Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1039 Funding Issues

The corner of Emperor Yuanfeng's mouth twitched, the emperor had an edict, and the treatment was generous, so he would really help him spend money.

Su Jin said again: "Grandfather, if this happens, it will be a great merit for the benefit of the country, the people, and the future generations! Of course there are doctors who hide their secrets, but I believe that more of them are seniors with high integrity. Accumulating year after year, the medical books and various materials in the library will definitely become more and more perfect. Besides, talent and hard work are indispensable in the trip to study medicine. It’s a bit difficult to keep children’s and grandchildren’s food and clothing well-fed, so it’s better to contribute generously. Wouldn’t it be better to leave a name in history? For some ancestral prescriptions that do have miraculous effects, the medical school will not take people in vain, and will come up with them. It is a considerable amount of money to buy. These are all included in the management regulations of the medical school. If this matter is confirmed, all kinds of management regulations and reward and punishment systems will be perfected."

Now I just have this idea, it's still too early to get Emperor Yuanfeng's permission! Of course there is no need to go too far.

Su Jin didn't mention half a word about Taiyuan Hospital, but Emperor Yuanfeng understood her intention.

Using his words to establish a medical school is tantamount to fighting against the Imperial Hospital.

If the Tai Hospital does not think about making progress and sticks to its old ways, sooner or later it will be suppressed by the medical school.

The two parties can also benefit from each other and exchange needs. For example, there are many medical books, pharmacopoeias, tools and utensils in the Taiyuan Hospital that can be sent or borrowed to the medical school. The imperial doctors of the Taiyuan Hospital can also be hired to give lectures in the medical school. After that, in turn, it can supplement the backup force of the Tai Hospital.

Some imperial physicians who have reached a certain level in the imperial hospital can also have the right to use the laboratory of the medical school.

The two sides can also communicate regularly or irregularly to discuss some intractable diseases and so on.

Emperor Yuanfeng suddenly felt that it is really good to build a medical school, otherwise the Tai Hospital would be the only one, and it would always be a pool of stagnant water, which would not be able to stir up any waves at all. Apart from diagnosing the pulse of peace for the dignitaries, thinking about health preservation, at most they would treat common ailments. Once they encountered any troublesome symptoms, they would be helpless at all.

Or, in fact, they have a way, but they can't guarantee 100% success, so they simply don't mention it.

So conservative to such an extent, let alone researching out any useful new medicine prescriptions.

It was built by the emperor's decree, which established the supremacy of the medical school, which is definitely not inferior to the Tai Hospital. See if the Tai Hospital is in a hurry!

The imperial physicians in the imperial hospital are definitely not idiots, and idiots can't get in there. It's just that when encountering a disease, the first thing you think about is to save your life, and you don't seek meritorious deeds but seek innocence. If things go on like this, no matter how exquisite the doctor's medical skills are, they will be abandoned.

Emperor Yuanfeng was actually very moved by Su Jin's suggestion.

In this way, it will not only stimulate Tai Hospital, but also greatly benefit Daqing's medical career. How many doctors can this medical school train for Daqing if it continues to run year after year?

Selecting the most talented students from all over the country to teach together, maybe one or two students like Su's can be cultivated? Even if it's not as good as her, it's pretty good if it's half as good as her.

What the Su family said is absolutely correct, if this matter is done, the merits will go to the people of the country and the future!

However, the heartbeat is the heartbeat, there is no money, and the heartbeat is useless.

Emperor Yuanfeng didn't need to think about it, but for such a huge project, it would require an incomparably huge amount of money to support it in order to complete it and continuously invest in it.

The national treasury is not rich, even if it is rich, the household department will never agree to invest money in it, and the courtiers will not agree.

After all, this is a hole that can only be entered but cannot be broken. Once it is invested, it cannot be broken. If it is broken in the early stage, it will be useless.

Emperor Yuanfeng silently calculated in his heart that at most he could get 50,000 taels from the household department, but this was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket. Your own private bank can also issue tens of thousands of taels, but what about the follow-up?

This is not a matter of one or two years!

When Su Jin and Qin Lang discussed this matter before, they also considered the issue of investment. Looking at Emperor Yuanfeng's expression, he could tell what he was embarrassed about.

The two of them naturally did not dare to let the emperor say such words as having no money, being poor, and asking for funding. When it comes to money, it is better for a man to speak up.

Qin Lang smiled and said: "Grandfather, in fact, it is Master Ajin's last wish to build a systematic medical school that specializes in cultivating medical talents, and Ajin has always kept this in mind. It's just that this is a big deal, and there is no such thing in Daqing. Ah Jin did not dare to mention the precedent. This time when the imperial grandfather talked about the Imperial Hospital, Ah Jin took advantage of the opportunity to bring it up. If this can be done, Ah Jin plans to use one-fifth of the Mingyue Tower every year for the first six years. One of the profits will be donated to the medical school, and during this period, some properties will be purchased for Mingyue Building, and a medical center and pharmacy will be opened. I believe that after six years, the medical school will be self-sufficient."

Emperor Yuanfeng's eyes lit up, and he was a little moved.

Not only did he know about Mingyue Tower, Weifu went there twice when he was out of the palace for private visits, and the experience of both visits was very good.

The chef there is really good.

Different from other restaurants, in addition to the fixed common dishes and signature special dishes, there are eight new dishes on the menu of Mingyue Restaurant that are changed every month.

A restaurant can launch eight new dishes every month, and each one is a great success, which is impossible without strength.

This sense of anticipation will attract customers to go there at least twice or even three times a month-you can’t try all eight new dishes at once, right? So what can you taste?

So, why worry about the lack of customers?

It's useless to envy other restaurants, who can launch eight new dishes every month? Even if you can persist for a month or two months, you can't persist for a year, two years or even longer!

When many people were interested in Mingyuelou, Emperor Yuanfeng knew about it and asked people to check Mingyuelou. He was envious when he learned that the income of such a restaurant was as high as 100,000 taels a month. Now it has opened another branch, with one-fifth of the annual profit, which is quite a considerable amount!

Emperor Yuanfeng immediately felt relieved, and sighed with regret: "Your master is really a god, what a pity! Su Shi, you are also very good, don't forget your original intention! In this case, I will fulfill your filial piety, and Daqing will also If you get benefits, I will agree to this matter!"

Emperor Yuanfeng suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Mrs. Su could say such a fresh set of rhetoric, and she said it clearly and logically. Her master meant her daring to be affectionate.

He really felt so sorry. He felt that a person who can have such thoughts and come up with such a plan must be a strange person with great knowledge. If he is still alive, he will be an official in the court and a His own think tank is also qualified.


If Su Jin knew what he was thinking, she would definitely be dumbfounded. She is not the one who has learned this knowledge, she is just copying it.

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