Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 777 The Emperor’s Secret Order

Luciano Brandli was so enthusiastic at the beginning, but now he was so cold, especially the cold light blade in front of him, which was less than a centimeter away from the tip of his nose, from top to bottom. It penetrated the entire cockpit and pinned Percival to the ground at close range.

In five minutes, what was thought to be a fierce and evenly matched battle ended in just five minutes.

Moreover, Luciano Brandelli knew very well that the reason why he was able to persist for five minutes was because Yang Hui was basically playing in these five minutes and was not serious at all. It was also considered as a gift to Luciano Brandelli. Save a little face.

Because within five minutes, [Athena] faced [Percival]’s fierce attack and did not launch any counterattack. She just dodged and defended. But when the five minutes were up, the elegant goddess Athena immediately showed her strength as the goddess of war. On the one hand, he is brave, fierce, ruthless and powerful.

Luciano Brandli only felt that [Athena] flickered for a moment and then disappeared. The next second, [Percival] was knocked to the ground. He didn't even have time to feel the pain in his back from the violent impact, and he felt that the world was spinning. , the one who stopped, a cold light appeared in front of him, and he didn't dare to move.

"Hey, hey, Your Highness Yang Hui, are you going to kill me?" Luciano Brandli said with lingering fear.

"I want to kill you, but you can still speak now?"

With Luciano Brandelli's horrified expression, the sharp blade in front of him quickly pulled out the cockpit of [Percival]. At the angle just now, if the blade was slightly deflected, it would cut him in half. Yang Hui was so confident that he didn't pause at all, or... was it a pity that he didn't kill himself with a single slip of his hand?

He was lucky to have survived. This was the first time Luciano Brandli had such an emotion, but just as he was feeling lucky, he felt like he had fallen into an abyss of ice.


The sharp blade of cold light drew a full moon, and smoothly cut off the end of [Percival]'s cockpit, and the half where Luciano Brandli was sitting fell to the ground intact.

"The switch in the cockpit has been destroyed. There is no need to bother the maintenance team. This is more convenient." Yang Hui's voice was played through the public frequency, so that everyone present could hear it. Because of his excellent military quality, the onlookers [Nightmare] knights used With strong willpower, he suppressed his laughter and secretly sighed that Yang Hui really didn't give him any face.

The Valkyrie troops surrounded by the [Nightmare] Knights in the center are also holding back, but their emotions are different from the [Nightmare] Knights. What they are holding back is anger. Their master has been laughed at mercilessly by so many people. They can Luciano Brandelli has trained him well to be able to endure it.

Of course, the previous intimidation also played a big role.

Of course Luciano Brandelli climbed out of half the cockpit with an ugly look on his face. On the one hand, the violent turbulence made him uncomfortable, and on the other hand, he was also in a very angry mood.

Yang Hui did not kill him, but it was more uncomfortable than killing him.

He could already imagine that as a Knight of the Round Table, he was easily teased by Yang Hui, and then the rumors of humiliation were used as gossip after dinner. His status as a Knight of the Round Table was no longer an honor, but a huge irony.

"Get away!"

Seeing the medical staff running up to check him out, Luciano Brandelli became even more furious. He pushed the medical staff hard and walked out of the training ground on his own. He was not that Cheeky-skin continued to stay here, ignoring the instructions from the cabinet meeting, and just wanted to leave this place quickly.

As for the broken [Percival], someone will recycle it and repair it. Even if it cannot be repaired, it will be fine. Maybe it can be replaced with a new and better machine.

"Mr. Yang Hui." Regeni Rejetta greeted Yang Hui at the exit at the other end of the training ground. "Have you gone too far?"

"It's just about going too far." Yang Hui explained to Regeni Rejetta calmly, "It is well known that Brandley and I have a bad relationship. If I show a friendly attitude, it will make people angry. Those people think too much.”

"That's it, I understand."

"Well, you can take Bradley and the others to the arranged residence. You can agree to any request that is not excessive. This can be considered as a comfort to him."

"Haha, I'm afraid he will think this is your insult to him." Regeni Rejeta covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Then it's none of my business. I can't control other people's thoughts." Yang Hui shrugged with an innocent expression on his face.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems with Brandley's inspection. It's just... Emperor Charles' secret order."

"Yeah." Hearing this, Yang Hui's expression became serious. He had already made a guess about Charles DI Bunitalia's secret order, "When the [Nightmare] Knights were established, the excuse was that they belonged to the empire. The sharp sword, [ELEVEN]'s resistance forces have been completely eradicated. It will be impossible to establish a resistance organization on the scale of the Liberation Front for more than ten or twenty years. If [ELEVEN] is stable, the empire's sharp sword will not We need to continue to recuperate, so there are two possibilities: one is to send the [Nightmare] Knights to other battlefields, and the other is to transfer them back to the homeland to replace the Knights of the Round Table who are about to retire. "

"Which one do you think is more likely?"

