Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1001 Wait and see

What's more, the two of them came together at this moment, and they knew that Qin Lang must have come to support Su Shi - she is a mother-in-law, not an enemy, and she won't eat her, is that the case?

The two invited Ann and sat down.

After a few words of pleasantries, Su Jin took the initiative to bring up what happened in the morning, "The misunderstanding of my sixth sibling is too deep, and I never thought that she would do such a thing on impulse! It hurt the palace! I also ask the princess to forgive me." .”

Princess Qian glanced at her and said indifferently: "Since you know there is something wrong, you should be more careful in the future. If you don't talk about other things when communicating with people, at least you should understand what kind of temperament they are, and don't catch people by surprise!"

Although everyone knows that the Lu family was forced to leave by Su Jin, and the old case of the eldest son of the Lu family was uncovered by someone sent by Su Jin and Qin Lang, but they are tacit to each other, and no one will be so stupid as to bring it up in person— —Su Jin wouldn't even recognize it when he mentioned it.

Su Jin had to be convinced by Princess Qian's words. Indeed, she made a mistake. She never thought that Mrs. Lu would be so stupid.

"What the princess taught, my daughter-in-law will remember."

Seeing this, Qin Lang immediately said softly: "Ah Jin, don't be sad, it's the Lu family who is too shameless, who would have thought that the Lu family can't teach their daughter so well, and the Prince Ning's mansion can't discipline their daughter-in-law so badly? It's embarrassing to them as well. The faces of the Lu family and Prince Ning's mansion have nothing to do with you, on the contrary, you are wronged, Ah Jin!"

Su Jin was sweet and touched in his heart, raised his eyes and smiled, and looked at Qin Lang.

Princess Qian held her breath in her chest, if her upbringing did not allow her to swear, she would really want to scold these two people severely at this moment.

so annoying

She hasn't said anything yet, so Prince Ding is going to protect her now?

Before it was over, Qin Lang looked at Princess Qian and said: "Princess, if there is nothing else, I will go back to the court with Ah Jin. Ah Jin was wronged today, and his spirit is not very good. I want to take her as soon as possible." Go back and have a good rest."

Princess Qian's heart was almost full, she tilted her head slightly, she didn't even want to look at them again, and waved: "Go!"

"Retire." Qin Lang nodded slightly, took Su Jin's hand, and the two left hand in hand.

Concubine Qian let out a long breath, stared at the back of the two leaving, her gaze sank, and she sneered for a while.

Dare to feel that the Su family is in a hurry to leave the house today, not only to hide from herself, but also to find a backer. She is smart, but she is also stupid enough.

How long can a woman be prosperous without the support of her natal father and brother, without the support of a grown-up and promising son, and only relying on the favor of a man?

Three to five years is good luck! With better luck, ten years or more will definitely be over! For example, side concubine Bai, the prince really doted on her back then, and stayed with her for at least half a month.

But what happened later? Although he still dotes on her, it's not as good as before. Isn't there two younger and more beautiful ones in the backyard?

Now that her own son has become a useless person, if the prince can go to her two or three days a month, she should burn incense and worship Buddha.

O man!

Princess Qian smiled sarcastically, she waited, waited for a few more years, to see if the Su family could still hide behind Qin Lang.

Su Jin and Qin Lang left the main courtyard, and smiled at Qin Lang: "Fortunately, you are here, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to escape a reprimand today."

Although I don't take it to heart, is it right?

Qin Lang laughed, "Of course I am here, I will always be here."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

A good night's sleep.

Early the next morning, the family of three had breakfast and were ready to leave.

Nanny Zhuang and Wangchun had already sent someone to carry the luggage and put it on the luggage cart.

The horse-drawn carriage had already been burned by the ingeniously installed carbon stove in the carriage, covered with thick and soft carpets, warm as spring.

Qin Lang tied up the cloak for Su Jin, hugged Xiao Zhen'er who was wearing a padded robe and a hat, and was about to go out for a ride, when Zhang Tong hurried over with two personal guards.

"Junwang, Junwang! Not good, not good!"

Qin Lang's eyes suddenly sank, and he glared at Zhang Tong in displeasure and scolded in a cold voice: "What a shame to be frizzy! Say it!"

He stared at Zhang Tong in an unfriendly way, and thought to himself that you had better have something really urgent, kid, or else I'll just wait for you.

The daughter-in-law has been looking forward to staying in the village for a few days for so long, but something happened when she was about to leave the house. Isn't this rushing to make things difficult for others?

Zhang Tong naturally knew that the king, the concubine, and the young master were going out of the city today. He felt guilty when he was stared at by the king. The area was assassinated and almost died. The imperial physician rescued him all night, and he still hasn't woken up yet, I'm afraid."

"What did you say?" Qin Lang's heart trembled.

He and General Lu are in charge of the patrol battalion, and the Furong Qu area happens to be under his jurisdiction.

If that's the case, he can't be blamed for Mr. Lu's accident, but coincidentally, because of an accident in the area of ​​Dongchang Street in the past two days, yesterday he mobilized some people from three other places to temporarily reinforce Dongchang Street In the area, by coincidence, the manpower from Furongqu was also mobilized.

General Lu has a seedling on a thousand acres of land, just such an only son, but he was assassinated on the territory under his jurisdiction where he dispatched patrols. If he really died, it would be a big problem.

At this time, he could no longer accompany his wife and son out of the city to relax.

"Prepare the horse, I'll go right away."

"The horse is ready, the subordinates are going out to wait for the county king!" Zhang Tong heaved a sigh of relief, and ran away with two subordinates.

Qin Lang looked at Su Jin, Su Jin gently pulled his arm before he opened his mouth and said in a low voice: "You don't need to say any more, we can go to the Hot Spring Villa anytime, but we can't wait for human life. Why don't you wait Me, I’ll pack up the medicine box and go with you, and I’ll ask someone to go to the Lin’s Medical Center to tell them to go and see if they can help you!”

Although Su Jin didn't know that Master Lu had an accident in Qin Lang's jurisdiction, and Qin Lang took away some of his staff, both of them were in charge of the patrol battalion. General Lu was still Qin Lang's boss, and his son had an accident. , Qin Lang naturally wants to care.

As Qin Lang's wife, she has medical skills, so she should go with her to have a look.

Qin Lang's eyes were a bit complicated, he thought for a while, and nodded: "Okay, you go and clean up, let's go together. You promise me, if you are not sure, don't touch your hands."

Su Jin smiled and nodded: "Got it!"

He has to tell her this every time, in fact, even if he doesn't tell her, he will still plan to do so. After all, my family and the Lu family had a bad time, if something happened to Mr. Lu, the Lu family would not be sure that they would think in a wrong way.

Qin Lang emphasized again: "Remember, Ah Jin, if you are not sure, don't touch your hands!"

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