carried out in secret. The superiors think this is a trump card against the Gundam." Although the commander said this, his performance was that he already knew it.

"As of today, I have been assigned to the colonel's exclusive unit. Please give instructions, sir." Soma Piris took a step forward and said.

Sergey looked at Soma Piris, sighed to himself, "Too young," and then looked at the commander: "Commander, do you still remember why [Young Tiger] left the army?"

"Ah, that's really a regrettable thing, but it's an order from a superior, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Tch..." Sergey secretly cursed the commander, an old fox. What he said and what he showed on his face had completely different meanings. When Yang Hui directly applied for discharge from the army after the Tianzhu Guards War and entered the Academy of Sciences, it was because he couldn't stand his superiors. Some of his practices, and the trigger was that a soldier he rescued was a child sent by the Superman Agency.

"Speaking of which, [Young Tiger] also resigned from the Academy of Sciences, right? I heard that Mr. Wang used a lot of connections for this. Do you still have contact with him?" the commander asked.

"No, I met that kid twice before, but he contacted me the same time. I have no way to contact him. He must be disappointed with his superiors, right? He probably took his girlfriend to live happily."

"Really? That's really a pity."

Speaking of Yang Hui, the commander also felt that it was a pity. Although he did not object to some orders from his superiors, as long as it could increase the country's strength and help win the war, he did not mind breaking his moral bottom line, but for Yang Hui, that was It's really a pity, it should be said that Yang Hui is still too young and has a naivety that he shouldn't have.

"Then I'll stand down first." Sergey saluted and left directly.

Seeing this, Soma Piris also saluted and said goodbye, following behind Sergey.

"Colonel, is that the [young tiger] you told the commander about?" Soma Piris asked.

"Have you heard of him?"

"Yes, in the research institute, I used [Young Tiger]'s data as a template for debugging, and all training also used his data as the target." Soma Piris replied.

"...Really?" Sergey subconsciously clenched his fists.

"Yes, the commander just said that he is your brother?"

"Well, although my parents are different, I watched him grow up." Every time he talked about Yang Hui, Sergey felt a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart. His brother was so outstanding.

"Really? I'm looking forward to meeting him." There was a hint of admiration and yearning on Soma Piris's face.

"Yes...really?" Sergey's mouth twitched. He didn't expect that even the institution that Yang Hui hated the most had his little crush.

And...if this girl knew that the idol she worshiped was her enemy, would she be disillusioned?

But thinking of this, Sergey was also very serious about this mission. He was finally going to face Gundam head-on. Although Yang Hui didn't know what his position was in [Celestial Being], this time... he should probably meet him.

On the other side, UNION has also established an investigation team targeting Gundam. The official name has not yet been decided, but the basic framework has been set up. Graham is the captain, Billy Katagiri is the technical consultant, and Ev is specially invited. Professor Mann serves as the technical director, and the current team members include Daryl Dodge and Howard Mason. They are both pilots brought out by Graham and served together in the MSWAD force. They are all elites among the elites.

As soon as he met Professor Elfman, Graham made some adjustments to him.

"Ignore the burden on the pilot? Can your body bear it?"

"It doesn't matter. If it wasn't like this, I wouldn't be able to catch up with that guy."

"It seems you have already met?"

"Well, I was taught a terrible lesson."

"Really? Hahaha, he really has his style. I really want to study it with my own hands. That machine called Gundam, that brat, promised to send something back, but he has nothing so far. It's really a waste of time to teach him. ”


Looking at the indignant Professor Elfman, the aura of resentment that emanated directly scared Graham and Billy Katagiri back several steps.

"But..." Professor Elfman changed the topic and looked at the [Flag Form] in front of him with burning eyes. No, it should have been through the [Flag Form], through the walls of the Gnaku, and he had forgotten what he saw. Far, far away, "...countries have finally begun to pay attention to it, and it seems that the plan is going quite smoothly."

"Yes, Professor."

The three of them were silent, looking in the same direction. Maybe... they were all looking forward to the future described in [Heavenly Man]'s plan.

After a long time, the three of them looked away at the same time. Professor Elfman asked Graham: "Do you have any other requests?"

"Ask the professor to complete it within a week."

"You really are a tough guy, Katagiri, it's time to get busy."

"Yes, Professor."

Except for the AEU, whose attitude was still unclear, Wang Liumei also collected information on the formation of special forces by the Human Revolutionary League and UNION, and immediately informed Yang Hui.

"This is the situation. There is also a piece of information that is not very certain. The People's Revolutionary Alliance's [Dingwu] troops are suspected of having installed new mobile suits. The specific situation is still under investigation."

"Haha, you really spent a lot of money." Yang Hui sighed after listening to Wang Liumei's report, "If nothing else happens, it should be [trapped], or Sergei is the commander, but I don't know [back] Wei] Have they done it? And UNION, even Professor Efman was invited. It seems that our event was very successful. "

"[Entrapment]? [Beiwei]? Is it the new mobile suit of the Human Revolutionary Alliance? Do you need me to send more manpower to investigate?" Wang Liumei asked.

"I designed the MS myself. What else do I need to investigate? It's all here." Yang Hui pointed at his brain and said.

"Well...since you designed the mobile suit, will the follow-up plan be..."

"Don't worry, it's no problem. Although [Zhenzhen] and [Beiwei] are both next-generation mobile suits, a small number of units made with the existing technology of the Human Revolutionary Alliance are not enough to pose a major threat to the Gundam. A large force will Well……"

"What will happen to the main force?"

"Haha, regardless of whether there are new mobile suits or not, large forces are enough to threaten the Gundam. Saturation wave long-range bombing will take more than ten hours. When the Gundam messengers are exhausted, they can deal with them how they want." Yang Hui said.

"Haha, it's true... but aren't you still here?" Wang Rumei looked at Yang Hui's helpless expression and smiled. After learning the truth last time, her understanding of Yang Hui went to a new level. In addition to feelings, In terms of driving skills, MS design, or as a behind-the-scenes commander, he always maintains the confidence that he is in control.

"Don't think of me as omnipotent. I'm a human being and I have my limits."


"Isn't it?"

"of course not."

"Okay, as long as you're happy."

"By the way, Yang Hui, Sister Huang has sent you the fourth mission. It's your personal show." Wang Lumei said playfully.

Yang Hui had already made up his mind as to what this little girl called him, and he didn't know what she had talked about with the emperor. From then on, he became more and more flirtatious, but...

A girl like this who has breasts but no breasts and a pussy but no vagina is really not attractive at all.

But when he thinks about the next mission, Yang Hui is a little eager to try it. Finally, he has waited for the opportunity to make his official debut. Let him and the Secret Angel have a grand quarrel!

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