"The first one." Yang Hui said without hesitation, "Charles is a very conceited person. He will not take back the privileges he has given me. He is confident that he can control me. Besides, I am a prince and cannot be a Knight of the Round Table."

The Knights of the Round Table are the strongest knights in the empire. They are the emperor's bodyguards and symbolize the supreme honor. At the same time, the Knights of the Round Table also enjoy very high real power. The first knight can designate a piece of land as his own territory and serve as the lord himself. All others In times of war, the Knights of the Round Table have the right to mobilize any army except the Royal Guard Knights.

But even so, the Knights of the Round Table are just knights. A prince becoming a Knight of the Round Table... that would be a slap in the face of the royal family, so Yang Hui cannot become a Knight of the Round Table.

But... the same cannot be said for his subordinates. The earliest four Zodiacs, Regeni Rejetta, Jeremiah, and Veretta Jean Rowe, and [Jimini] Todo who joined in the middle Kagashiro and the five Gino who appeared as supernovas are all qualified to become Knights of the Round Table.

But as Yang Hui said, Charles DI Bunitaria is extremely conceited, and anything he says will be thrown away. The [Nightmare] Knights are Yang Hui's private army, so it is impossible for him to force him to obtain money from Yang Hui's private army. people.


"But..." At this point, Yang Hui paused, turned and looked into the distance, his sight seemed to have traveled through thousands of mountains and rivers, back to the imperial capital of Bunitalia, "'s impossible to go back to the imperial capital. Lost."

After a day of venting and resting, Luciano Brandelli finally vented some of his anger and began normal inspection work.

However, it can be seen from the murderous intent hidden in his eyes and the trembling women behind him that his anger has not been extinguished.

In a few days, Regeni Rejetta took Luciano Brandelli around [ELEVEN] in a very casual manner. It was more like a tour than an inspection.

Then, Luciano Brandelli found Yang Hui in the office of the Governor's Palace.

"Your Highness Yang Hui, [ELEVEN]'s inspection work has ended. Under your leadership, [ELEVEN] should be the most prosperous number."

"I don't deny this, Brandley, after the inspection is over, you should go back to Bunitalia, right?"

"Yes, His Highness Yang Hui, but... you and your Zodiac need to return to Bunitalia with me."


"His Majesty the Emperor's secret order, the fourth prince Yang Hui and his ace Twelve Zodiac returned to the country as representatives of the [Nightmare] Knights to receive the award. This is a great honor, Your Highness Yang Hui, this is the first time that the Emperor has personally awarded a knighthood. "

"When to set off?"

"Three days later, His Highness Yang Hui."

"I understand, you go down first."

"Yes, your highness."

After Luciano Brandley stepped back, Yang Hui tapped his fingers on the table, thought for a while, and picked up the phone: "Call the Zodiac to come see me, and by the way, Lelouch. "

"Yes, your highness."

Today is a day off. Lelouch doesn't have to go to school. He spends the whole day at the [Nightmare] Knights' station. After suppressing the resistance organization, Lelouch found that he likes this feeling. As a chess player, on the battlefield, It's a chessboard, using soldiers as chess pieces, playing a big game of chess, life and death are only a matter of seconds, using your own wisdom to devour the enemy.

If Yang Hui hadn't allowed it, and Nunnally was still at Ashford's house, he might have just dropped out of school and joined the [Nightmare] Knights.

After finishing his daily training, Lelouch did not forget his good friend and went to the training camp for trainee knights to find Shumu Suzaku. Fortunately, it happened to be his rest time.

"Lelouch! Why are you here?" Seeing Lelouch, Suzaku Shumu was still very surprised. When the resistance organization suppressed the operation, the trainee knight was not directly sent to the battlefield, but was responsible for logistics, and his authority was not high. So Shumu Suzaku didn't know that Lelouch's command of the five Gino men played a very key role in the battle.

"Yes, you don't know yet. I'm considered a non-staff member now. I'm very covetous of the position of chief of staff."

"Eh? You also want to join the [Nightmare] Knights?"

"Well, I have found my own way, so I don't plan to stay in silence anymore."

"Really? Congratulations." Shumu Suzaku is sincerely happy for his friend. Lelouch has been complicated since he was a child. He seems to be devoted to Nunnally, but he has always been confused, not knowing what he wants and what he should do. What.

"Well, congratulations to you too, Suzaku. I saw your training results. It won't be long before you can be promoted to an official knight." Lelouch patted Shumu Suzaku on the shoulder.

"Really? That's really good news." Shumu Suzaku also smiled happily. He joined the [Nightmare] Knights just to become a formal knight. He became stronger and stronger, and then kept climbing up. Fight to become one of the last two Zodiacs.

Because he knew that Yang Hui was very protective of his shortcomings. The closer he was to him, the higher his treatment would be. Shumu Zhuque was not doing it for himself, but wanted to seek better treatment for [ELEVEN].

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