Qin Lang's eyes were dark, and a cold light flashed across him: "It's Zhao Ming'an."

"What!" Su Jin was startled, and immediately laughed knowingly: "It turned out to be him! It's a surprise, but it's not a surprise. It's just that we all guessed wrong before, and we took the wrong direction!"

Qin Lang hugged her tightly, and said in a deep voice, "I didn't expect it. Ah Jin, I didn't expect it to be him."

Su Jin was silent. She really didn't find it difficult to accept this result. It was not as unexpected as Qin Lang. After all, when Qin Lang and Muzhou were assassinated, she knocked out Zhao Mingan who was trying to stop the trouble. From then on, Zhao Mingan looked at her the same way as before. same.

Full of resentment and resentment, the kind that I can't wait to get rid of.

The only thing that surprised her was that someone like Zhao Mingan actually had the courage to turn his thoughts into actions, which is really impressive. And it can also be seen how much he hates himself.

Qin Lang felt much more uncomfortable in his heart.

He thought that even if he lived a new life, even if Zhao Mingan wanted to use his thoughts wholeheartedly and wanted to use him as a pawn in his hands, he never thought that he would take the initiative to plan to kill his wife.

They're all brothers from the same father anyway, aren't they? Just like him, it's one thing for him not to be used by Zhao Mingan, but he never thought of taking Zhao Mingan's life. Why did Zhao Ming'an do such a frenzied thing?

If Zhao Mingan is like this, what about his father, King Qian? Can he still have a shred of trust in him?

Qin Lang's confidence was shattered, he felt that he couldn't do it anymore!

Not to mention the other people in the house.

Su Jin felt that his hands hugging her were trembling slightly, and couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.

She has no blood relationship with Prince Qian's Mansion, and is a dead soul from another world. It is even more impossible for her to have the slightest sense of belonging, admiration, and awe to Prince Qian's Mansion. She felt nothing.

Because in her eyes, this is an irrelevant person. Who would expect an irrelevant person to be nice to him?

It's a surprise if it's good, and it's a matter of course if it's not.

But Qin Lang is different.

Even though he had always looked down upon Prince Qian and his son, after all they had such a close blood relationship with him.

Blood relationship is a wonderful thing, and the bond of blood relationship cannot be explained in words.

For example, no matter how bad or hopeless your own child is, no matter how eccentric your parents are, it’s okay for you to sigh and scold yourself for hating yourself, but if someone else scolds you, no matter how generous you are, you will feel a little awkward.

Su Jin hugged Qin Lang tightly, "A Lang, you still have me, and Zhen'er!"

Qin Lang was startled, put his forehead against her hair and smiled softly, "Yes, I still have you and Zhen'er!"

He bowed his head and kissed her. They are a family, neither she nor Zhen'er will leave him, let alone betray him, he knows his own woman and the son he raised better than anyone else.

When the two parted, Su Jin's face was like a rosy glow, and he breathed lightly. His eyes became more and more burning, and she shyly lowered her eyes and dared not look directly.

Qin Lang saw that she was cute and pitiful, so he couldn't help laughing out loud, causing her to bury her head in his arms in embarrassment, Qin Lang laughed, and was in a good mood for a while.

The two quarreled for a while, and Su Jin half-jokingly half-seriously smiled and said, "Zhao Ming'an is actually quite discerning, and actually hired a top killer like Feng. I'm afraid it's very expensive for a level like Feng. It’s a waste of money!”

Qin Lang sneered disdainfully: "If the emperor's grandfather hadn't spoken before, I would have killed him without spending a dime!"

Su Jin smiled "puchi" and raised her eyebrows proudly: "That's natural, who can compare to my husband! I want to know what's going on."

Qin Lang looked at her, Su Jin's eyes were clear, and he looked back without blinking: "Alang, I want to know."

Qin Lang sighed softly and told her slowly.

Today, the two of them parted ways at the gate of the palace, and Qin Lang went to Dali Temple to withdraw the case of Su Jin's assassination. Who knew it was such a coincidence, before he could open his mouth, the minister of Dali Temple told him the progress of the case.

Perhaps, Dali Siqing misunderstood, thinking that he was going to urge them to handle the case quickly, so he hurriedly informed.

Seeing his embarrassed look, Qin Lang probably knew it in his heart.

But he never expected that it was Zhao Ming'an instead of Prince Wu's Mansion or Prince Ning's Mansion.

Dali Temple Minister euphemistically expressed his embarrassment and embarrassment. The mastermind of this case is the emperor's grandson and the prince's son, and he, the victim's husband, is even a brother. It's hard for others.

This matter came to Dali Temple Qing and he couldn't handle it anymore, he felt good, and the people who dismissed the punishment department vaguely did not say anything, even in Dali Temple, there were only a few people who knew about it.

He said that this matter should be reported to Chen Yuqian, and Qin Lang had no reason or way to stop it, so he simply entered the palace with him with a dark face.

Emperor Yuanfeng was furious when he saw the relevant evidence and confession, and cursed with a black face, summoned Zhao Ming'an and King Qian into the palace quickly, scolded Zhao Ming'an head and face, and by the way, also scolded King Qian, scolding his godson No way, taught him something wolf-hearted and vicious.

King Qian repeatedly kowtowed to plead guilty, his face turned pale with fright, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he couldn't wipe it off.

Zhao Ming'an kept shouting for grievances, scared out of his wits, and kowtowed until his forehead turned blue. While kowtowing, he kept crying for grievances. He was obsessed and wanted to send someone to assassinate Su Jin to deal with Qin Lang. It was right to make Qin Lang sad, but his people went late. When they went, there was already a fire in the Zhuangzi and a scene of assassins. The guards in the Zhuangzi were all vigilant. His people did not Given the opportunity, the operation was canceled.

So, it really wasn't him who did it! He was so wronged! How come his people were found out? They really didn't make a move.

Zhao Ming'an explained with a mournful face, and King Qian slapped and kicked him so that he fell to the ground and screamed again and again.

King Qian pointed at him heartbroken and yelled "Nie Zi!", and pulled him to plead guilty. Zhao Mingan was shocked, pained and terrified, and then he confessed and pleaded guilty with ashes.

As Qin Lang spoke, he hated again: "At that time, I really wanted to rush up and beat him up, that bastard! I regret it, why didn't I kill him earlier!"

"Because we are not him," Su Jinrou said judgingly: "We have never had the intention of harming others. We will not offend others if they do not offend me. We are not him!"

Qin Lang breathed a sigh of relief: "You are right. But it is still today."

To this day, he does not know whether it is wrong or right to do so.

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