Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 50 Civil strife in Azadistan

About a week later, Yang Hui, who was accompanying Wang Lumei on the island, suddenly received the news.

"Masoud Rahmadi was kidnapped by unknown persons, conservatives and reformists clashed on a large scale, and civil strife broke out in Azadistan again." Wang Liumei reported to Yang Huihui.

"It seems that AEU has taken action." Yang Hui took off his sunglasses and smiled.

"How can you be sure that this is the work of the AEU? Shouldn't the most suspicious people be the reformists?" Wang Liumei asked.

"It happened to be the time when Azadistan received aid, and then the leading conservative figure disappeared. Don't you think it's too coincidental? As long as the receiving antenna for solar power generation is completed, the reformists will immediately gain the upper hand. Their minds are blocked by the door. Will crowding cause civil unrest at this time?

Furthermore, I don’t think that innocent princess has the courage. Yang Hui said.

"I see. In this case, it is naturally impossible for the surrounding countries to take action. Azadistan is like a rising star, guiding the way forward for the oil countries in the Middle East, but... UNION should be the one who most hopes to control that area. Is he the biggest suspect?" Wang Liumei asked.

"Have you forgotten? The intelligence conveyed by Katie before, the joint force of AEU's Gundam Investigation Force and PMC has secretly sneaked into Azadistan. If they just smelled the smell and waited for it, why did they call PMC?" Yang Hui asked Wang Stay in America.

"Haha, this is AEU's usual practice." Now Wang Liumei also understood the twists and turns, and couldn't help but sneer, "All the bad reputations are thrown to PMC, and they themselves reap the benefits later."

"To be honest, if VEDA hadn't allowed it and Katie was also in AEU, I would have been ready to promote AEU directly. This would be more effective than running around here and there." Yang Hui said nonchalantly.

In fact, in the original plot, except for Kati Manekin and the "Immortal Man" who has been offline, AEU was offline almost entirely. Looking at their acting style, Yang Hui even suspected that even without Crazy Li, the Earth Federation would eventually I will also be stirred up by this group of shit stirrups.

"Hahaha." Wang Rumei covered her mouth and chuckled. Of course she knew that Yang Hui was just complaining and could not really do it.

Suddenly thinking of something, Wang Rumei looked at Yang Hui with a hint of teasing in her eyes: "By the way, Sister Huang will be coming down in a while. Have you figured out how to coax her?"

"Uh..." Yang Hui broke out in cold sweat. Although he had already made a report and knew that the emperor was instigating this incident, he was still very nervous to face him so soon.

"You, haha, you deserve it." Wang Rumei leaned into Yang Hui's arms, and poked her thick chest with her onion-like jade fingers.

Yang Hui looked at Wang Lumei in his arms resentfully, hadn't he explained it repeatedly? Besides, it’s so charming, so I feel helpless o( ̄△ ̄)o.


Wang Lumei looked at the PAD at hand, glanced at Yang Hui, and after Yang Hui nodded, she walked aside and connected the communication.

"It's me, how's the situation over there?"

"Small skirmishes are taking place in many places, but they are not serious."

"Leave that country immediately."

"I want to stay here."

"Stay? Why?"

“To see where this country is going and to see for yourself how you will act.”

"...Okay, I understand, please pay attention to your own safety."

When the communication ended, the solemnity and some doubts on Wang Liumei's face disappeared, replaced by a contemptuous sneer.

"There are always people who think they can sit high in the sky and fool all living beings, but they are just a clumsy clown without knowing it." Wang Liumei threw the PAD aside again and lay back in Yang Hui's arms.

"Isn't that the case with humans? Once you get used to being aloof, you will feel that you are more noble than others."

"Bad nature..."

"Yes, but humans also have a beautiful side, right?" Yang Hui smiled softly and gently hugged Wang Lumei's waist.

"Hehehe, this is what you let me see."

"So...weird far can we go? Where will we go? It's really exciting."

At the JNN headquarters, Shaz's sister Juanjiang followed the Aeolian line of investigation relentlessly and finally found a clue.

"I traced it back from two hundred years ago to the present, and there are a total of 138 missing persons with doctorate degrees." The assistant said to Juan Jiang.

"Can you find the latest missing person?"

"I see."

At this moment, someone in the entire office shouted: "Special report! The religious leader of Azadistan, Massoud Rahmadi, seems to have been kidnapped by armed forces!"

"Azadistan!? There should be a special correspondent there providing technical support for Azadistan's interviews. Contact him and ask him to report on this matter!"


After finally relaxing, everyone became busy again.

"Will [Heavenly Man] appear?" the assistant asked Juanjiang.

"Most likely."

Juan Jiang is very sure that if the civil strife in Azadistan intensifies, the [Heavenly Man] troops will definitely intervene.

But this is not what she cares about most. What she wants to know most now is the purpose of [Celestial Being].

Aeolia Schuchenberg's speech was full of too many contradictions. It is simply impossible to use force to contain weakness. It will only increase military competition among countries.

And she felt that all the current actions of [Celestial beings] seemed to be seeking self-destruction, focusing all the contradictions in the world on them.

It was precisely because of this doubt that she gave up all on-site reports related to [Celestial Being] and turned to dig deeper into the secrets hidden behind it.

"Senior, are you still not going this time?"

"Well, let's first find out who is missing recently. I have a hunch that we are getting close to the truth."


Juan Jiang, who was obsessed with finding the truth, was completely unaware that the closer he got to the truth, the more dangerous he became.

In Azadistan, Alessandro Corner stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the marches, protests, and even conflicts downstairs, as if watching a group of ants cannibalizing each other's own colony.

"Look at their ugliness, Livonz, the impact of religion and reality, a little inducement can make people lose their minds, violence, chaos, killing... Human beings are really hopeless creatures, that's why they need The ruler! The supreme ruler!”

"Yes, Lord Alessandro." Livonz replied respectfully, but sneered in his heart.

From the beginning to the end, Alessandro was just his pawn. Showing a little bit of himself and being respectful to him would make him believe in him. It was really hard for Livonz to imagine that such a person was Where does the confidence come from to capture Aeolia Schuchenberg's plan?

However, he agreed with Alessandro's declaration. Human beings are hopelessly inferior species. There must be a savior to save them and rule them, but this person... cannot be you Alessandro. , it will only be me Livonz.

"It's getting more and more interesting. What are you going to do? Merin..."

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