Medical Brocade Concentric

Chapter 1164 Suspicious

The emperor is old, and sicker than ordinary people, like a cocoon, far away from the water can not be close to the fire, and the emperor insists on not resting in peace, this is really a headache.

I hope His Royal Highness King Wu of Nanfan will end this battle as soon as possible and return triumphantly. If His Royal Highness King Wu can return triumphantly as soon as possible, the emperor will be happy, and maybe he will recover sooner.


Imperial Physician Dou and Su Jin went to discuss, and Emperor Yuanfeng called Qin Lang to speak.

When asked about the affairs of the patrol battalion, Qin Lang replied clearly, which pleased Emperor Yuanfeng a lot and nodded frequently.

This is finally someone who can calm down and do things down-to-earth, very good.

Emperor Yuanfeng sighed in his heart: How good this child is, but he was cheated by his father.

After discussing with Imperial Physician Dou, Su Jin drew up prescriptions for medicine and diet, and explained Emperor Yuanfeng one by one.

Emperor Yuanfeng asked very carefully, what is the medicinal property of the blind medicine? What is the use of mixing into the prescription? cure what?

Why is the medicated diet so matched? What effect will those medicinal materials have on each other?

Wait, take the trouble.

Imperial Physician Dou seemed to be used to it, explaining to Emperor Yuanfeng patiently and meticulously one by one, and looked at Su Jin from time to time to ask if what she meant was what he said.

Su Jin nodded in agreement, and said a few words along the way.

Seeing Emperor Yuanfeng's expression of satisfaction and reassurance, Su Jin felt sad and sad. Death is inevitable, and there is no one who is not afraid of death. The more high-ranking and powerful one is, how vigorous and impressive he is when he is young, how afraid of death he is when he is old.

However, Emperor Yuanfeng stubbornly refused to rest in peace, isn't this very contradictory?

Perhaps for him, the most reluctant thing is power.

Once recuperating, it is tantamount to delegating power.

Su Jin became even more worried, for fear that if he became suspicious, he and Qin Lang might suffer. People who are obsessed with power are all suspicious.

Thinking about the words she said boldly before, she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat from fear.

After finally explaining these clearly, Emperor Yuanfeng ordered Liang Shunan: "Go grab the medicine and decoct it." Then he said to Qin Lang and Su Jin: "Go back too."

Qin Lang and Su Jin hurriedly saluted and left, and left respectfully.

In the outer hall, the three of them still put on the large black cloaks that covered their faces and left.

Gu Nanfeng sent the two of them to the corner gate in the backyard of Prince Qian's Mansion.

"What happened tonight."

Qin Lang said politely, "Nothing happened tonight."

Gu Nanfeng nodded, cupped his hands at him, jumped into the carriage and left.

Qin Lang took Su Jin back to the Qian Palace, quietly returned to the Jinghe courtyard, and continued to sleep without mentioning it.

It was almost time for the morning court, and Qin Lang couldn't sleep anymore.

The two talked for a while, Qin Lang just closed his eyes and thought about things, and when he was about to go to court, he got up lightly.

His imperial grandfather didn't understand that he allowed him not to go to the morning court today!

But this is not surprising, after all, he is so sick and insists on going to court early, how can it be possible to give him permission not to go?

In the early morning, seeing the imperial grandfather who was still majestic sitting on the throne, Qin Lang's mood was particularly complicated.

At this moment, he has the same thought in his heart as Su Jin, so why bother?

The battle report this time is unclear.

It can also be said that there is no progress.

King Wu and his son led the army to retreat to the border town, resting and waiting for the continuous rainy weather before making any calculations. At the same time, they also urged logistics supplies, especially medicines and clothes.

I didn't expect that this war would last so long, I didn't expect to face such a ghostly weather, and I didn't expect that there would be so many casualties. The food and weapons are just enough, just medicine and clothes. A batch must be dispatched as soon as possible. .

Although the treasury is not considered very rich, but a little money can still be obtained. Emperor Yuanfeng immediately issued an order, ordering the Ministry of Households, the Ministry of War, and the Imperial Hospital to rush to do this immediately, and quickly distribute the sufficient medicines and clothes in batches. Shipping south.

The government immediately controlled and purchased medicinal materials in the capital and several important towns along the way to the south where medicinal materials are traded. The Lin Family Medical Center received the news from Su Jin in advance and prepared a large number of medicinal materials that were half sold and half given away to the imperial court. .

Su Jin's own share of dividends is basically useless for this year, so Master Lin Qi will convert all of them into the donated medicinal materials.

She doesn't need such a reputation, she sincerely wants to reduce some casualties on the front line.

But the Lin family was originally a family of medicine, so such a reputation is no problem.

Sure enough, King Wu did not make any more aggressive advances, but changed his strategy, playing steadily and waiting for opportunities. Emperor Yuanfeng and his courtiers were relieved.

Although all kinds of words praising King Wu are not as flying as before, they gradually began to raise their heads again, such as "Jiang is still old and hot!", "The prince was dizzy by the evil deeds of those barbarians before, so he was impulsive." , Now that I wake up, I won’t make such low-level mistakes again!”, “It’s all those barbarians who are cunning and insidious, and plotted against the prince!”, “The prince has experienced many battles, how can Xiaoxiao Nanfan be the prince’s opponent? It’s just a joke! "etc.

Everyone's confidence has greatly increased.

King Qian started to worry again, he was running around at home, but unfortunately he was timid, he didn't know how to please Emperor Yuanfeng, so he didn't dare to go up, he just wanted to force Qin Lang to take his wife and children to show his presence .

Qin Lang couldn't tell him clearly, so he simply didn't bother to pay attention to it, and avoided it if he could.

Even Su Jin was speechless.

Su Jin always felt that it would not be easy to win this war with King Wu's temper to fight the South. Unless the courtiers in Beijing and China had the experience of being exiled in the southern area in the early years, they would not know what the local situation was like. It would be easier said than done to defeat them.

If Emperor Yuanfeng was hit again, his body would probably no longer be able to bear it and collapse completely.

She was secretly worried, but Su Jin didn't dare to say a word.

Emperor Yuanfeng was getting older, and his suspicions became more serious. From the fact that he ordered her to prescribe medicines with Imperial Physician Dou, but he still had to dispense all the medicines and listen carefully to all the effects. It can be seen that deep in his heart, there must be Even Doctor Dou, who had been with him for more than ten years, refused to believe it easily.

The reason why he called himself and Qin Lang into the palace in the middle of the night was because of this, with her here, Imperial Doctor Dou would not dare to make troubles - the emperor probably thought so in his heart, right?

Under such circumstances, how tough is her head to dare to run to him and "speak the truth"?

Two more seven days have passed, and the battle report received this time is eloquent, saying that everything is under preparation, and a counterattack will be launched soon, giving the Nanfan people a fatal blow!

The atmosphere in the court hall suddenly relaxed, and the smiles on Emperor Yuanfeng's face increased.

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