Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1038 School of Medicine

Su Jin laughed out loud, "My husband's every word is bleeding! Well, this time is enough!"

Qin Lang has almost never used such harsh words to talk about people, but his dislike for Fu Mingzhu seems to have penetrated into his flesh and blood. If he wanted to blame him, he would blame Fu Mingzhu for committing suicide and having an affair with Zhao Mingan. He actually wanted to frame Qin Lang. Not good tempered.

"Grandfather wants to see you, go back and change your clothes, let's go into the palace."

Su Jin's eyes lit up, "Is it about the Imperial Hospital?"

Qin Lang nodded: "Well, you have already prepared, don't worry, just say what we discussed before."

"it is good!"

After Eunuch Liang and Su Jin made clear their hints before, Su Jin has been thinking about how to do this.

At first I thought it would not be so fast, but just after the Chinese New Year, the Emperor Qian brought it up when there was a happy event in Prince Qian's Mansion.

If there hadn't been such a happy event in Qian Wang's Mansion, maybe the emperor would have mentioned it earlier.

From this point of view, the emperor really wanted to touch the hospital.

After changing his clothes, he also brought the materials he had prepared, and ordered Nanny Zhuang to take care of the house, and then Su Jin and Qin Lang entered the palace together.

Emperor Yuanfeng was in good spirits, and when he saw Su Jin and Qin Lang, he showed a three-pointed smile on his normally majestic face.

When Su Jin followed Qin Lang to kneel and kowtow to say hello, his eyes inadvertently glanced at a plate of Bazhen cake on the imperial case, and he felt a little joy and pride in his heart. The emperor still listened to her words

Emperor Yuanfeng ordered them to be seated, his eyes glanced lightly, and he said warmly to Su Jin: "You don't have to be nervous, I can ask whatever I think of, and answer whatever I want, don't have to worry about it! Speaking of it, I gave it to you There is a problem. What is the situation in the Tai Hospital? I know very well that when I entered that place, everyone became the same. I don’t seek merit but seek no fault. After all these years, I don’t want to make progress. What new methods are useful? They can’t even take out the pieces! The folk doctors donated it, but they dismissed it and put it on the shelf. It’s just abominable. Just say that the sputum is gone.”

Emperor Yuanfeng suddenly smiled at Su Jin: "The recipe of Mabosan was made by you, Mrs. Su, right?"

The Lin family in Fancheng has a very close relationship with Su Jin and Qin Lang. Many people know this. It happened that during the time when Su Jin and Qin Lang were friends with the Lin family, the Lin family presented the prescription of Mabosan to the imperial court. The prescription is actually Su Jin's.

Su Jin smiled: "You can't hide anything from the imperial grandfather!"

Emperor Yuanfeng smiled and said: "I knew it! Alas, what a pity, it would be great if your master is still alive!"

Obviously, Emperor Yuanfeng automatically attributed the prescription to Su Jin's "master".

Su Jin was taken aback, it was better this way, and he didn't need to explain anything. After all, it seems a bit too "genius" to develop the formula of Mafeisan after studying with Master for half a year.

Waving his hand, Emperor Yuanfeng said again: "Since the person is no longer here, it is useless to talk more. Let's talk about the Taiyuan Hospital! Fang Yuan is getting old, and he will retire soon. Mrs. Su, if I hand over the Taiyuan Hospital Leave it to you, maybe you can give me a brand new imperial hospital?"

Su Jin and Qin Lang were both shocked.

Qin Lang's surprised tongue was a little knotted, "Emperor, grandpa, do you want Ajin to be the head of the imperial hospital?"

That would be a disaster!

Emperor Yuanfeng laughed, "Yes and no. If Mrs. Su is a man, she must be the head of the Taiyuan Hospital. Unfortunately, she is your county concubine! I plan to keep Fang Yuanzheng's appointment, but things have changed. It's up to you, Mrs. Su, how about it?"

Whether it's Mafeisan or her exquisite trauma treatment method, as long as it can be popularized by Tai Hospital, I don't know how many lives of Daqing soldiers can be saved.

Not only the soldiers on the battlefield, but also of great significance to the people's livelihood.

Emperor Yuanfeng saw it very clearly, so although he could not grant Su Jin an official position openly, he didn't mind turning a blind eye and handing over the Imperial Hospital to her.

Qin Lang was relieved to understand what Emperor Yuanfeng meant.

Su Jin slightly tilted his head and glanced at Qin Lang, Qin Lang barely noticed and nodded slightly at her, which meant that he still said what the two had agreed before.

Su Jin knew it well, stood up and bowed his knees to Emperor Yuanfeng, and said: "Grandfather, the grandson's daughter-in-law has a suggestion after discussing it with the county king. How about asking the grandfather to listen to it first?"

Emperor Yuanfeng was a little surprised, interest flashed in his long and narrow eyes, he brushed his long gray beard and said with a smile, "Oh? Then say it quickly! Say what you think, without any scruples."

He was really interested. Could it be that this young couple could come up with a better way to solve this matter? It would be great if there is a better way. After all, the Su family is the princess of Dingjun and the daughter-in-law of the royal family. Even if she hides in a dark place, it would not be appropriate for her to manage the Tai Hospital.

Maybe the boss and the third child will make some moves immediately, and then I don't know how many troubles will arise.

However, he couldn't use Su's. Su's ability should not be buried.

"Yes, Grandfather!" Su Jin smiled and said, "If the grandson's daughter-in-law is wrong or not thoughtful, please forgive me. The grandson's daughter-in-law discussed with the county king, it is better to build a medical school and recruit students from the whole Daqing , Select the best. The grandson will teach all the skills to the new students. In the name of the medical school, senior doctors with superb medical skills and high moral character will be hired as teachers to teach the students. After the students complete their studies, they may enter Tai Hospital, Either they are employed by various medical clinics, or they go home to inherit their ancestral business, and they can bring the medical skills they have learned to every place in Daqing. After ten or twenty years like this, why worry about not having good doctors!"

Su Jin told Emperor Yuanfeng carefully that the medical school he planned to build included classrooms for classes, laboratories, medicinal planting bases, venues for processing medicinal materials, libraries, supporting dormitories, canteens and other logistics places, as well as facilities for physical exercise. There are a lot of places to talk about.

Her description is very detailed and specific, and when people listen to it, such a picture scroll can't help appearing in their minds, and they are yearning for it.

Emperor Yuanfeng was fascinated when he heard it, and his eyes lit up. This medical school is really going to be completed, so it can't be more perfect than Guozijian?

He glanced at Su Jin with complicated eyes, Su Shi really has a heart, and it's hard for her!

"These are all very good, and I understand what you mean. If there is such a place, I believe that there will be no worries about not being able to recruit outstanding students. However, such students are easy to find, how can the teacher be found?"

Many doctors rely on this ability to make a living. It has been like this for generations. Who is willing to teach others their housekeeping skills?

Qin Lang smiled: "The emperor has an edict, what an honor that is. The emperor's grandfather ordered to hire teachers for the medical school. The salary is generous, and no one will come! I'm afraid that the people who come will break the threshold, and we have to choose the best one from them." It's good."

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