Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1030 Impossible

If she didn't trust her husband enough, she might be suspicious.

After all, what Madam Fu said is good, where is there a cat that doesn't eat fishy fish?

Why Qin Lang is an exception, Su Jin can only attribute it to his good luck - Qin Lang is not alone in this world, there are always a few men who are willing to only guard their wives for the rest of their lives.

She naturally didn't know that Qin Lang, who had been resurrected for the first time, had already seen through many things in the mundane world. What he wanted was a real and warm home, and everything else was not tempting to him.

But what's the use of Su Jin believing him? Even if Qin Lang categorically denies it, people will only think that he just refused to admit it - this is a lie!

Su Jin glanced at Fu Mingzhu coldly, is there no man in the world? Does she have to rely on Qin Lang so desperately?

Would Qin Lang not know if he had done such a thing? She thought she could use this to force Prince Qian's mansion to welcome her in, but why didn't she think about it, Qin Lang would touch a woman who had an affair with another man? Will you wear a green hat for yourself?

There are so many ways to go, but she chose a dead end. I really don't know whether it is courageous or fearless for those who don't know.

"Princess Dingjun has nothing to say?" Mrs. Fu said coldly, "I'll give you two days. If King Dingjun and Concubine Dingjun don't give our Fu family a satisfactory explanation within two days, then I will I had no choice but to find King Qian and Princess Qian in person! I hope Princess Dingjun will not disappoint me! After all, this matter is really going to explode, and it will not do any good to King Dingjun and Princess Dingjun!"

Su Jin remained silent.

Mrs. Fu sneered, ignored her, got up and said goodbye to Mrs. Zheng: "I have caused trouble for the family today, and I will come to visit another day. The children are debts. Let Mrs. Zheng see the joke. This matter is true. It's a shame to death, our Fu family's face is truly humiliated!"

Mrs. Fu spoke and sighed again and again.

Madam Zheng understood what she meant. Everyone bowed their heads and didn't see them looking up. She couldn't deliberately spread publicity outside and deliberately make the Fu family lose more face.

He hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Mrs. Fu, this matter will definitely not pass a word from me. Those two nuns and maidservants are my confidantes, and they are always reliable in their mouths. I will tell them carefully later. !"

"Thank you Mrs. Zheng, I will definitely repay this kindness in the future!" Mrs. Fu was very grateful, she glanced at Su Jin and hummed heavily, and took Fu Mingzhu back.

As for Su Jin, she didn't need to give special instructions and believed that Su Jin would not be able to say anything, unless she disregarded the face of Prince Ding and Qian's Palace.

After Mrs. Fu's mother and daughter left, Su Jin also left.

Mrs. Zheng hesitated to speak, as if she had a lot to persuade her. After all, the relationship was not too familiar, and it was hard to say, so she could only comfort her with a few words to reassure her, and personally sent her out of her yard.

Su Jin secretly smiled bitterly. Doesn't the point of persuading her to be relieved is to believe Fu Mingzhu's words?

This is really unreasonable.

Today, Duke Min's Mansion held a banquet, and Qin Lang was also in the front yard, and the couple left together when the banquet was over.

Seeing that Su Jin's expression was not very good, Qin Lang took her hand and helped her into the carriage very attentively, and said with a smile: "Are you tired? Isn't it just listening to the opera? Why is your face so ugly?"

Su Jin smiled, leaned on him with his arms in his arms, and looked up at him: "I didn't hear much about the play, I almost acted it myself!"

Qin Lang was taken aback: "What's going on?"

It must be nothing good to provoke his daughter-in-law to be so mocking and ridiculed.

Su Jin didn't say immediately: "Let's talk about it when we go back!"

The road is not the place to say this.

Qin Lang couldn't help but glanced at her wonderingly.

Qin Lang would never have imagined it in his dreams. What his wife wants to say has a huge relationship with him.

Back at Jingheyuan, Su Jin didn't care to coax the son who grinned and shouted "Father, father! Mother, mother!", hugged and kissed and coaxed a few words, and still asked the nanny and maids to hug him and coax him away. Then, he dragged Qin Lang into the room to talk.

"What the hell is going on!" Qin Lang was a little helpless and a little funny, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore.

Hearing what Su Jin said, Qin Lang was stunned with anger: "Nonsense! Nonsense! How, how could Fu Mingzhu have the courage to tell such a big lie! She thinks I'm a stick? This kind of thing If you pin it on me, I will admit it too? Jin, you have to trust me, I won't lie to you!"

Qin Lang was a little anxious at once, afraid that Su Jin would not believe him, he almost didn't swear, and asked Su Jin to stop him.

Su Jin hurriedly said: "Don't worry, of course I believe you! If I also believe such a crude and crude trick, how stupid am I?"

Only then did Qin Lang feel relieved, and said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you will lose your position in a moment of anger!"

Su Jin snorted softly: Is she such a person who loses her position so easily? The person who would make her lose her size so easily has not yet been born!

"The Fu family is not a family that can be dismissed casually. It's hard to say whether it's a woman who suffers more or a man who suffers more. Since Fu Mingzhu insists that it's you, she will never change her mind, and no one can interrogate her. After all, he is a victim! I'm afraid this matter is not good." Su Jin became worried again.

Qin Lang's face was dark, and the disgust in his eyes was as thick as dark clouds. This woman was not a good thing in her previous life. In this life, he rejected the Fu family's idea of ​​marriage early. He originally thought that the two of them would never have anything to do with each other in this life. Unexpectedly, in a different way, it was still unavoidable.

Qin Lang sneered, "It's not impossible. Finding that adulterer will come naturally."

Su Jin frowned and scolded him: "What you said is easy and light, but where can I find it?"

"Ah Jin forgot?" Qin Lang said: "I think it's Zhao Ming'an out of ten!"

Before that, Zhao Ming'an had been sending people to watch Fu Mingzhu's whereabouts, and it was clear that he was trying to hook up with him. Furthermore, in the previous life, Fu Mingzhu hooked up with Zhao Mingan secretly through a song, so the two of them may not be able to avoid it in this life!

Su Jin slapped his forehead "Ah!": "Oh, I really confuse Fu Mingzhu, maybe it really is! No, it must be!"

Su Jin said unwillingly and said: "But this way, Zhao Ming'an is really cheap."

Zhao Ming'an was eager to marry Fu Mingzhu. How much help would it be to have Fu's family as in-laws? At that time, I am afraid that even Princess Qian will feel elated.

Qin Lang was quite disdainful: "That's not necessarily the case! This matter can't be delayed, I'll do it now."

"OK, all right!"

Su Jin nodded. It is true that there is no delay. Mrs. Fu only gave her two days of work. After two days, if she really came to the Qian Palace and mentioned it to King Qian and Princess Qian, it would be a bit embarrassing. up.

I can't even tell.

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