Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 776 Luciano Brandelli’s Challenge (for Noita

Chapter 776 Luciano Brandelli’s Challenge (Big update for Noita!)

"Of course, Knight Brandley." Reggie Reggie agreed happily. Yang Hui and her had thought from the beginning that Luciano Brandley's targets for this trip would be the [Nightmare] Knights. .

After all, the person sent to inspect was Luciano Brandli. As long as the top management of Bunitalia knew that Yang Hui and Luciano Brandli had a bad relationship, they even wanted to kill each other. Even though he was still sent to the cabinet meeting, it shows that the cabinet meeting was not well-intentioned.

As the powerful force in Yang Hui's hands, the [Nightmare] Knights are naturally the focus of their observation. No matter how clear it is, witnessing it with their own eyes is not convincing, right?

Therefore, Yang Hui had already prepared countermeasures. The residence of the [Nightmare] Knights did have secrets that could not be exposed. However, a few years ago, when the construction of the [Sacred Domain] started, the top-secret scientific research department left [ The residence of the Nightmare Knights. In the entire Nightmare Knights, only Yang Hui and Reggieni Reggieta know where it is. Even Todo Kaishiro and others who followed Yang Hui to the scientific research department as guards were blindfolded when they went there. .

"Thanks, Reggieta, it makes me feel more relaxed." To be honest, Luciano Brandli was a little surprised, Reggieni Reggie agreed too readily.

However, Luciano Brandli's ability to become a Knight of the Round Table shows that he is not a madman who only knows how to kill. He was smart and quickly thought that Yang Hui had understood the intention of the cabinet meeting from the beginning and had already prepared a response. preparation.

Of course, this is just a guess. What if the other party really has nothing to hide?

So Luciano Brandelli decided that seeing is believing, and he happened to be looking forward to how the [Nightmare] Knights became the enemy's nightmare.

Taking Luciano Brandelli into the car, the convoy drove all the way and directly arrived at the [Nightmare] Knights' station. They happened to catch up with the team's tactical confrontation training, which made Luciano Brandelli feel heartbroken. Itchy.

"Not bad, it's really exciting. They are all good materials." Luciano Brandli had a crazy and excited smile on his face. For his bloodthirsty self, there is nothing better than killing the strong. Even more exciting.

The two teams in the training ground each changed their team tactics more than three times in just half an hour. Both teams are veterans of the [Nightmare] Knights, and have received exactly the same teachings and training, so the two teams met each other. In recruiting and dismantling, the competition is who reacts faster and which team cooperates more tacitly.

"Rejetta, can you join?" Luciano Brandli asked Reggie Reggie without looking back, his eyes fixed on the [Nightmare] Knight below, just like a hunter watching Prey about to be caught is like a prey.

"You are joking, Knight Bradley. You are a noble Knight of the Round Table. They are just ordinary [Nightmare] knights. If you go down personally, it would be a bit of a bully." Reggieni Rejeta remained calm. responded.

Regeni Rejetta is not worried about Luciano Brandli bullying the [Nightmare] Knight below. After all, Regeni Regetta knows Luciano Brandli very well. His driving skills are pretty good, but they are only excellent, and he is only at the bottom of the Knights of the Round Table.

If he were to fight against even a complete team of [Nightmare] Knights alone, Luciano Brandelli would lose if he was not careful, and the best case scenario would be a draw.

It would be great fun for a Knight of the Round Table to lose to a small team of knights. If this was reported back to Bunitalia, it would still be a question of whether Luciano Brandelli's status as a Knight of the Round Table could be preserved. , and Luciano Brandelli is going absolutely crazy.

"I know that." Luciano Brandelli waved his hand, indicating that he had no such intention, "I have no intention of bullying the small ones, but I am very interested in the famous twelve zodiacs. Can I arrange it?" ?"

Regeni Rejeta's eyes narrowed and she began to hesitate. Her response to Luciano Brandli was to deal with him. She only had to deal with him to complete the inspection work and then send him away. She didn't want to cause any complications.

But at this time, Yang Hui appeared from behind, and behind him was the masked Todo Kaishiro and the complete [Four Holy Swords].

That's right, the vacant corner of the [Four Holy Swords] has been filled, and Asahina made up his mind to rejoin the team.

"I agree." Yang Hui said calmly.

"Your Highness."

"Your Highness Yang Hui? It's such an honor that you came to greet me in person." Luciano Brandli performed a knight's salute pretending to be elegant, but his tone was full of ridicule.

"You're overthinking, Bradley. I'm just inspecting the [Nightmare] Knight's training on a routine basis. You're not that proud." Yang Hui said the most contemptuous words in the calmest tone.

His relationship with Luciano Brandelli is well known in Bunitalia, and the cabinet meeting and Luciano Brandelli are people who push their limits. Yang Hui's softened attitude will actually make them Even more shameless.

"...Well, it seems that His Highness Yang Hui still has misunderstandings about me. After all, I am also His Majesty's Knight of the Round Table. I still hope to get along well with His Highness."

