The cheeks of Mrs. Lu's two cheeks were burning and painful, and they quickly became red and swollen, and tears welled up in her eyes, but she gritted her teeth tightly, and did not dare to cry.

She had never seen Princess Ning on such a fierce and fierce side, and she had never seen her beating anyone, she was so frightened that her face was already pale.

Concubine Ning didn't even have the interest to teach her a lesson, she waved her hand and said coldly: "Go back to your yard! Reflect on yourself! Without this concubine, you are not allowed to step out of the yard! Meng Shi, you send her there, take care Tell her how ridiculous what she did today!"

Princess Ning replied lightly, not daring to say a word, and pushed Mrs. Lu Ershao away.

Concubine Ning's words were tantamount to grounding her feet. Mrs. Lu Ershao was terrified, but she didn't even dare to say a word of intercession, her legs and feet were weak, and she let Princess Ning be dragged out.

In Prince Qian's mansion, Su Jin thought for a while, and simply took his son to the carriage and went straight to Mingyue Tower. By the way, he sent someone to the yamen of the patrol camp to talk to Qin Lang, asking him to go to Mingyue Tower to pick him up before returning to the mansion.

Concubine Qian must be annoyed by this matter, maybe she will be arrested and reprimanded.

But she was already depressed enough about this matter, wouldn't it be even worse to have Princess Qian reprimand her? Just hide from the limelight first.

Sure enough, after Princess Qian came back from Prince Ning's Mansion, she heard that the matter had been resolved, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but she hadn't let her breath out yet, so she asked someone to call Su Jin.

If it wasn't for Su Jin, this matter wouldn't have happened! Prince Qian's Mansion has lost such a big face, if they don't teach her a lesson, maybe she will attract something in the future!

Hearing that Su Jin's mother and son had gone out by car, Princess Qian became angry immediately, and said with a sneer, "She runs fast! She dares!"

Simply put, how could there be such a bold daughter-in-law in the world? Not to mention taking the initiative to go to the elders to plead guilty and appease the trouble, but to slip away first with oil on the soles of the feet!

Well, she wants to have a look, if she has the ability, she should not go back home.

During the new year, Mingyue Tower is extremely busy, and many wealthy businessmen will choose Mingyue Tower for dinner and friendship at the end of the year.

The new year is coming, and the new year is about to come. The beginning and end of the year are more particular than in the past, and there is no room for mistakes. It is necessary to make everyone happy and satisfied.

In addition, the dates for booking private rooms are almost full for the entire first month, and all kinds of ingredients, seasonings, charcoal and firewood must be prepared in advance. In addition, at the end of the year, accounts must be accounted for, and one-year assessment bonuses must be checked. Busier on weekdays.

Xu Rongyue was very surprised that Su Jin came over with his son without a single call.

Then my heart jumped, guessing that something must have happened, I hurriedly handed over the urgent work at hand to my deputy, and hurriedly came to see her.

Su Jin was staying very leisurely in the exclusive box, and his son was having a great time playing on the carpet. When he saw Xu Rongyue coming, he smiled and said: "I just asked someone to tell you that I will just stay here, no need Take care of me, who knows that your news is coming soon, here it is."

Xu Rongyue chuckled, quite proudly: "I'm the big shopkeeper of Mingyue Tower, so what happened here can't be hidden from me? Important matters were reported to me as soon as possible!"

The two laughed together.

The owner is here, this is naturally the most important thing.

Xu Rongyue ordered someone to prepare lunch, and hurriedly asked, "Why did you come here at this time suddenly? Has something happened in the palace?"

Su Jin suddenly showed a bitter and speechless expression, and sighed lazily, "What can I do when I meet a fool who does things without thinking? I really overestimated Lu's IQ."

It is typical that if you don't die, you will not die, and there is a tendency to never turn back when you run all the way to die.

Xu Rongyue opened her eyes wide, waiting for her to clarify.

After listening to Su Jin finish the matter, Xu Rongyue's expression became incomparably indescribable, and she glanced at Su Jin sympathetically.

"It's really... What can I ask people to say! Normal people would not do such a thing, right? Besides, she is the daughter-in-law of the Prince's Mansion! Doesn't Prince Ning's Mansion take care of her?"

Su Jin sneered: "Prince Ning's Mansion naturally won't ignore her. Would it be possible for her to do something like this to make Prince Ning's Mansion look good? It's just that Prince Ning's Mansion probably didn't expect her to be so stupid!"

Xu Rongyue couldn't help but burst out laughing, and nodded in agreement: "That statement makes sense!"

After Xu Rongyue had lunch with Su Jin, Su Jin asked her to rest and go to work by herself, and she just waited here for Qin Lang.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lang came.

His complexion is not very good-looking.

Seeing his daughter-in-law, he asked, "Master Lu went to Prince Qian's Mansion to make trouble today?"

Su Jin couldn't help laughing and said: "This story spread really fast, you know it too?"

"I know a little, I don't know very well! If there is a next time, you ask the guards to tie her up, gag her and send her back to Prince Ning's mansion, just say it's my words."

What nasty things did she do herself, did she have no idea? Dare to come and make trouble? Say it's tied, it's tied! Unconvinced, Prince Ning's mansion went to him.

Su Jin's heart warmed up, the corners of his lips curled up, and he said "hmm", he shook Qin Lang's arm and smiled lightly: "The matter has been settled, let's go back! By the way, we originally planned to go out of the city to the hot spring villa tomorrow Right?"

Qin Lang smiled, and caressed her face with his generous and warm palm: "Don't worry, we'll go tomorrow morning."

"Then let's go home, don't ask about this matter today, it will affect your mood!"

Qin Lang smiled: "Okay!"

The two hugged their son and bid farewell to Xu Rongyue.

Su Jin suddenly smiled at Xu Rongyue and said: "Sister Xu, you should leave things to the subordinates as much as possible, brother-in-law is coming to Beijing, you should spend more time with him! And Xiaoyi should come in a few days, right? When the time comes, I will give Yunzheng a holiday, so you guys have a good time together."

Xu Rongyue's husband, Boss Song Qingsong, is also working for Su Jin and Qin Lang, but he does not stay in the capital with Xu Rongyue, but spends more time in Wushui City, basically only coming to the capital for about two months Wait a while. The husband and wife have been together less and separated more this year.

Xu Rongyue smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know it myself! When Xiaoyi comes, you come too, let's have a good meal together."

"That's natural!"

Back at Prince Qian's Mansion, Qin Lang handed Zhen'er over to Qin Jiu and Qin Shi, and ordered them to take the child back to Jinghe Courtyard first, then took Su Jin's hand, went to the main courtyard to greet Princess Qian, and talked about today's events by the way Son.

Seeing these two people coming in holding hands, Princess Qian frowned reflexively, feeling bored in her heart.

I really don't know how to be ashamed, even if the relationship between husband and wife is good, you can do whatever you want behind closed doors, can you be more careful outside? What a way to gossip all day long!

They acted naturally and as a matter of course, and they didn't even think about others' toothache!

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