Zhen'er blinked her beautiful big eyes, and called out childishly, "Great-grandfather!"

Emperor Yuanfeng agreed "Hey!" and smiled even more happily.

He has many children and grandchildren, and he actually doesn't know any of these immature little boys. Thanks to Mrs. Lu's voice before, he immediately remembered Zhen'er, and knew that this was his direct relative's great-grandson.

This child is only two years old, and he is not timid in front of him, and he is so close to him, which shows that the blood relationship is the most inseparable and the most intimate.

Emperor Yuanfeng was happy, moved, and slightly proud, and he loved Zhen'er in his arms.

Zhao Ming'an, Tian's family, and Princess Qian's complexion changed, and they forced a smile on their faces. Only they knew how uncomfortable they were.

King Qian's eyes flickered, his face was full of joy, and he was so excited that he clenched his hands tightly. In his generation, no one in his grandson has ever received such treatment! It's great that the father likes Zhen'er so much!

When Zhen'er saw Emperor Yuanfeng smiling, she also grinned, which made Emperor Yuanfeng even more happy.

The little guy suddenly put the yellow bergamot fruit in Emperor Yuanfeng's hand, and said in a childish voice, "Give it to great-grandfather!"

Emperor Yuanfeng was taken aback for a moment, his heart was so warm that it almost melted, he laughed and took the bergamot fruit: "Okay, good, good, good-grandson, good-looking!"

Everyone's eyes almost popped out of their eyes, and their hearts were full of crap: This little baby of Dingjun Wang's family has become a genius, this is it, will he please the emperor like this?

Only Su Jin and Qin Lang looked at each other from the air, Qin Lang smiled wryly, Su Jin's eyebrows twitched fiercely, with a look of lovelessness.

If it's possible, she wants to drill into the cracks in the ground now, is it pure if she can't see it?

She couldn't stop crying in her heart, but Zhen'er grabbed the jadeite finger on Emperor Yuanfeng's left thumb, and her short, fat little fingers tried to pull the jadeite finger off, and said childishly in her small mouth: " I want, I want."

"." Everyone was lying in their hearts again!

Convinced, really convinced, he is worthy of being the biological son of Dingjun Wang and Dingjun Wangfei.

This kid is really stupid and bold!

Su Jin closed her eyes in despair, crying in her heart, she knew it would happen, she knew it!

Regardless of how big he is, this kid is very shrewd. He is often like this at home. Whenever he offers something to others, it must be when he wants to take something from others. There is never an exception.

This little habit made the maids in the yard, including her and Qin Lang, often laugh and cry, and found it very funny and cute.

But now, Su Jin doesn't find it cute at all.

Emperor Yuanfeng was also stunned, and only after he realized what the little guy meant was that he wanted to exchange his chayote for his wrench.

Emperor Yuanfeng couldn't help laughing, and laughed again, and took off the emerald finger, and asked Zhen'er with a smile: "Do you want Zhen'er?"

Zhen'er grabbed it with her little hand: "Yes, yes!"

"Okay, great-grandfather gave it to Zhen'er." Emperor Yuanfeng smiled and put his finger in Zhen'er's hand. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. He laughed and praised: "This child is really smart, hahahaha!"

Hahaha, everyone is very face-saving, and by the way, they are full of compliments and compliments, this little Sun Young Master of Qian Wang's Mansion, no matter how unconvinced they have to admit it: the emperor likes it! The emperor just likes it, who can do anything?

Older people, such as Concubine Xian, King Wu, King Ning, King Qian, Prince Jian, etc., looked at the jade wrench that Zhen'er was playing with with a giggle, their eyes flickered slightly, and their moods were much more complicated. Also secretly startled.

Others don't know that they know very well that the emerald finger ring of the emperor was a treasure twenty years ago, and it has extraordinary significance to the emperor.

Back then, the emperor hunted in the hunting grounds and didn't want to encounter traitors and assassins. It was a coincidence that this finger wrench blocked a cold arrow with a bloody throat and a poisonous arrow for the emperor while the emperor waved his hand.

If it weren't for that coincident moment, the emperor would have passed away long ago.

Since then, the emperor has almost never removed the wrench from his left thumb.

I didn't expect that today, because I didn't understand what the child wanted, I gave him the finger.

What is the meaning of this, Your Majesty?

No one claims to be able to guess it, and no one dares to guess in depth.

Children like to follow suit. Seeing Zhen'er like this, other children were a little timid and hesitant at first, but they didn't feel terrible when they saw the bearded old man smiling so happily. I don't know who took the lead. Angrily, Quan called "Great-grandfather", "Great-grandfather" and ran up, and gave him the fruits in their hands one after another, leaned beside him, and grabbed his clothes.

But no one dared to pull his accessories or climb on his knees.

After all, not everyone is as stupid and bold as Zhen'er.

Emperor Yuanfeng was overjoyed, and cheerfully took the fruits and handed them to the eunuch beside him.

Liang Shunan cleverly held a vermilion-colored tray and stood aside to hold the fruits, and joked with a smile: "Your Majesty, this is auspicious! The gift of the golden boy symbolizes that our Daqing will have a good weather and a good harvest!"

Good weather and abundant grains are the wishes of all emperors. Because only when the weather is good and the grain is plentiful, the people will have food and a stable life, and when the people are safe and stable, the country can prosper and prosper, which means that a peaceful and prosperous world has been created.

As an emperor, who doesn't want to create a generation of peace and prosperity, and don't want to leave a name in history?

The innocent children have no one to teach and no one to guide them. They just follow their original intentions. On such a special day, they smiled and gave them all kinds of fruits that represent auspicious and good omens. Him, what does this mean? This is God's will. In the coming year, Daqing will be blessed with good weather and the people will live and work in peace and contentment!

Emperor Yuanfeng was overjoyed and laughed loudly: "Good, good! Well said!"

How can it be uninteresting for everyone to see the emperor's Longyan Joy? They got up and knelt down one after another, congratulating auspicious words one after another.

In the whole hall, there is joy and harmony, and there is joy and peace in the whole hall.

Emperor Yuanfeng was even more overjoyed, and ordered someone to fetch several white jade inlaid with gold Ruyi, and several children gave one to each of them, without kowtow to thank them, he smiled and ordered the palace maids and eunuchs to carefully send them back to their parents.

All the parents were elated, and hurriedly stood up and took their children back to thank the emperor.

In the new year, the reward of jade is not available to everyone. It is the treatment only for the important clan or nobles. A few children can't reach it no matter what.

But the emperor made an exception!

The little ancestors are blessed!

Others were so envious that their eyes were turning red. Secretly regretting that such a good thing doesn't have a home? I also brought my children here, so why didn't I put it on the booth?

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