Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1031 Accountability

Qin Lang kissed her and immediately went out to make arrangements.

He let out some rumors on purpose for Zhao Mingan's confidant to hear, and that confidant naturally didn't dare to neglect. The news reached Zhao Mingan's ears that night, but Zhao Mingan was overjoyed.

Excited to gear up.

He didn't expect him to be so powerful, and it wasn't all - it had to be Fu Mingzhu's stomach.

Unexpectedly, just this once, Fu Mingzhu became pregnant.

Mingzhu, Mingzhu, this name is really good and auspicious.

If it was before, Zhao Ming'an would still hesitate and slowly think of some twists and turns, but now there is no need.

Fu Mingzhu already has his seeds in his belly, so what else should he be worried about?

After so many years, he has only one son and one daughter, both of whom were born by the Tian family. Now that Fu Mingzhu is pregnant, he is of course extremely happy! It is a good thing that the offspring are prosperous!

It was already night when Zhao Ming'an got the news, looking at the dark night outside, he wished for dawn immediately.

His eyes were shining brightly, and his expression of uncontrollable excitement was so eye-catching that Tian couldn't help but wonder, and asked with a smile: "Your Majesty seems to be very happy today? But is there anything good about it?" ?”

Zhao Ming'an's smile froze, he clenched his hands into fists to cover his mouth, and coughed unnaturally, he said, "Well, it's a good thing. But I haven't written the horoscope yet, don't say it, don't say it, rest early Bar!"

Although Mrs. Tian will know about this matter sooner or later, but Zhao Mingan has a guilty conscience, and he doesn't want to tell Mrs. Tian at this time in case something goes wrong, so naturally he can't tell the truth.

Tian has no doubts, and said with a gentle smile after hearing the words: "Well, but the son of the world has always been lucky, even if the horoscope has not been written yet, since it is a good thing, it will definitely come true!"

Everyone loves to listen to good words, let alone Zhao Ming'an who is already very vain and conceited.

Hearing this, he laughed and said, "I would like to borrow your good words!"

Tian's smile became more gentle, and she looked at him with admiration.

Zhao Ming'an suddenly felt a little guilty, and subconsciously looked away, not daring to meet Tian's admiring gaze.

Tian Shi has always been virtuous and gentle, and even admired and worshiped his husband as heaven, and took care of his life in every possible way.

Even though there are gossips in the mansion that many people praise Dingjun Wang, and there are even some rumors that the son is not as good as Dingjun Wang, but Tian always defends him, and never shows Qin Lang's good intentions in front of him. Full of contempt and disdain, he only believes that he is the most outstanding one. Qin Lang is just opportunistic and hit a moment of luck. When it comes to background and real skills, it has to be him!

This made him very useful, and because of this, he looked at Tian Shi even more.

But he was going to marry Fu Mingzhu who was pregnant soon. Looking at Tian's gentle and admiring eyes, Zhao Mingan couldn't help stretching out his arms and putting her on Tian's shoulders, gently pulling her into his arms, and said with a soft smile: " You are the woman that I value most, you are my first wife, this will never change!"

Tian was taken aback, blushed and said with a shy smile, "What's wrong, Shi Zi?"

Zhao Mingan laughed, "It's nothing, nothing! Let's rest!"

"Yeah..." Tian became even more shy, her heart beat slightly faster, and her heart was hot.

It was rare for Zhao Mingan to say a few words of love, Tian's face was flushed, her heart was beating, her heart was agitated, and she was extremely shy. How could she care to think that something was wrong with Zhao Mingan today?

She was even secretly proud that her husband is the emperor's grandson who received the best royal education since childhood. He has a noble temperament, unparalleled elegance, extraordinary knowledge, demeanor, manners, and conduct. He is many times stronger than that wild man! This is the real son of the phoenix and the grandson of the dragon.

The next morning, after having breakfast, Zhao Mingan dressed carefully and went out impatiently.

Ever since the arrangement was made yesterday, Qin Lang sent someone to secretly watch whether Zhao Mingan was going out.

Early this morning, I got the news that Zhao Mingan was dressed very brightly and hurried out. Qin Lang smiled gloatingly, and said to Su Jin: "I was guessing before, but now I can be sure that it's Zhao Mingan's fault!"

Su Jin also felt relieved, nodded and said: "It seems that it is really him. That's good, I think there is nothing wrong with us."

Qin Lang smiled smugly, and was surprised: "It's definitely nothing to do with us!"

He leaned close to Su Jin and whispered something in her ear, Su Jin "Puchi!" laughed out loud, with eyebrows and eyes crooked: "You are really. Zhao Ming'an is going to be very unlucky now!"

This is equivalent to hitting the muzzle of the gun and going up. It's no wonder it's not unlucky.

"Unfortunate is also self-inflicted." Qin Lang didn't take it seriously, and didn't feel ashamed of Zhao Ming'an at all.

Although Qin Lang didn't like Fu Mingzhu, he despised Zhao Mingan's behavior even more. It was shameless! Such immoral things are simply not something a man can do.

He suddenly thought of the previous life, the previous life, maybe the truth was not as simple as he saw on the surface, maybe after he got engaged to Fu Mingzhu, Zhao Mingan also used despicable and shameless means to seduce Fu Mingzhu.

A boudoir girl raised in a deep boudoir, a handsome young man with good looks, temperament and identity, there are many ways to make her fall in love with her.

However, this has nothing to do with me!

Fu Mingzhu had nothing to do with her in her previous life, and she has nothing to do with her in this life

Zhao Ming'an visited the Fu family, which surprised the Fu family, and they were in shock.

It's not normal to come here after Fu Mingzhu's miscarriage happened either sooner or later.

Zhao Ming'an felt somewhat guilty and came with a purpose, so his attitude was naturally humble and extremely angry, but what about the Fu family? The Fu family is now discussing how to negotiate with Prince Qian's Mansion because of such a bad thing happened to Fu Mingzhu, and strive for the best interests for their own family. Zhao Ming'an is the son of Prince Qian's Mansion, so he came to the door, so the Fu family naturally did not dare Offend easily, treat each other politely.

Moreover, the Fu family was somewhat suspicious that Zhao Ming'an came here for this matter, so they treated him more cautiously.

Both parties sat down, greeted each other politely, and both sides were quite satisfied with each other's attitude: very friendly.

Zhao Ming'an coughed and wanted to mention Fu Mingzhu, but he didn't know where to mention it. After all, he was a man, and it was a bit inappropriate to suddenly mention Miss Fu's family - after all, he was the son of the Qian Wang Shizi, so he still wanted to show some face.

Even if he dares to do any shameless things behind his back, he can't do it in front of others.

But, it's okay not to mention it, he came here today for this matter!

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