Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1044 Scared

Concubine Bai was so frightened that she screamed and fell heavily. She didn't know if her stomach touched the stone, but it was like this.

Concubine Qian also panicked, and went to Jinghe Courtyard to force Su Jin to go with her, "Today, you must save the child in Concubine Bai's belly for this concubine, and you are not allowed to bargain with concubine for any reason, otherwise, concubine I will never forgive you!"

For Princess Qian to become so stern, the situation of White Side Concubine must be really bad.

Surprised, Su Jin didn't say anything well, quickly packed up the medicine box, and hurriedly followed Princess Qian with Ban Xia and Qin Jiu.

Nanny Zhuang and Nanny Zhong looked a little dignified, and they restrained Jing and the courtyard, except sending two people to the front yard to find Gu Yunzheng first, and asked him to go out to inform the county king, and then go to Yiheyuan to inquire about news , and the rest are not allowed to wander around, for any reason. If you find it, throw it out.

In the Yihe Garden, people were already turned on their backs and in a mess. As soon as they stepped into the yard, they could hear the heart-piercing cry of Concubine Bai's pain.

The sound of a person's cry is absolutely different whether it is real pain or fake pain. Experienced doctors are especially professional in this regard.

As soon as the painful and forbearable cries hit her ears, Su Jin's heart sank: This time Concubine Bai is really out of luck!

Tian, ​​Fu Mingzhu, including Cui Jinglan and Zhao Mingqi are all here at the moment, King Qian is not, but someone must have been sent to inform him.

Seeing Su Jin and Princess Qian coming in, everyone's eyes fell on Su Jin.

Zhao Mingqi's eyes were red, and he stared straight at Su Jin, his nose trembled violently, but he didn't say a word of request, but his eyes were round, staring at Su Jin without blinking, wishing to be in front of her A hole was poked in the body.

Su Jin only glanced at him and then withdrew his eyes. This man looked more and more gloomy and cold. He was obviously worried that his mother and concubine were very worried, but he didn't care about himself, who was very likely to be able to save his mother and concubine. I can't say a word of the request, should I say that he is stubborn enough, or ruthless enough?

Fu Mingzhu was overjoyed, and called "Mother and Concubine!" He bowed his knees and saluted, and quickly stepped forward to carefully support Princess Qian, and hurriedly said: "The second younger sibling is here, and the second younger sibling is taking care of everything. I can put my heart in my stomach!"

Tian cast a gloomy glance at Fu Mingzhu, greeted Princess Qian and said, "Mother and Concubine, please sit down in the room and wait, Second Brother and Sister, please go in and see Concubine Bai, please!"

Fu Mingzhu is a concubine, and she has no other choice but to be nice. But she is the imperial concubine who has been brought in by the majestic palace of the royal family, and she is respectful and filial in front of her mother-in-law, so she doesn't need to be so servile!

Only those who are concubines look like that!

Su Jin nodded at Mrs. Tian, ​​and then said to Fu Mingzhu with a dark complexion, "Little sister-in-law, don't talk nonsense. You can't talk about whether you keep it or not! What do you mean by putting this big hat on me? Of course, I also hope that Concubine Bai will be safe!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored them and hurried in with Ban Xia.

Fu Mingzhu didn't expect Su Jin to be so disrespectful to her, like his majestic daughter of the Fu family, when would anyone dare to flirt with her like this in front of her?

"Mother and concubine, that's not what I mean. I just think that the second younger brother and sister are so good at medicine, so they will definitely be able to keep the concubine Bai's mother and child safe, right? I really don't mean anything else!"

Princess Qian cast a displeased glance at the direction Su Jin was leaving, and lightly patted Fu Mingzhu's hand: "The Su family has always been like that, you don't need to pay attention to her."

"Second brother and sister won't blame me, so I don't worry, I will listen to mother and concubine!" Fu Mingzhu said with a cute face.

Zhao Mingqi stared at his mother's bedroom gloomyly, and gritted his teeth secretly: Just like Su's attitude, if something happens to the mother concubine, he will definitely not let her go

It is true that Concubine Bai's situation is not very good, but fortunately she came in time and was saved.

Su Jin first used silver needles to stop the bleeding and pain for Concubine Bai, so as to calm her emotions, and then took out a pill that nourishes qi and blood and dissolved it in warm water for her to take.

Concubine Bai expected that Su Jin would not dare to harm her blatantly, so she drank it without hesitation.

The abdominal pain gradually subsided, and the cold sweat no longer appeared on her forehead, and Concubine Bai finally let out a sigh of relief.

Su Jin prescribed an anti-pregnancy prescription in duplicate, and let the concubine Bai's confidant woman see with her own eyes that the two copies were indeed exactly the same. They signed and pledged, and each of them received one copy.

Su Jin asked Ban Xia to grab the medicine.

Stopping the bleeding and relieving the pain is only temporary, and to protect the fetus, you have to take the tocolytic.

When the maid serving by Concubine Bai's side went to decoct the medicine, King Qian also rushed back. He was relieved to hear that Su Jin said that there was no serious problem.

King Qian couldn't help but glanced at Su Jin, thinking that the daughter-in-law here is not completely useless, and she can barely use one or two at critical moments.

Everyone sat in the hall outside, waiting for the decocted medicine to be served to Concubine Bai, and then left after Concubine Bai was fine.

After all, it was not a trivial matter that Concubine Bai was frightened and saw Hong today.

King Qian was relieved of Concubine Bai, and began to investigate the cause of the incident. He arrested all the maidservants who were serving beside Concubine Bai, and asked coldly, "What's going on?"

Princess Qian's mouth was bitter.

This matter has nothing to do with her, but all the people beside Concubine Bai were sent by her, except for one of her maids.

If she wanted to do it, it would be absolutely impossible for her to fail like this. There are ways to make the child in her stomach disappear without a sound, rather than making such a big fight and still not being able to succeed!

But she couldn't tell.

Cuiduo, the servant girl next to Concubine Bai, told the story with trepidation, King Qian wished he could kick these people to death, seven of them, even one of them couldn't serve well, so what's the use of them?

"Seven of you can't stop a cat? Huh?"

Everyone trembled and bowed their heads, all terrified.

Everyone felt aggrieved in their hearts, but no one dared to speak out and explain.

At this time, whoever dares to speak out will undoubtedly absorb all the artillery fire from the prince, and the prince will definitely be angry. Even if the cat jumped down from the rockery so unexpectedly, it was because they didn't take good care of them!

Who told them not to notice?

"Hmph!" King Qian was resentful, and his voice became colder: "Where's the cat? Where's the cat?"

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded.

Yeah, where's the cat?

If King Qian hadn't asked at this moment, they wouldn't have remembered the cat at all!

Concubine Bai was so frightened that she screamed and fell down, blood was seen all of a sudden, everyone was scared out of their wits, all their care, nervousness, panic, and eagerness were all on Concubine Bai, who would care about a cat.

At this moment, I remembered that the cat was the culprit! They let the culprit go.

Now it's even more unforgivable!

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