"How does the emperor punish him? It won't be so easy, right?"

Qin Lang was especially unwilling because of this, and said in a deep voice: "This matter is not allowed to be disclosed to the outside world, how will the emperor punish him? There must be a plausible reason for the punishment to convince the public and prevent people from being suspicious."

After all, Zhao Ming'an is the eldest son of the Qian Palace. Unexpectedly, he was severely punished by the emperor, but the reason was unknown. It is hard to guarantee that no one would secretly investigate out of curiosity, which violated the emperor's original intention.

"The imperial grandfather said that he would not spare him lightly, and later said that if he made a mistake in the future, he would not spare him lightly!" Qin Lang sighed: "The imperial grandfather also said that he will compensate you, alas!"

Su Jin didn't expect such a result after working for a long time, and it would be a lie if she said she was not disappointed.

No matter who walks around the edge of life and death, he can't be so magnanimous.

After all, the emperor is the emperor, which is different from his grandfather.

Even a grandfather, so what? I'm afraid it's also about the family, right? To him, it means the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh, and Zhao Mingan's flesh is the eldest son and eldest son, so what is Qin Lang's mere bastard? She, the daughter-in-law of a concubine, is nothing more!

Besides, she's not dead yet, is she? Didn't she come back alive and well?

Su Jin silently digested himself, and regarded the emperor as the emperor, maybe he would feel better.

"Alang, the future is long, I'm not in a hurry."

"Okay, just trust me!" Qin Lang hugged her tightly.

When Su Jin woke up the next day, she opened her eyes. What Qin Lang said last night immediately flooded into her mind like a flood. Su Jin stared at the top of the tent in a daze, not wanting to move lazily. It seems unreal.

His body was a little sore, so he simply closed his eyes and stayed in bed for a while.

There was no one around, Qin Lang went to court.

He wanted to stay with her, but Su Jin refused.

What happened yesterday, originally he said that he would stay in the mansion to accompany her today, didn't it seem that she was very resentful and expressed her dissatisfaction in this way?

There is resentment and dissatisfaction, but as long as you know it in your heart, there is no need to show it to others.

If you don't show it, the emperor may still feel a little bit guilty. If you get angry and lose your temper, it will appear "too naive".

Qin Lang thought for a while, although he was unwilling, he still said that what she said was right, the two of them are going on as usual, so let's just pretend that nothing happened.

The more they both acted as if nothing had happened, the less someone could act as if nothing had happened.

Su Jin went to pay respects to Princess Qian in the morning, and when she met Tian Shi and Fu Mingzhu, Su Jin's expression almost changed.

In the past, I still had the time to deal with them for a while, but let's forget about it today.

Although Tian could vaguely notice that Su Jin's face seemed unattractive, she didn't think much about it, and smiled reservedly.

But Fu Mingzhu couldn't help getting angry, she sneered and sneered: "Second brother and sister look so ugly when they see us, could it be that when did we offend second brother and sister?"

Su Jin smiled: "I don't owe you any money, how do you want to look good?"


"What are you?" Su Jin sneered: "Little sister-in-law, sister-in-law hasn't spoken yet, but you have to be strong!"

"Mr. Su, why are you trying to provoke us like this!" Fu Mingzhu's face turned green, she was stunned.

Su Jin: "Instigate? Heh, I'm just telling the truth. Where did I instigate?"

Fu Mingzhu was so angry that she was trembling and speechless, she turned her head abruptly and asked Tian, ​​"What's wrong with Su Shi today? Are you crazy?"

Su Jin rolled her eyes at her very unceremoniously, and couldn't help being angry again: "I can't compare to you, crazy every day!"

"You, say one more thing!" Fu Mingzhu stood up fiercely with an ugly expression.

Su Jin: "Don't dare! Are you satisfied?"

"You, you—" How could Fu Mingzhu be satisfied? It's about to explode! She gritted her teeth and glared at Su Jin fiercely. If this was not the main courtyard of Princess Qian, she would rush to beat someone up.

Concubine Qian came out of the back hall with a sullen face. Fu Mingzhu gave Su Jin a hard look when she heard the movement, and then sat down with concentration.

Su Jin didn't show any politeness to her, and also gave her a cold look.

What a joke, if Zhao Mingan can't deal with that scumbag, even her little wife can ride on her head, then she is too useless as the princess of Dingjun.

Why didn't Princess Qian hear the quarrel in front? Originally, I wanted to ask someone to come out and reprimand me, but I had no choice but to hold back when I thought of King Qian's exhortation last night.

Several people also knew that Princess Qian must have heard it, and she was much more honest and well behaved than before when paying her respects.

Concubine Qian's face was lightly accepted, and she dismissed Tian and Fu Mingzhu without saying a few words, leaving Su Jin to speak.

Both Tian and Fu Mingzhu were extremely surprised. They were stunned for a moment before they realized what Princess Qian had said, and hurriedly left.

Concubine Qian used to see Su Jin and wanted to send her away quickly, the kind who would dislike her even after a second glance, but today she is left alone to talk, it is really a rare thing.

Su Jin understood in his heart that most of it had something to do with what happened yesterday.

Concubine Qian and Su Jin really had nothing to say, and after a wink, two maids came forward holding two boxes, one large and one small, and Nurse Qing stepped forward and opened the two boxes.

In a box more than one foot square, there is a whole set of ruby-studded emerald red gold heads and faces, which are dazzling, exquisite and brilliant, and the patterns are very complicated. You can tell at a glance that most of them are built-in things.

In another slightly larger box are a pair of suet white jade bottles, about one foot high, with thin necks and oval belly, the whole body is pure white and flawless, the jade is so warm and moist that it seems to be covered with a layer of grease, and it is white and flawless.

"You were surprised by what happened to Zhuangzi this time. This is a reward for you. Keep it!"

"Thank you princess!"

Su Jin couldn't help but get angry as soon as she heard her mention the Zhuangzi's affairs, how could she be polite?

The maid who followed Su Jin immediately stepped forward to pick it up.

Concubine Qian was startled, and secretly aggrieved: She is really rude!

Originally, she was punished to go to the Zhuangzi, but it turned out to be good, but she was given something to shock her.

Such top-quality treasures are all tributes, and the emperor only rewards two or three pieces every year, and all of a year's worth was given to her at once.

"There's nothing else to do, let's get back."

Sure enough, she didn't want to see this Su family at all, this Su family was born to be a nuisance to her.

Su Jin resigned quickly and left immediately.

Zhao Ming'an was frightened to death when he entered the palace yesterday, he kowtowed and hurt his forehead, and today he stayed in the mansion listlessly to recuperate from his injuries.

Rehabilitation is actually a minor matter, the major issue is that he is afraid that Qin Lang will catch him and beat him up if he goes out.

With his small body, even ten more can't resist Qin Lang's fists.

Zhao Mingan was really angry, hated and aggrieved.

It would be fine if his people got caught and found out, then he was convinced and had nothing to say.

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