Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1042 Survey

Qin Lang said that there is a mountain in Beiyuan and a huge lake, so it should not be difficult to find such a place.

On this day when Qin Lang rested, he accompanied Su Jin there.

On the way, Xu Rongyue and two craftsmen who are quite famous in construction are taken by the way.

A group of people came to Beiyuan in a carriage, and it was really big, very, very big. Also desolate, especially desolate.

The tall trees grow among the weeds, and are entangled by all kinds of messy vines. They grow and wither every year, and the dead branches and leaves are entangled with the new vines, which is full of decay.

The big and small roads paved with blue bricks are either covered with withered yellow and rotten leaves or weeds grow wildly in the gaps.

On the rockery, there are also piles of fallen leaves, climbing vines and weeds. Because no one takes care of them, all kinds of precious flowers and trees grow freely and shapelessly in the desolation, or the delicate and unbearable ones have long since withered and died.

In the past, the majestic, luxurious and beautiful palaces with carved beams and painted buildings, majestic and beautiful palaces have long since lost the scene of brocade curtains and embroidered curtains and swaying beauties. The bright colors and luster and layers of vitality have faded over the years, leaving only decay and dilapidation.

Many doors and windows are either crooked or have a big hole. If you don't pay attention, you will see a bird flying out of the hole.

A place that has been abandoned for more than 30 years, one can imagine what it looks like.

As they walked all the way, they all felt emotional.

Time is so ruthless. Looking back at the old days, there is no need to sigh, it has changed beyond recognition.

While sighing, Su Jin thought to himself, it would be better like this, since it has been ruined like this anyway, and there is no need to worry about dismantling it, otherwise, I would have to think carefully, after all, this is the late emperor's favorite palace.

Although it is incomparable with the serious imperial palace, after all, it is full of the spirit of the emperor.

Su Jin secretly paid attention all the way, the main hall cannot be touched, it is the residence of the first emperor, no matter how defeated it is, it cannot be touched.

Not only can it not be touched, but it has to be repaired and repaired, and then circled so that students can pay their respects.

Some fake mountains are so huge that they are no different from a real mountain, so let’s keep them. When the time comes to renovate, plant flowers and grass on it, and build pavilions, it will also be a good place for students to relax.

The old trees and some well-growth flowers and trees are also kept. It is not easy for the old trees to grow up, and the weeds among the flowers and trees can be trimmed and repaired, which is a beautiful scenery in the college.

All other non-main palaces were demolished, and the zoning planning and reconstruction were carried out again

The group of people walked for less than half an hour, and several generals rushed to the military camp stationed in Beiyuan for training, and came with a team of personal soldiers to greet Qin Lang and Su Jin.

The emperor has not officially announced the establishment of the medical school, Qin Lang did not say it clearly, but hinted a few words.

After all, we will be neighbors in the future, and it's not good to hide things for a long time.

Anyway, he only told that person vaguely that this area might come in handy, but it would not invade the military training place of the generals.

The Beiyuan was already big enough, and the place where the generals used to train troops only took up a few hundred acres of it. As long as they didn't encroach on their territory, everything else didn't matter to them.

This land came in handy and became more lively, which is still a good thing for them.

Just a little curious, the leading general smiled and wanted to inquire, but Qin Lang smiled and refused to say more.

They are all mixed in the officialdom. Seeing Qin Lang like this, he understands that he can't say it for the time being, which means that it must be of great use! So I just smiled and didn't ask questions.

They have been stationed in Beiyuan for two months and are very familiar with this area, so they left a few people to be their guides and lead them around.

Qin Lang nodded his thanks and left the three of them behind.

The leading general warmly invited them to have lunch in the barracks at noon, saying that although the conditions were difficult and could not compare with the big restaurants outside, they could still cook a few decent dishes.

How could Qin Lang be willing to go? Not to mention that it is inconvenient to take Su Jin, Xu Rongyue and the maids with you, even if you don't have a female family member, you can't go. If you walk too close, you will inevitably cause gossip in the eyes of others.

That will give up if you know how to persist.

With people who are familiar with this place leading the way, the next journey will be much easier.

Su Jin walked all the way and secretly remembered it in his heart, because it was too desolate, the weeds and vines were too messy, and the road was not easy to walk. At noon, everyone had lunch under the willow tree by the lake.

I brought food boxes before I came here, and a carriage followed slowly. The food boxes were all placed in the carriage, so it was easy to take them out at this time.

The food is very rich, including four cold dishes and four boiled dishes that are insulated from water, as well as rice that is also insulated from water. In addition, there are six sweet and salty snacks and fresh fruits.

There were two servings of everything, one for the men and one for the women.

The maids set up a simple table, and everyone had lunch separately.

There were three more people on the man's side, and Su Jin asked people to divide half of the rice and dishes into two.

Qin Lang couldn't accompany his wife, so he said a few words to Su Jin and went to that table.

Seeing this, Xu Rongyue couldn't help laughing: "It's been so many years, the king of the county has really not changed at all!" The implication of the emotion is: It's really not easy!

Su Jin felt sweet in his heart, and couldn't help but glance at Qin Lang, with a smile on his brows and eyes unconsciously, and nodded: "Yes, I didn't expect that several years have passed in a blink of an eye!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, not only Qin Lang, but also the friendship between her and her remained unchanged.

"By the way, sister Xu, your body has already been recuperated, shouldn't it be time to have a baby?" Su Jin asked Xu Rongyue, blinking and smiling suddenly.

She will always remember how Xu Rongyue was tortured to the point of exhaustion by that scumbag of the Lu family, and almost died. She had a miscarriage in the cold winter months, was stolen and had no money. She is so capable and proud. People are reduced to living in such a house, and every time they think of Su Jin, they feel filled with anger.

She deserves better.

Even though she has everything now, she is not perfect without children.

What was lost at the beginning, now she should have everything again, including the child.

Xu Rongyue is not young, so she is still a bit shy when it comes to this matter - she is not Su Jin, Su Jin is not from this generation, and she is a doctor, so she is more open to asking questions about this kind of matter.

Xu Rongyue didn't want to say it at first, but seeing Su Jin's eyes showing concern and eager anticipation, she smiled and said: "We are planning to have a baby this year, and we will tell you as soon as we have good news."

"Okay, okay, that's for sure!" Su Jin was overjoyed immediately, and said with a smile: "That's it, anyway, hurry up and tell me when you're done! I'm going to be the child's godmother!"

Xu Rongyue giggled and nodded, "Okay!"

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