"Really? Like the flying knife that's ready to move under your cloak?" Yang Hui asked with a sneer.


As soon as he finished speaking, Luciano Brandli's expression instantly became extremely crazy. The hand hidden under his cloak pulled out three flying knives and was about to throw them at Yang Hui, but as soon as he raised them, he saw a flash of cold light. , a knight's sword was pressed against his throat, the tip of a knight's sword touched his left chest, and a man held a sword to block Luciano Brandelli's Valkyrie troops, In the end, two people stood in front of Yang Hui, one on the left and one on the right.

"Hush~ It's really scary." Luciano Bradley threw down the throwing knife and said with a smile. He didn't want to kill Yang Hui (of course he dreamed of it). Even if he threw the throwing knife, it would just wipe it. Yang Hui's body passed by, but he didn't expect that the guard beside Yang Hui moved so fast. He didn't even notice how the other party moved, and the knight's sword was pressed against his neck.

"So your annoying personality still hasn't changed at all, Brandley. It seems that Rejeta hasn't taught you enough lessons."

"I was just joking." Luciano Brandelli raised his hands and explained with a smile.

"Haha, if you dare to show murderous intent, you are already dead."

"It's still as scary as ever. Your Highness Yang Hui, can you let go of me and my men?" Luciano Brandli asked.

Yang Hui gave Todo Kaishiro and others a look, and the five of them sheathed their swords and retreated, standing back behind Yang Hui again.

Luciano Brandli was surprised. These five people were quite scary, but they obeyed Yang Huiyan and had very high execution ability. They were simply perfect warriors and guards.

"So, Your Highness, have you really agreed to my request?" Luciano Brandelli confirmed.

"Well, there are twelve zodiac signs, whatever you choose."

"But I want to challenge Your Highness, is it possible?" Luciano Brandli asked tentatively. While observing Yang Hui, he was also observing the five Todo Kaishiro. Generally speaking, such loyal people Personal guards will become furious when their master is provoked.

But the results he observed made him even more surprised. Although the faces could not be seen, the chests of Toudo Kaishiro and the five others did not rise and fall violently, the hand holding the sword did not exert any force, and the knight's sword was not unsheathed.

What does this mean?

On the one hand, they are absolutely loyal to Yang Hui. When Yang Hui does not have any instructions and Yang Hui's life is not threatened in any way, they will not make any arbitrary decisions.

On the other hand is their self-confidence and absolute trust in Yang Hui.

"Are you sure?" Yang Hui raised the corners of his mouth in a playful manner.

"Yes, Your Highness, I want to see [The Empire's Nightmare]."

"Then you'd better use all your strength, Brandley." After speaking, Yang Hui turned around, raised his cloak, and said to Todo Kaishiro, "Prepare [Athena]."

"Yes, your highness." Todo Kaishiro accepted the order, once again showing his absolute obedience to Yang Hui.

"Hey." Luciano Brandelli called the woman behind him, "Get [Percival] ready."

"Yes, my lord." The woman was still a little hesitant. She knew that the relationship between Yang Hui and Luciano Brandli was not good, so bad that they wished each other would die.

But Yang Hui was a prince after all, and he was under the guise of attracting much attention. In full view of the public, not to mention killing, even if he injured Yang Hui, Luciano Brandelli would not have an easy time returning to his homeland.

However, before she spoke, the woman couldn't help but feel a tremor in her heart when she saw Luciano Brandelli's cold eyes, and she quickly agreed.

Arriving at a training ground that looked like an ancient arena, Yang Hui's [Athena] and Luciano Brandelli's [Percival] were ready.

[Percival], a seventh-generation Knightmare independently designed by the Imperial Academy of Sciences with the help of various technologies developed by Yang Hui and the [Nightmare] Knights, has a silver-white slender body decorated with gold and purple, and a small square shield in his left hand. After the shield cross is opened, there are six grenade launchers. The right hand does not have any weapons, but the wrist is equipped with four slender hooks.

But [Athena] did not hold a gun at this time, but stood opposite [Percival] with swords in both hands.

"Your Highness's [Athena] is so beautiful. I really want to tear her into pieces." Luciano Brandelli in the cockpit thought with a crazy expression.

"Are you ready?" At this time, Yang Hui's voice reached Luciano Brandli's ears from the communication channel.

"Of course, Your Highness Yang Hui, you can start at any time." Luciano Brandli replied while suppressing the excitement and madness in his heart.

"Are you sure? Aren't you going to use your lance?" Yang Hui confirmed again.

"Haha, hahaha, His Highness really knows, then..."

The side-by-side hooks on [Percival]'s right wrist unfolded and then rotated at high speed. A light green conical light curtain wrapped [Percival]'s right palm like a knight's lance.

"Then, Your Highness, please don't be torn to pieces by me!"

Without a start signal, [Percival]'s feet moved forward quickly with the help of pulleys, announcing the start of the battle.

Thanks to Noita for the big 1W reward, here are two more updates!

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