Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 49 The Bet with Katy Manekin

It is still a bar near Federal University, but it has been bought by Wang Liumei as Yang Hui's private meeting place.

After going to UNION and the People's Revolutionary Federation, and meeting with Professor Efman and Sergey respectively, Yang Hui came here to meet the last person who invited him to meet.

"Too late."

"Please, I just came down from the universe, ran away from the People's Revolutionary Alliance, and then ran away from UNION, can't you let me go?"

Looking at the beauty sitting on the bar, looking at him with dissatisfied eyes, Yang Hui smiled bitterly.

Today, Katy Manekin is not wearing a military uniform. She is wearing a purple dress, with a white ribbon hanging from the crook of her arms. Her hair, which is usually tied behind her head, is now draped behind her shoulders, looking cool and pretty. The face exudes a different kind of charm.

"You are beautiful today." Yang Hui ordered a glass of wine and raised his glass to show Kati Manekin.

Katy Manekin blushed, but she still raised her glass and touched it with Yang Hui.

"How have you been lately?" Yang Hui did not directly ask Kati Manejin why she wanted to see him. After all, they were classmates once, and she and Huang were best friends. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, so it was appropriate to show some concern.

"It's still the same, being transferred back and forth in various military regions, only doing some military exercises."

"Military exercises, the one in Moralia was very good."

"It's not like we lost." At this point, Kati Manekin pouted, and her aloof appearance suddenly showed a girlish look, which was very cute. This contrast made Yang Hui stunned for a while.

"You...what are you looking at?" Katie Manekin felt Yang Hui's gaze, blushed with shame, lowered her head and muttered.

"No...nothing." Yang Hui quickly looked away.

"...Where are you?" Katie Manekin asked Yang Hui after taking a sip of wine.

"Thank you for your hard work. You also know a little about what happened before. Now I am just a brick. I can move it wherever I need it."

"The old saying of the People's Revolutionary League: Those who can do more work, you should be happy." He drank another glass of wine and asked the bartender to fill it up.

"Hey, hey, Katie, I remember you don't drink well, right? Is it okay if you drink so hard?" Yang Hui wanted to stop him, but what's the point of lying down before he even got down to business? Secondly... there are only three people in the whole store, including the bartender, and they are all men except you. What if you get drunk?

"You don't have to worry about it. I want to drink today." Kati Manekin said as she grabbed the wine glass that Yang Hui took away.


"You are not mine, why should you care about me?"


Good guy, what you said makes so much sense, I’m speechless!

After another drink, Katy Manekin's pretty face turned into a red apple, but she still got to the point: "The emperor told you, I am being transferred again, and it is a highly secretive unit, with the rank of colonel."

"AEU's Gundam Investigation Force, right? Congratulations, you are now the fastest-promoted officer in AEU history."

"If you need me, I can also be the captain..."

"What did you say?" Qingyu's voice was too soft, and Yang Hui didn't hear it clearly.


"Oh fine."

After drinking another glass of wine, Kati Manekin was a little shaken and fell towards Yang Hui.

"Uh, that...this...Carty?" He let Cati Manekin lean into his arms, but raised his hands to show his innocence.

"You're still not a man... I'm already like this... hiccup~ you... hiccup~"


Yang Hui is indeed relatively slow about the emotions between men and women, but he is not a fool. He has reached this point and still can't tell, that is, he has no brains. No wonder when the emperor told him that he must "properly" say hello to Kati Manekin , the expression will be so weird.

Yang Hui wanted to say something else, but the next second, his mouth was blocked by hot lips.

After a long time, their lips parted, Kati Manekin looked at Yang Hui with somewhat blurred eyes, and touched Yang Hui's face with her hand.


"Stop talking and let me take a good look at you."

Yang Hui was helpless and stood still.

A few minutes later, Kati Manekin's eyes returned to clarity. Although her face was unusually rosy, she was no longer shy as before. She left Yang Hui's chest and looked at him with burning eyes, and her expression returned to a cold expression.

"The higher-ups sent my troops to sneak into the Kingdom of Azadistan secretly, along with the collected PMC troops, and ordered us to provoke civil strife in Azadistan. You should be careful."

After saying that, Kati Manekin stood up and left.

But when she reached the door, Yang Hui caught up and took her arm.


"Don't be like this, Yang Hui, now... is not the time yet."


"Let's make a deal."

"...What agreement?"

"At the end of the first stage, if I am in charge and you win, I will go to your side. If I win, I will command the [Celestial Being] troops from now on."


After making a bet with Yang Hui, Katy Manekin kissed Yang Hui gently on the face and left the bar.

Yang Hui sat back down, drank a large glass of wine, and shook his head with a wry smile.

He knows Kati Manekin. She is proud. She likes Yang Hui, but she will not let herself fall. She has her own ideas and her own position. She wants to let Yang Hui know that she is not a casual woman. Even if they are together, she will not be a vase protected by Yang Hui, so she wants to use the bet to prove her existence value.

It seems that the results of winning or losing the bet are the same, and Kati Manekin goes to Yang Hui, but in fact it is different. If Yang Hui wins, Kati Manekin is dependent on Yang Hui's existence. On the other hand, if Yang Hui loses, then Kati Manekin is above Yang Hui, and Yang Hui must unconditionally execute all her orders on the battlefield.

This is the initiative.

"Really... a proud woman, Kati, I am waiting for your challenge." Yang Hui said self-deprecatingly.

After drinking a glass of wine, Yang Hui got up and left. He had to go back quickly today. One at home and one in space. He also needs two wives to report.

Whether they know it is their business, but whether to report it actively or not... that is their own problem.


UNION [Beyond the Flag] Force, Professor Elfman called Graham.

"Professor, do you have something to talk to me about?"

"Well, you prepare, that one will arrive tomorrow."

"Well?" Graham was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly burst into brilliance, "Is that it?"

"Yes, it is currently just a test machine assembled bit by bit according to the design drawings, and the specific data still needs to be tested."

"Please rest assured! Professor Elfman, I will definitely control it perfectly!"

"This is the best, because we have no time to waste."

"Professor, have you received any news?" Graham also suppressed his excitement.

"The first phase of the plan is about to usher in a turning point, but before that, VEDA sent intelligence that AEU secretly sent troops and PMC to Azadistan."

"In that case... hehe, that guy should be back, right?" Graham asked with a smile.

"Well, he just came down a few days ago."

"Then we really don't have much time, professor, I'm going to rest first, I'm really looking forward to it, my new body, [Flag Bearer], is more noble than the Flag Fighter."

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