Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1059 Promise

Aunt Dong tried her best to persuade Fu Mingzhu: "Miss, listen to the old slave's advice, don't provoke Princess Dingjun! You are now the son's side concubine, the most important thing is to give birth to a son as soon as possible, so that you can stand up , the Fu family can be tougher when they speak. How can you compete with Princess Dingjun! In the future, when you have plenty of time to trample her on the soles of your feet, how can this be done!"

Fu Mingzhu's heart was astringent and cold, and she felt uncomfortable in every way.

She didn't want to, but she couldn't control it.

She always had a feeling that Princess Dingjun was supposed to be her, she was the good match of Prince Dingjun, and she and him were the real match made in heaven.

Apart from meeting him before him, how could Su Shi be better than him?

How can a woman like her who is so useless but drags her legs back from time to time, be worthy of a proud son of heaven and an unworldly hero like King Dingjun?

So much so that every time she saw that woman, she couldn't help but want to explode, and the fire in her heart surged up one after another, and she couldn't stop thinking about it.

Within two days, Qin Lang accompanied Su Jin into the palace to face the saint again.

The planning and design drawings of the medical school have been prepared, and Su Jin supplemented a detailed instruction manual according to the drawings, and sent them to Emperor Yuanfeng.

Emperor Yuanfeng took a general look, nodded and said with a smile: "Let's leave this thing with me for the time being. I have seen it in the past two days, and then I will call a few people from the Ministry of Industry to discuss it."

Once such a success is a major event that will benefit future generations and all generations, it is naturally impossible to settle it in a few words, Su Jin and Qin Lang nodded in response.

Emperor Yuanfeng looked at Su Jin, and asked gently: "Are you scared by what happened at Changping Farm a while ago?"

Su Jin was taken aback for a moment, nodded and shook his head again, and said with a little embarrassment, "The incident happened suddenly, so I was scared, but if I thought about it at that time, if I only cared about being afraid, I was afraid that the situation would get worse, so I wouldn't be afraid." gone."

Emperor Yuanfeng laughed loudly, his eyes flickered, and he smiled with great interest: "My daughter-in-law and grandson-in-law combined may not be as courageous as yours. What happened next? What happened?"

Qin Lang couldn't help but glanced at Su Jin nervously.

Fortunately, the two had already had a conversation when they were at home, if the imperial grandfather asked what to do, then just follow suit at this moment.

Su Jin didn't hide anything, and told the whole story.

She was still a little nervous, if the emperor said that she had been missing for a few days and was not innocent, and wanted her to have a green lamp and an ancient Buddha, or simply poisoned wine and white silk, it would be a disaster.

Fortunately, Emperor Yuanfeng didn't have the reactions she was worried about, presumably it was because Qin Lang had given him precautions in advance.

"You are really lucky!" Emperor Yuanfeng smiled and praised Su Jin.

As soon as Qin Lang said that Su Jin had been captured, Emperor Yuanfeng secretly sent his own guards to investigate.

Compared with the Cao Gang, the source of his secret guards is just a gap between the front and back feet. What Qin Lang can find out, he already knows a lot through the secret guards.

At that time, the order he gave was to capture the villain alive who kidnapped Princess Dingjun, and if he couldn't do it, he would kill him on the spot.

When Qin Lang got the news from Su Jin and turned around to leave, his people still chased after him.

But he didn't expect that the assassin code-named "Feng" was so skilled that he managed to escape under the hands of his three top hidden guards without a trace.

This was unprecedented, and Emperor Yuanfeng was furious.

The three hidden guards were also ashamed, which was an insult to them. No one has ever escaped unscathed when they strike, this one being the first.

It is conceivable how powerful the "wind" is. Su Jin can plot against him and escape from him safely. Although there is a coincidence luck, if she has no strength, no amount of coincidence luck is useless.

Only when everything is just right, will it evolve into the best result.

Emperor Yuanfeng was about to lose his temper, these two couples were really a perfect match.

Emperor Yuanfeng has already read the information about "wind". Although he is ruthless and ruthless, he is proud by nature, unambiguous, and will not do such unscrupulous things as bullying men and women. Although Su Jin was taken away by him , It is expected that nothing happened, Emperor Yuanfeng has no suspicion in his heart, and the more he looks at Su Jin, the more pleasing to his eyes.

"You have been wronged about this matter, I will remember it in my heart!"

"The emperor's grandfather is serious. With the blessing of the emperor's grandfather, the grandson's daughter-in-law is not wronged."

Emperor Yuanfeng nodded slowly and smiled, and said to Qin Lang: "Protect your wife well, if a man can't even protect his own wife well, then he is not really capable!"

Qin Lang's heart was agitated, and he bowed his hands and said, "Yes, my grandson will follow the teachings of the emperor's grandfather."

This meant tacitly allowing him to train more and recruit a few hidden guards.

As for how much this "several" refers to, the grandfather didn't know for sure, so he just figured it out for himself, as long as it is not too much.

This is great, after this incident, he deeply felt that the available manpower is not enough, no matter which one of the three palaces must have private soldiers, the difference is the number. The emperor's grandfather may not know. But he didn't dare to expand in private, he was betting on the heart of the imperial grandfather, so he would not hide everything from the imperial grandfather, but put it in front of his eyes.

With this sentence, he will let the people who have been trained in Wushui City transfer a group of the best and outstanding people as soon as possible.

"By the way, Grandfather, the Department of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple must have done almost all the investigations. Since Ah Jin has returned safely, why don't we close the case here." Qin Lang recalled what King Qian had said, and mentioned a sentence.

Emperor Yuanfeng also thought about the fact that Su Jin's disappearance is not good for spreading rumors, it's good if he can't find any clues, if it is troublesome if he finds out, he nodded: "That's it, you go and say hello to them. "

It's better for him, the sufferer, to talk about this matter.

"Yes, grandpa!"

After the two left the palace, Qin Lang stopped by Dali Temple and asked Su Jin to go back first.

Unexpectedly, Qin Lang went here and there for a long time.

When they came back, both Su Jin and Zhen'er had already had dinner and it was already dark.

"Is the patrol battalion so busy today?" Su Jin asked with a smile when he saw him come back.

Qin Lang's expression was not very good, and he smiled vaguely: "It's okay! I haven't had dinner yet, is there anything else to eat?"

Su Jin was stunned, a little dumbfounded: "Why didn't you call someone back earlier? I can only go to the big kitchen to have a look."

People in Jinghe Courtyard don't eat supper. After dinner, the small kitchen turns off the fire, and the leftovers are disposed of. Where can there be food?

King Qian, Princess Qian, and Zhao Ming'an often have supper at night, but the big kitchen is always ready.

Su Jin asked Bai Shao and Qin Shi to ask for something. If they had just returned, the people in the big kitchen would have refused. How dare they now? The nanny in charge of the kitchen introduced with a smile, porridge and dumplings, and the bone soup for the noodles was boiling, and the noodles were awake, but they had to be made later.

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