Su Jin thought to himself, and when he got back, he would send a letter to Wushui City, asking brother-in-law Song to hand over the affairs at hand to others and return to Beijing to stay longer.

After lunch, we rested by the lake for a while, and then continued to move forward.

This lake is very big, and there is an island in the middle of the lake, but unfortunately, because there is no boat, it is impossible to visit the lake and go to the island.

Su Jin overlooked the island in the middle of the lake, it was quite big, covered with green trees, and a cornice could be seen in the distance, it looked bleak and dull, and it looked very dilapidated.

She thought about developing medicine fields on the island and planting some medicinal materials that like shade and humidity. Here along the coast, it is also good to raise some ducks and geese in moderation, which will add vitality and improve the students' food. There must be a lot of fish in this huge lake.

After spending most of the day and exploring carefully, Su Jin basically had a good idea.

Next, she will tell the two craftsmen her requirements in detail, and ask them to produce the design drawings.

After the drawings are completed, they will be brought into the palace to report to the emperor's grandfather. After the emperor's grandfather agrees, he will issue an order to announce the matter, and he can immediately find suitable workers to start construction.

Since this project was ordered by the emperor, if there is no accident, it must be built by the Ministry of Industry.

Su Jin had to figure out a way to make the people in the Ministry of Industry work honestly and not have any thoughts of trying to do foreign work, or even cut corners and materials to play tricks.

Most of the money was paid by herself, and she would never tolerate the Ministry of Industry's desire to greedily take advantage of what they shouldn't, and slaughter her as a fat sheep.

There are still many things to do, take your time.

Although those two craftsmen are the best in the industry, they have never heard of the planning and design requested by Su Jin. Find out what kind of thing Su Jin wants.

The drawings are not drawn randomly on the paper, and the layout must be accurately arranged according to the actual terrain and terrain measurements. Qin Lang sent three personal guards to accompany the two craftsmen to Beiyuan to measure and record every day.

The commotion was actually not that big, and it could even be said that there was no splash. But for the three princes' mansions that have countless pairs of eyes staring at them all the time, they can't hide any secrets at all.

Prince Wu, Prince Ning, etc. inadvertently asked about this when they met Qin Lang, and Qin Lang was sloppy and fooled.

King Qian also specially called Qin Lang to question him.

For King Qian, there is no need for Qin Lang to hide.

Anyway, it won't be long before the emperor's grandfather will announce this matter. It's not something that needs to be kept secret. It's just that if you say it in advance, you may cause unnecessary trouble. For your father, the king, if he really keeps it a secret Now, the emperor's grandfather may still think that he is too cold and unreasonable.

King Qian was dumbfounded after hearing Qin Lang's words, and his fiery expectations were instantly shattered.

You must know that he and many people speculated whether the emperor wanted Qin Lang to train soldiers in one place. If this is the case, the strength of the Qian Palace will definitely increase again and its reputation will rise to a higher level!

You must know that the land is not an ordinary land, it is Beiyuan.

Although the reputation of the first emperor was not very good when he was in power, he was also the first emperor!

To give the place that the late emperor loved to the emperor's grandson, then, what expectations are there!

King Qian's nerves have always been relatively big, thinking that the emperor's value of Qin Lang is the same as the value of Qian Wang's mansion, and the value of the emperor's grandson is the same as the prince, and he is secretly excited about this guess.

Unexpectedly, it was Su Jin who wanted to build a medical school?

"Medical school? What is that thing? Mrs. Su is a ladylike family. Wouldn't it be nice to take care of her husband and teach her children in the mansion, and look at the flowers and enjoy the scenery in her spare time? What's the fuss about? What womanliness is there in the capital?" People like her? She's never finished!"

Qin Lang retorted solemnly: "Father, the medical school is not a thing. It is a school that concentrates on cultivating doctors and doctors. In short, it is similar to a school. The difference is that students who study medicine have to organize medicine fields and do a lot of research and experiments. The imperial grandfather deeply agrees, without the imperial grandfather nodding, otherwise who would dare to make Beiyuan's idea?"

"So, Ah Jin is not tossing about, but doing serious things. In this capital, let alone women, even men are counted. How many people can compare with her?"

King Qian was so angry that he had nothing to say, this matter was ordered by the emperor, what can he do? It's just that the high expectations in his heart fell through, the gap was too great, and he only reprimanded him a few words under the shame and anger.

This kid is good, he got everything back for him!

Isn't it natural for a father to teach his son a lesson? He just listened to what he said, and when he came back to his senses, he naturally knew that this matter was ordered by his father, and he couldn't blame the Su family. He refuses to do it, but wants to contradict him!

King Qian felt that he was really the saddest father in the world.

"Having said that, Su's idea is too big. If she is modest, the emperor will definitely not entrust this matter to her. If this matter is done, it's fine. If there is a little mistake, she deserves it." Do you really think that the errand assigned by the emperor is so easy to handle? She is a woman, how to communicate with others? How to discuss with others! You two are too courageous!"

Qin Lang: "Father, don't worry, there is still me here! Ah Jin's business is my business, and I will take care of it smoothly."

King Qian looked at him: "."

I'm so angry that I lose my temper!

"Since you all have big ideas, hmph, then I will watch! Go!"

King Qian flicked his sleeves and turned around, staring out of the window of Yuedong with a cold face, he didn't bother to look at Qin Lang more. He was afraid of seeing the diaphragm.

"Yes, father. The emperor's grandfather has not announced the decree to the outside world. Except for me and Ajin, only father knows about it. Please don't say anything about it."

King Qian snorted as an answer.

Qin Lang was very relieved that his father would never do something that might annoy the emperor's grandfather.

Qin Lang then turned and left. The only thing in common when facing King Qian in the two lifetimes was that they saw so many cold faces.

It's just that in his previous life he would feel uneasy, blame himself, feel guilty, and be more cautious, but in this life he didn't take it seriously at all.

Thinking about how wronged he was in his previous life, it was not others who bound him, but himself.

The planning and design drawings hadn't arrived yet, at noon that day, Concubine Bai suddenly had abdominal pains again, seeing Hong, scared everyone in the yard into panic.

It's a coincidence that Doctor Dou went out of the city to visit friends yesterday, and he will come back tomorrow to diagnose Ping An's pulse for Concubine Bai, but something happened to Concubine Bai at this time.

It is said that she was walking in the garden as usual, but unexpectedly a wild cat jumped over from the rockery nearby. The wild cat bared its teeth and screamed and rushed towards Concubine Bai.

The new book "Qing Chuan: The Pampering Imperial Concubine" is looking for collection and recommendation tickets~~

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