Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1060 Who is it?

Bai Shao and Qin Shi asked what kind of dumpling fillings were there. The kitchen was busy and laughed and returned with mutton fillings, pheasant fillings, and vegetable fillings. Bai Shao asked people to order mutton fillings and pheasant fillings. He took a big bowl and brought it back.

Qin Lang sat at the table to eat, Su Jin sat beside him and watched, watching him quickly wipe out more than half of it without blinking, and couldn't help but said: "Could it be that you didn't eat lunch? Why are you so hungry?"

Qin Lang smiled at her and said "Yes".

Su Jin felt distressed immediately, the two of them went to the palace to face the saint early in the morning, and after entering the palace, he went to Dali Temple, and most likely went to the patrol camp after leaving Dali Temple, and he didn't come back until this time.

"No matter how many things you have to do, you can't be so busy that you don't even eat lunch! Is your patrol battalion working so hard?" Su Jin couldn't help complaining.

Qin Lang explained: "No, it's not the patrol battalion. Later I entered the palace again."

Su Jin suddenly had nothing to say, he couldn't blame the emperor blatantly, could he? I still complain in my heart, can the emperor send hungry soldiers? He doesn't feel sorry for his own grandson.

"I was going to tell you about this," Qin Lang put down his chopsticks after eating, and pulled Su Jin into the back room.

"Ah Jin!" He rested his hands on Su Jin's shoulders, staring at her unblinkingly with his dark eyes, deep in his eyes were turbulent emotions that Su Jin could not understand.

Su Jin's heart skipped a beat, and he was a little flustered when he saw him. He forced a smile, raised his hand and gently supported his waist: "What's the matter?"

Qin Lang sighed softly, sat down with her in his arms, his eyes flashed coldly, and said in a deep voice: "The person behind the scenes who kidnapped you has been caught by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple!"

Su Jin's eyes widened suddenly, his anger rose, and he said coldly: "Who is it? Prince Ning's Mansion, or Prince Wu's Mansion?"

Qin Lang looked at her, moved his lips, the words seemed to weigh a thousand weights on his lips, and he couldn't open his mouth.

Su Jin thought of what he just said about entering the palace again in the afternoon, and seemed to think of something, and smiled wryly: "What did the imperial grandfather say?"

"I can't hide anything from you!" Qin Lang sighed, hugged her into his arms and kissed her, and said in a muffled voice: "The imperial grandfather said that this is not an example, that this matter cannot be publicized, the royal family can't afford to lose face, I can't refuse. Ah Jin, I'm sorry! Otherwise, you'd better beat me up to vent your anger!"

Qin Lang was so guilty that he didn't know what to do. He regarded his life as his life and cared for his cherished wife. After such a dangerous night, he obviously found the real culprit behind the scenes, but he had to let him go. It made him feel so sad and guilty that he almost had no face to face her again!

If it wasn't for her being smart and vigilant, if it wasn't for her superb medical skills, if it wasn't for the assassin named "Feng" who finally had a good conscience and kept his word, as long as there were no such things, as long as there was a slight deviation, he and her would be forever. Heaven and man are separated, and he will never have her again!

During the few days when he learned that she was kidnapped and disappeared, and her life and death were unknown, he was worried, suffering all the time, and couldn't close his eyes every night. As long as he thought of what torture and pain she was going through at that time, his heart ached unbearably. Add.

He thought bitterly more than once, if he catches the instigator behind the scenes, he must make his life worse than death to relieve his hatred!

No one could get away with hurting his beloved wife like that.

But he didn't expect that the murderer behind the scenes had caught him, and he still had nothing to do with him!

Su Jin's heart was full of turbulent waves and thousands of thoughts, which finally turned into strands of bitterness, slowly spreading from the bottom of his heart.

She did not expect such a result.

It would be better not to make a fuss in front of the emperor, she and Qin Lang took revenge in private, but when they did in front of the emperor and passed through Ming Road, they could only "forget it".

Who is she going to reason with?

For a master like "Feng", under normal circumstances, ten of her would have died long ago and couldn't die anymore.

It was also a coincidence that day, when she heard the sound of fighting in the yard, she was afraid that someone would come in, so she hid immediately.

In fact, the time was really just right, she had just finished the disguise on the bed, had just hid it, and before she had time to catch her breath, the wind came in silently.

If the concealed weapon made by Guan Hong was not accurate enough, it would be impossible for her to shoot Feng. Even so, Feng still avoided most of the poisonous needles and only got hit by one.

Falling into the hands of an expert like Feng, she didn't dare to think that she still had a chance to survive. She thought she was just dying, and maybe her Alan would be able to collect her body in time.

But in the end, Feng actually kept his promise and let her go. At that moment, she was so happy, the feeling of being saved from a desperate situation was so strong!

Those who have not experienced it will never understand the feeling.

She will never forgive the person who made her go through all this and narrowly escaped death.

There is nothing to say if there is no evidence and if the person cannot be caught, but now that the person is caught but can only be let go, how can Su Jin not complain?

The emperor has his position, maybe he thinks she is safe and sound, so naturally there is nothing to worry about, compared to the face of the royal family, of course, is more important.

But even if she died, it would be nothing, and it would be even more unworthy for the royal family to show face for a dead person.

All in all, no matter whether she died or not, the truth will not be announced, and it is impossible for her to be treated fairly.

She was unwilling and complained, but she couldn't complain. The emperor had the emperor's position, but as one of the parties involved, she couldn't face it calmly.

Su Jin pinched her palms, suppressed the strong unwillingness and resentment in her heart, and forced a smile: "Why are you so stupid? I like you before it's too late, why hit you? Alang, if the emperor didn't intervene, Will you make the decision for me?"

"That's natural!" Qin Lang sneered, unwilling to be reconciled: "Whoever does evil must be prepared to suffer the consequences! There are no such cheap things in the world, why should innocent people bear the consequences when evildoers do evil? Ah Jin, if... If you believe me, just wait, and one day I will give you justice."

"It's enough to have you!" Su Jin's heart warmed, and she rubbed against his arms, her face became gentle, "I listen to you!"

If she can't even trust him, then what else in this world can she trust?

If this word came from someone else, she would not believe it easily, and she might even find it ironic and a joke. But she believed it when it came out of her Arang's mouth.

"Okay, Ah Jin, thank you for trusting me!" Qin Lang's eyes were gentle, and he gently stroked her back.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, who is this person?"

Qin Lang's eyes were dark, and a cold light flashed across him: "It's Zhao Ming'an."

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