Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1013 Good boy

Su Jin and Qin Lang also went up to pick up Zhen'er.

But the little guy was sitting on Emperor Yuanfeng's lap, grinning silly and playing with the jade finger, and he didn't intend to leave at all.

This silly boy, just grinning foolishly, didn't know to come down.

Qin Lang had no choice but to bite the bullet and take two steps forward, "Your Majesty." Give me my silly boy!

Emperor Yuanfeng glanced at him and Su Jin, waved his hands and said indifferently: "Go down, why don't you rest assured that the boy is here with me? I will take good care of him."

All the people stared blankly, they only dared to show envious expressions on their faces, but they didn't know how many twists and turns they had in their hearts.

Did the emperor love Dingjun Wang's son so much? Could it be that the palace of Qian Wang is about to change? Ke Qian Wang Shizi didn't do anything wrong, the emperor probably wouldn't, it doesn't make sense.

Or, is the emperor just loving his great-grandson as a great-grandfather?

But today is New Year's Eve, on such a special day, the emperor will not be ignorant of what his every move represents.

Everyone was confused for a moment.

But everyone knew in their hearts that the emperor really doted on Dingjun Wang's family of three, and he would not offend their family of three no matter what.

Qin Lang was helpless, quickly said with a smile, "Don't dare!" and retreated with Su Jin.

Su Jin is also helpless, this silly boy is a silly boy, didn't he see that other children went back to their parents? But he still relies on the emperor's side.

Everyone continued to eat, drink, enjoy singing and dancing, and enjoyed themselves happily.

It's just that everyone's eyes will always glance at the old and the young on the throne intentionally or unintentionally. Seeing the old and the young having fun, seeing the smile on the emperor's face, only I know how I feel.

Emperor Yuanfeng was getting old after all, when Concubine Xian said with a smile that the little emperor's great-grandson was very cute and she wanted to hug him, Emperor Yuanfeng gave her the child and told her to hold it for a while before handing the child to Mrs. Su. Concubine Xian agreed with a smile.

Zhen'er was originally a foolish and bold person, which may have something to do with the fact that he moved from Wushui City to the capital when he was one year old, and Su Jin often took him to and from Mingyue Tower to play in Beijing. He was curious about everything and didn't recognize anything.

Concubine Xian hugged him with a smile, and he also let others hug her with a cheerful smirk.

The concubines came here to please the emperor, and secondly, seeing that the child was so cute, the concubine Xian couldn't help laughing and teasing him after hugging him.

The emperor has rewarded gifts, and the concubines can't be stingy, can they? So Concubine Xian rewarded Zhen'er with a bunch of agarwood wooden skewers, and the others picked various things from their bodies for him after seeing it.

There were all kinds of jade pendants, pendants, bracelets, and bracelets, and the little eunuch at the side quickly took them and held them for him.

Concubine Xian didn't dare to hold him for too long, one is the emperor's words first, and the other is how can a child's temper be so easy to figure out? She's still smiling right now with a bright face, maybe she'll start crying the next second?

It would be unlucky for a child to cry in his hands at the New Year's Eve family banquet, so he quickly asked the maid who was serving her to carefully carry Zhen'er to Su Jin.

Su Jin was greatly relieved when he saw the grand lady and the little eunuch holding the baby, and hurriedly got up to pick it up.

Wang Chun also came back to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly brought Qin Jiu forward, and took all kinds of gifts from the concubines from the hands of the young eunuch.

Looking at this dazzling pile of presents, full of jewels and jewels, Wang Chun couldn't help but secretly startled, feeling a sense of pride in her heart, her little master is amazing.

Wang Chun and the other nurses returned to the table and sat down with their little masters in their arms. Everyone looked at her and Xiao Zhen'er with more cordiality and enthusiasm, with smiles on their faces.

Tonight, the respective little masters have all received the emperor's reward, which is an excellent omen, and even brought them a face. You must know that this was brought by Xiao Zhen'er.

The night was getting darker, and when the palace banquet was over, the children basically fell asleep. After Emperor Yuanfeng drove away, everyone also left one after another.

King Qian specially ordered someone to send a white fox blanket over, saying that it was windy on the road, so he asked Jiang Zhen'er to wrap it up so that he would not catch a cold.

Su Jin and Qin Lang have stayed in Wushui City for so long anyway, and there are many kinds of high-quality skins. Today, the one that entered the palace to wrap Zhen'er is a piece of Firefox skin, which is soft and thick, bright in color and bright, even if you are rich. There is no place to buy good things, so where does King Qian need to send them specially?

The two of them knew in their hearts that this was Zhen'er showing his face in front of the emperor today and King Qian deliberately expressed his intentions.

Qin Lang asked someone to thank his father and king, and accepted the white fox blanket.

Anyway, I will accept it if it is delivered. In other words, it seems that he really hasn't gotten anything from his father.

The couple had one carriage, and Wangchun and others took Zhen'er into the other carriage.

As soon as he sat down, Su Jin relaxed and leaned against Qin Lang's arms, patted his chest and said with lingering fear: "Your son is really stupid and bold, why is he so bold, that is the emperor!"

Qin Lang simply embraced her and sat on his lap, wanting to say "I learned it all from you", but he didn't have the guts to kiss her and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, our Zhen'er is very smart, we know that the emperor is kind and caring , it is the elders who love him dare to do this."

Su Jin "Puchi!" laughed, and gave him an angry look: "How dare you say that!"

Qin Lang smiled: "It's just the truth, why don't you dare. Look at the father and the princess, when did Zhen'er take the initiative to ask them to hug you?"

Su Jin: "."

After thinking about it carefully, it seems that there really is not.

Zhen'er also saw King Qian and Princess Qian quite a few times, after all, she often had to go to pay her respects. But he really never took the initiative to ask Qian Wang or Qian Wangfei to hug him.

Not to mention hugging, I didn't even take a few more steps towards them.

Su Jin couldn't help laughing, this kid who watches people order.

"I didn't expect the emperor to like him so much, and today he showed his face."

"Our Zhen'er is the best child in the world, those who don't like him are blind!"

Su Jin laughed again.

Qin Lang smiled and said: "Don't talk about him, but fortunately he's tired and fell asleep now, and won't disturb us when he returns to the mansion. Ah Jin, it's been another year!"

Su Jin's face became hot, and he couldn't help feeling a little emotional after hearing the last sentence: "Yes, it's been another year!"

Back in the mansion, Qin Lang dragged her to make a fuss before falling asleep in a hurry, and got up again before dawn the next day to go to the palace to worship.

After returning to the mansion, it was almost noon.

The family went to the main hall to kowtow to King Qian and Princess Qian to pay New Year's greetings.

Seeing Su Jin and Qin Lang bring Zhen'er in, Zhao Ming'an and the others had subtle eyes.

Qin Lang sneered in his heart, his son's performance last night probably made the thorn in the heart of Zhao Ming'an mother and son deeper?

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